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Mini Truckin General \  Surely people still do this...

Surely people still do this...

Mini Truckin General General Discussions
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jerid   +1y
dude im very happy with my friends. I have two buddies from indy that drive down to help me...thats a 2 hour drive...and they know exactly what i want from them when they drive here. It's like we discuss whats going to happen when they drive down and when they get here it happens.

it's always good to have a few friends that will come over and help you lift a bed off, or sometimes they will come over to lift off a cab. Thats awesome but it doesn't take a minitrucker to do that. dad could help me do that.

also, any friends that you have to bribe with "hey im making food wanna come grind my frame?" isn't a good friend. John (pink bronco II thats now blk and tan) drove down just last week to help me get my frame squared on my frame table, jigged, cut, and then started helping me reorganize my garage...all just to do something on the weekend. Didn't ask for gas money, didn't ask for food. just cause we're friends and he loves being able to work on something that has to do with a body drop.

sorry i wrote a novel...just very opinionated on the whole too much to do not enough friends to do it in
fatboysS1O   +1y
Originally posted by dragmatic

I still do this and always have. I'm not much technical help but I can sure critique and be a great gopher.

Trust sux being the guy with lots of great ideas and no skills who lives in BFE.

thats me to a tee right there, minus the living in bfe part.
scooter24fan   +1y
Yep I had a bunch of those friends once, then a few less , then a few less now its just me. I still work on my trucks i have 2 minis. A 1996 hardbody xtra cab, and my newest project a 1987 hardbody that is currently stripped down to the bare frame. People say to me "Man your 35 let the little truck thing go already grow up". Here is the part where I tell them where the HELL they gan go !!! I have a life, a good job, wife, kids, a Big ass F-350, house garage, land, AND my dam little trucks. So what more can one want?
Layumon22s   +1y
from my experience I will never help a friend do serious work on their ride because if something were to go wrong I dont want them coming back and getting pissed at me for something I didn't even do but simply because I was trying to help them out. I wasn't paying attention one time and my buddy ended up crossing the positive and negative on his amp feeds and tried to blame me and get me to replace his amp when he turned the amp on before I even had time to check over his work. I therefore don't take any help on mine, I either do my own work or shop it out to someone who is more able.
granth   +1y
im sorry you have a shitty friend
bodydropped85   +1y
yup if im gona help some one, there gona do the bitch work. but sometimes you just have to do it yourself cuz other people just half assthings and think its ok.
jerid   +1y
^HAHA thats awesome. i feel ya's like you have friends that you would trust with EVERYTHING and then friends you want there just to get beer from the fridge.
detached   +1y
yea sometimes i wish i had help when im working on shit other times i think it would just meen having sombody in the way however theres times i wish i had sombody to help move beds and shit when i had to remove them cause the hombre i had the bed on that thing was so damn heavy and i took the damn thing off twice. it was fully skinned, reinforced, tubbed, smoothed metal floors & sides, plus seams were filled in the bed floor with body filler and then primer and line x'd so damn heavy
Tacon19s   +1y
Originally posted by scooter24fan

Yep I had a bunch of those friends once, then a few less , then a few less now its just me. I still work on my trucks i have 2 minis. A 1996 hardbody xtra cab, and my newest project a 1987 hardbody that is currently stripped down to the bare frame. People say to me "Man your 35 let the little truck thing go already grow up". Here is the part where I tell them where the HELL they gan go !!! I have a life, a good job, wife, kids, a Big ass F-350, house garage, land, AND my dam little trucks. So what more can one want?

right on man. Sounds like alot of us have had the experience. Help a bro with his truck..bust your ass to get his done and done right, then it comes time for your truck and you cant get ahold of them or they are working late etc..etc..etc. then your truck sits for another 2 years because you do everything to your truck by but I guess thats how it goes obviously
locaddy   +1y
Originally posted by DETACHED

yea sometimes i wish i had help when im working on shit other times i think it would just meen having sombody in the way however theres times i wish i had sombody to help move beds and shit when i had to remove them cause the hombre i had the bed on that thing was so damn heavy and i took the damn thing off twice. it was fully skinned, reinforced, tubbed, smoothed metal floors & sides, plus seams were filled in the bed floor with body filler and then primer and line x'd so damn heavy

Yeah I know what you mean, I always end up getting jack shit done when I have "help" Even moving beds and stuff I cant find good help. I have had like 3 beds get damaged from the guy(s) not picking it high enough over the tires or having to sit it down halfway off. I have started jacking beds up and pulling the truck out from under them. It would be nice to have friends that I trusted to weld something up or cut something etc. while Im doing something else, but I just dont have that luxury. You can do this stuff alone for the most part just gotta go about it a little differently.