Originally posted by scooter24fan
Yep I had a bunch of those friends once, then a few less , then a few less now its just me. I still work on my trucks i have 2 minis. A 1996 hardbody xtra cab, and my newest project a 1987 hardbody that is currently stripped down to the bare frame. People say to me "Man your 35 let the little truck thing go already grow up". Here is the part where I tell them where the HELL they gan go !!! I have a life, a good job, wife, kids, a Big ass F-350, house garage, land, AND my dam little trucks. So what more can one want?
right on man. Sounds like alot of us have had the experience. Help a bro with his truck..bust your ass to get his done and done right, then it comes time for your truck and you cant get ahold of them or they are working late etc..etc..etc. then your truck sits for another 2 years because you do everything to your truck by yourself....sucks but I guess thats how it goes obviously