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Mini Truckin General \  HELP!! Hellbent Customs stealing my truck!

HELP!! Hellbent Customs stealing my truck!

Mini Truckin General General Discussions
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cookiemonster13   +1y
guys, yes i am the almighty cookie. wooo hooo, i have nothing to do with hellbent or the building anymore. we moved out. everyone is right rodney is a one man show now. i am not here to defend anyone but myself and my club Pebble Pushers. I NOR PEBBLE PUSHERS HAVE NO VESTED INTEREST IN HELLBENT CUSTOMS!

please leave us out of it. the club should not get a black eye for bad buisness. this is shitty for everyone including me. i have been the punching bag for this shit for a much to long as i have been the only one who was willing to talk. I HAVE NEVER AND WILL NEVER WORK FOR HELLBENT CUSTOMS. just been a friend who has tried to help out from time to time.

My buisness partner and I did rent a building with hellbent for a while but we do not anymore.

I am sorry but i do not have any answers for anyone on what to do besides if it was me and i have been a situation like this before 10 years ago when i was 16. go get your shit and cut your losses. it sucks but i dont see anything else coming out of that shop except for a belongings auction sooner or later.

dnut24   +1y
Hey Cookie, I think thats what we are all trying to do. I am trying to secure my property, but it's hard when I can't get a hold of anyone. Is my truck still in that building or has it been moved? I need to know where my property is located.

I don't think anyone has coralated Pp with Hellbent, besides that members owned the shop. i don't feel in anyway people are bashing on Pp's. Please provide me with info on location of my truck.
DeepSouthS10   +1y
wow, what a clusterfuck! sucks when you gotta get a lawyer and cops involved just to get your own shit back.
minitrucker30   +1y
This has got out of control! First of all, your truck has not been stolen. You may need to do a little more homework on that! This is a bad situation for several people. There are 2 owners of Hellbent. Have you tried to contact the other owner Rob? Did you ever think that maybe he could help you? Rodney has been a one man band for a long time and one man can only do so much. Don't point the finger and place blame on one and not the other. Both are equally responsible for the vehicles in that shop. Being on here talking all this sh*t is not solving anything. I think it makes it worse for everyone including the members of PP. Rod has been out of the show scene for years, so only one member of the club is still associated with hellbent and thats Rob. Cookie has never had anything to do with hellbent, so not sure why everyone is saying to contact him. Its noones business to relay messages. It between you, Rod, and Rob. Everyone is one here going back and forth like a bunch of B****S. Get offline and use your resources to possibly contact Rob (the other owner) and see what he says. They both are good guys are I'm sure never thought all this would happen, but life sucks sometimes. For anyone who is in the same situation, get your vehicles back and chalk it up that you may be out of some money. We all know you can't squeeze blood from a turnip! It is what it is!
dnut24   +1y
Edited: 2/21/2008 12:12:21 PM by dnut24

Edited: 2/21/2008 12:10:00 PM by dnut24

Originally posted by minitrucker30

This has got out of control! First of all, your truck has not been stolen. You may need to do a little more homework on that! This is a bad situation for several people. There are 2 owners of Hellbent. Have you tried to contact the other owner Rob? Did you ever think that maybe he could help you? Rodney has been a one man band for a long time and one man can only do so much. Don't point the finger and place blame on one and not the other. Both are equally responsible for the vehicles in that shop. Being on here talking all this sh*t is not solving anything. I think it makes it worse for everyone including the members of PP. Rod has been out of the show scene for years, so only one member of the club is still associated with hellbent and thats Rob. Cookie has never had anything to do with hellbent, so not sure why everyone is saying to contact him. Its noones business to relay messages. It between you, Rod, and Rob. Everyone is one here going back and forth like a bunch of B****S. Get offline and use your resources to possibly contact Rob (the other owner) and see what he says. They both are good guys are I'm sure never thought all this would happen, but life sucks sometimes. For anyone who is in the same situation, get your vehicles back and chalk it up that you may be out of some money. We all know you can't squeeze blood from a turnip! It is what it is!

Ok.. who are you? Seems you don't have your facts straight either. First off Rod is the only owner of the shop, check the BBB listing of it. Second Robbie has not been at the shop for a bit, this is what Rodney told me, that he has nothing to do with the shop. Further more, I paid Rod for the work and he's been working on it himself. So once again come with some facts before you act like you know something.

BBB linkoh and that "no response" complaint that was mine. they never responded to the complaint.

Contact him?? Are you serious? What else can you do when all the numbers he's given you have been disconnected, and the one number that isn't messages are returned. Oh what about the emails I send with no response, what about the certified snail mail letters that were returned with no delivery possible. Don't come on here acting like you know whats up when you don't have any clue. I have made constant trips and attempts within the last two years. All he has done is promise me he was finishing the truck and hasn't.

Further more if my truck is not at the location I left it at and has been relocated without notifying me, then it is in fact stolen. You mean to tell me if some shop had your ride, closed up shop, moved it and never contacted you you wouldn't think it's stolen? Please give it a rest. This is me trying to find out where my property is to secure it. I'm trying to located it to get it back, plain and simple. It sucks when people don't have balls or a spine to pick up the phone and tell a paying customer that his property is being moved.

Bottom line, if i don't get location of my vehicle by today, I will report it stolen, and the other people's vehicles that are also unaware of where they are should do the same. Don't come on here and try to tell me what to do with my property. I gave him a fully built truck with barely any miles on it, handed him over multiple thousands of dollars to be put through this. Get some more info mysterious 1 poster dude. "Do your homework" give me a break you idiot.
minitrucker30   +1y
See, I have better things to do than to be on SSM all the time. Thats why I'm a 1 post person (now 2)! The only reason I am even responding to any of this is because I DO know the situation! The business was registered with the BBB in 05 under Rodney's name. And? There are other documents that place both Rod and Rob and partners. Eventhough Rob hasn't been there is a while (like Rodney said), it still doesn't make him any less responsible for the vehicles there. I don't believe that any vehicles were taken in after Rob stop working there on a regular basis!! So, if he was there and monies were exchanged to him or Rod, then both are equally responsible. Also, let me clarify that the shop has NOT closed and NO vehicles have been moved! So whoever said that needs to get their facts straight. You can say whatever you want to me and call me an idiot if you please. That just goes to show your immatuarity. Like I said, its a bad situation and I hope it works out for everyone involved!
dnut24   +1y
Edited: 2/21/2008 12:47:28 PM by dnut24

Until I get verification that my vehicle is still there I will call it stolen by 5pm EST. From what Cookie said, who is someone who worked in same building, he just stated they have moved out. If my truck is there, then fine, he can call me and I'll come and pick it up, end of story, no need to envolve the police. If you want I'll send you the emails after emails of my attempts to contact him. Not to mention the phone calls and the time and gas burned driving 2 hrs one way to catch him at the shop for 5 minutes. Rob has never been in the picture since day one of me speaking to Rodney, so there is no reason to have him involved especially if he doesn't even work there anymore. Calling you an idiot doesn't show my immaturity, it shows your lack of knowledge coming on here telling me I don't know what I'm talking about. Oh and by the way, I have contact Rob last night with no response.
TukinRange   +1y
Screw that, Take the police with you and shut this guy down before he screws other people out of their money.
droppedtoy   +1y
hey whats that in the background behind my car? both of those were right there as of the weekend before blood drag.

post photo
railn720   +1y
all i can say is cookie has nothing to do with this...him saying he moved doesnt mean anything about the vehicles with hellbent moving, i know my truck is there for a fact...and no i cant contact anyone but all you can do is go get your shit...yea its a bunch of bullshit, but im not gonna waste my time ranting and raveing on fuck shitty shops and shitty people...just get your shit, and move on DO WORK SON!!