i agree with you Lucky, when the oil started getting high ... gas over $2 , it sucked , but i kinda understood .. supply and demand..... then it started getting higher.. so i started reading alot of online news on Peak oil , oil , trade and etc... and watch the barrel of oil go up . and it was blamed on supply and demand , speculation , China and Asia . well last week , ive been reading that the USA is driving less , and the barrel of oil went down to around $124 even at $121 at times... but the price of gas kept going up ? so something else is going on , someone is realizing that they can drain us from our money by oil... alot of people blame OPEC .. but we only get %40 of our oil from them... the biggest people i would like to blame is the Environmentalist . they influence our government to the point our oil companies cant drill or have to go threw tons of permints and etc to open up more refineries ... pretty sad that Rome and Japan are both soon to be drilling 200 mile off the gulf for oil . but we cant... then again .. the oil we do have , goes to the world market... i really think that when we had our first oil problem in 1970's , that should have been the time to start looking for alternate energy and oil type of stuff... but people made money soaking up oil and making us dependant on it ... and now theyre talking about Electric cars and all types of new stuff... sad thing is .. might help .. but since oil / fuel so high , alot of companies have laid off people and people been loosing there homes and etc, that most americans will not be able to afford new cars or have the credit to be able to buy new cars...
something got to be done.. i dunno what ... but this is crazy!! people getting laid off, price of food goes up , farmers cant afford fuel , and on top of that , theres a world wide food shortage.
but i guess alot of things always goes down the drain when elections come around ... i dont really like both canidates... but in the stupid debates and news conference, i dont want to hear questions to them being asked about possible war in Iraq , or russia and whatnot... i want answers to what the government gonna do about OUR Country!! Economy , Oil , JOBS ..
fix the oil problem , it will fix our Economy . Government puts the blame on us for driving .. but how many tons of fuel do they waste on stuff that can be cut down... right down to my own city .. why does every gas meter reader drives a full size truck? i know thats more local government , but just wondering how much fuel they waste in general?
also , theyre focusing on fuel effeciant cars .. thats great .. what about more fuel effeciant (SP?) trucks and semis? seems like theyre the heart of the country , and theyre paying more for fuel..
ok . thats part of my rant.. lol...
heres an article on some of the BS the government is thinking or has done..