i havent done any weight lifting working out in a while. but when i did i usually alternated every other day. lower body, upper body, lower body, yada yada yada. took the weekends off. usually did upper body Monday,Wednesday,Friday. lower body Tuesday,Thursday. be sure to stretch too.
before and after workouts.
and yeah ive been riding my bike with Cris on the weekends for a lil while now. it was just a once a week thing, but now that im jobless(damnit) ive been riding everyday. well except for Wednesday cuz it f'n rained. but my legs have been pretty sore. i just make sure i stretch good before and after i go and ive just been doing whatever my legs could handle. not going overboard. rode 16-18miles Sunday, 8-9 Monday,Tuesday, rained Wednesday, and 10 or so today. damn wind is hell to ride against too btw.