Originally posted by thacru78
Edited: 4/18/2008 2:30:42 AM by thacru78
Like the economy boosting check everyone's supposed to get in May.
The US borrows 140 Billion from China, distributes it to the Public, then the public will turn around and spend it on products from China, since 90% of shit is made in China anyways. It's win win for China. Meanwhile, if it ever gets to a point that China thinks we cant pay, then China does what everybody else does, they come get their money however it may be. Everything is going up right now because of inflation. We have more money in circulation than we have in the reserves. Therefore the dollar is down in other countries. So if the dollar is only worth .50 in Japan and we buy $100 worth of electronics from Japan, then were actually only getting $50 worth of electronics, yet it's costing us double because of the dollar being down. We're to busy sending money and bodies into Iraq trying to help people who don't want to help themselves to realize we are making our own people suffer. The US needs to worry about the US and fuck everybody else. Just my .02. Sorry for the rant...i'm a little tipsy and it cost me $77 to fill my truck up tonight when it used to cost me $30. I want to go to Gator Drag which is just 2 hours away but it's going to cost me almost $300 to go. Fucking rediculous. Gas prices haven't only changed my show schedule, they've changed everything. I don't go anywhere I don't absolutely have to go. I hate gas...
China.. Last 4th of July, someone dropped a little package by our front door that contained an American flag. I thought that was pretty cool. BUT, that was before I took a closer look and found the words "made in China" An American flag that was made in China. China