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Mini Truckin General \  Another gas price thread

Another gas price thread

Mini Truckin General General Discussions
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retrodrag   +1y
payed $3.98 @ chevron the other day =(
2tonesdime5   +1y
if i didnt have to pay for health insurance i could afford $5 gas...
shellhart   +1y
just paid 449/gal for deisel in NY
BigPoppa7767   +1y
This morning I just filled up the S10 at Sunoco for $1.27/liter which roughly translates to $4.76/gallon
PimpinMidgets   +1y
Russ is right, it is a supply and demand issue, and its not going away. Although there is enough oil in the ground to keep the world moving for a few more generations the fact is they are not getting it out of the ground fast enough. This combined with the fact that you have developing countries such as China and India coming online with everyone wanting to drive vehicles does not help our situation.

The only way that gas prices are going down is if you stop driving. This doesnt mean dont buy gas from one company or another. This means alter your habits so you dont drive period, or keep it to a minimum. The catch is that not only a few can do it, it would need to be done globally....if you can figure a way to do this im all ears.
donobird   +1y
Edited: 4/30/2008 10:33:41 AM by donobird

We use more oil in a day than we produce.

we should just take all the oil in iraq. so the yuppy soccer moms can drive there 1 ton suvs to run around town and all of us crew cab cruisers dont have to fit our fat ass back to our old mini trucks to go to a show. just saying. gas is $3.48 south of DFW texas
CHOSN1   +1y
So I was listening to a morning show couple days ago and they said it's the chinese fault gas is so high. Too many damn people. Anyway, crude shot up big today near 140. And someone mentioned oil going to $200. Wasn't oil just under 100 a few months ago and now they talk about 200 Some asshole hedgefund trader said oil at $200 would be a good thing. Maybe get the auto makers to start building alternative cars. But I just wanted to post a chart of crude oil. Can someone tell me what oil was when Bush came into office and also can you tell me what it is today You gotta love our President

post photo
daniels67   +1y
im paying Australian $1.69 a litre
with the exchange rate being close to the american dollar
at the moment the equates to $7.00 a gallon:wtf:
i need to scrap my impalas V8 and insert a hybrid engine:lol
lucky_brew   +1y
Edited: 6/6/2008 11:17:30 PM by lucky_brew

there are a million explinations why gas is so high.

we can blame the prez, enviromentalist, the chinese, gas guzzling suvs, import/export from other countries, the war - and the list goes on!

the other day i heard mccain say a solution would be battery cars to last 2-3 hours. great idea moron considering we would all have to buy new fukin cars or have a costly hybrid replacement.

anyway, it brought me to this thought - when the tree huggers said R12 freon was burning up the ozone, we suddenly discovered an alternative: r134a. it doesnt blow as cold but it does cost less and for the most part is safer. i converted my 83 yota to r134a for litterally a few bucks. why in the fuk cant this apply to fuel???????

we can blame a million things for costly fuel prices but that wont solve shit....

our solution is an alternative fuel that will burn in our existing cars!!!!!!! if we all do what dumb ass mccain suggest, and push auto makers to make a heap of shit that runs a measly 2-3 hours on battery power then where does that leave us? buying new cars and what? - simply junking the old ones?

ALTERNATIVE FUELS is where its at! and not this idiotic ethanol/e85 either... thats stupid! why do you think diesel is 5.00 per gallon? because e85 is essentially corn and ALL farm equipment to harvest this product runs diesel. plus e85 gets shitty gas mileage and it take a gazillion gallons of 5.00 per galln diesel to make a teany-tiny portion of ethanol. wow, what damn genius came up with that "great" idea? obviously someone who has their hands in the oil biz!

when fuel is even higher priced than it is now and the country comes to a screeching halt at a faster rate than it currently is, "the powers that be" will realize that the almighty dollar doesnt mean shit when no one can get to work to make the dollar nor get out-and-about to spend it.

sorry about my novel, i spent $285.00 in fuel last week alone so its got me a bit rattled!

McClarys   +1y
i agree with you Lucky, when the oil started getting high ... gas over $2 , it sucked , but i kinda understood .. supply and demand..... then it started getting higher.. so i started reading alot of online news on Peak oil , oil , trade and etc... and watch the barrel of oil go up . and it was blamed on supply and demand , speculation , China and Asia . well last week , ive been reading that the USA is driving less , and the barrel of oil went down to around $124 even at $121 at times... but the price of gas kept going up ? so something else is going on , someone is realizing that they can drain us from our money by oil... alot of people blame OPEC .. but we only get %40 of our oil from them... the biggest people i would like to blame is the Environmentalist . they influence our government to the point our oil companies cant drill or have to go threw tons of permints and etc to open up more refineries ... pretty sad that Rome and Japan are both soon to be drilling 200 mile off the gulf for oil . but we cant... then again .. the oil we do have , goes to the world market... i really think that when we had our first oil problem in 1970's , that should have been the time to start looking for alternate energy and oil type of stuff... but people made money soaking up oil and making us dependant on it ... and now theyre talking about Electric cars and all types of new stuff... sad thing is .. might help .. but since oil / fuel so high , alot of companies have laid off people and people been loosing there homes and etc, that most americans will not be able to afford new cars or have the credit to be able to buy new cars...
something got to be done.. i dunno what ... but this is crazy!! people getting laid off, price of food goes up , farmers cant afford fuel , and on top of that , theres a world wide food shortage.
but i guess alot of things always goes down the drain when elections come around ... i dont really like both canidates... but in the stupid debates and news conference, i dont want to hear questions to them being asked about possible war in Iraq , or russia and whatnot... i want answers to what the government gonna do about OUR Country!! Economy , Oil , JOBS ..
fix the oil problem , it will fix our Economy . Government puts the blame on us for driving .. but how many tons of fuel do they waste on stuff that can be cut down... right down to my own city .. why does every gas meter reader drives a full size truck? i know thats more local government , but just wondering how much fuel they waste in general?
also , theyre focusing on fuel effeciant cars .. thats great .. what about more fuel effeciant (SP?) trucks and semis? seems like theyre the heart of the country , and theyre paying more for fuel..
ok . thats part of my rant.. lol...

heres an article on some of the BS the government is thinking or has done..