impounded dakota
Originally posted by ByOs
Guys i hate to break it to you, my family is Colombian, and just got off the phone with my uncle their, and he said unleaded gas is 40 pesos exchange in $ is .75 cents a gal.. why is it that a THIRD WORLD Country can provide their people cheap gas, and free health care for life?? and even thou life is dangerous, they can still manage to drive their cars they buy from US AND CHINA??? and Venezuela has gas for 40 cents a gal... I am so sick of the US not doing shit for their people, This country is going to shit fast, and hell it might even become a third world country if this fucking government does wake up and smell the fucking coffee..
Gas in the us will reach $5.00 a gal by the end of 2008 and thats where it will stay for a while.....What will you do when you cant afford gas anymore and are forced to take the fucking bus????? why you say because the end of the middle class in the US is dying quick.. the US will be for the RICH... and the poor fuck them.... Looks like if shit don't change the PEOPLE will have to do what they have to do to survive!! and trust me I will too... The US Government doesn't give a FUCK!
Both of the countries your refering to are considered "mixed markets" it's a combination of socialism and capitalism, which means they don't work on the same terms as our "free market" system. Both of those countries are very poor, but both of those countries also happen to be oil producing nations at the same time. There would be no possible way to sell gas to them on the same terms as us.