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Another gas price thread

Mini Truckin General General Discussions
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SeveredBody   +1y
Edited: 6/7/2008 5:39:18 AM by BODYDROD

Edited: 6/7/2008 5:34:29 AM by BODYDROD

This chart is from CNN's website. Gas prices around the world (in US dollars per gallon).

Pretty astonishing collection of data:

Gasoline prices in the United States, which have recently hit record highs, are actually much lower than in many countries. Drivers in some European cities, like Amsterdam and Oslo, are paying nearly 3 times more than those in the U.S.

The main factor in price disparities between countries is government policy, according to AirInc, a company that tracks the cost of living in various places around the world. Many European nations tax gasoline heavily, with taxes making up as much as 75 percent of the cost of a gallon of gasoline, said a spokesperson for AirInc.

Netherlands Amsterdam $6.48 Norway Oslo $6.27 Italy Milan $5.96 Denmark Copenhagen $5.93 Belgium Brussels $5.91 Sweden Stockholm $5.80 United Kingdom London $5.79 Germany Frankfurt $5.57 France Paris $5.54 Portugal Lisbon $5.35 Hungary Budapest $4.94 Luxembourg $4.82 Croatia Zagreb $4.81 Ireland Dublin $4.78 Switzerland Geneva $4.74 Spain Madrid $4.55 Japan Tokyo $4.24 Czech Republic Prague $4.19 Romania Bucharest $4.09 Andorra $4.08 Estonia Tallinn $3.62 Bulgaria Sofia $3.52 Brazil Brasilia $3.12 Cuba Havana $3.03 Taiwan Taipei $2.84 Lebanon Beirut $2.63 South Africa Johannesburg $2.62 Nicaragua Managua $2.61 Panama Panama City $2.19 Russia Moscow $2.10 Puerto Rico San Juan $1.74 Saudi Arabia Riyadh $0.91 Kuwait Kuwait City $0.78 Egypt Cairo $0.65 Nigeria Lagos $0.38 Venezuela Caracas $0.12

man i wish my president was hugo chavez so we could have low gas prices, wait till bush is out of office and all the morons who want obama will see how much better everything will be. we will live in a perfect world, yeah right.
CHOSN1   +1y
Ice, I agree 100%. Don't remember when gas hit $2.00 but I want to say somewhere around Katrina. I was sooo f'n pist. I told my wife, I'm not paying $2.00 a gallon for gas Now, I'm about to pay $4.00 a gallon. It seems like someone on TV will say it's because of this and the next day someone else will say well its this. When it all comes down to it, I blame my great president. Just look at that chart again. Bush is suppose to be our leader. He failed misserably there. I don't know about yall but my next vehicle will be electric. Lucky, you said that is a bad idea but what if gas is $6.00+ dollars this time next year. Or fuck, what about by the end of this year? My solution would be to MAKE the automakers produce nothing BUT gas efficient cars or electric cars. America is in a very bad situation right now as I'm sure everyone knows. Unemployment had the biggest rise in years last month. House values are a joke (mine dropped over 15% this year). Our MPG average is around 20. If we could get GMC, Ford and Dodge to ditch the gas guzzling SUVs and produce fuel efficient cars, the MPG would jump tremendous. Overnight you would see the crude jump back down. But as for now, I will say crude prices will hit a high of 150 this coming week and after fathers day, see the price go back down. The fed meets later this month so I'm banking on them to make our dollar stronger and end this bullshit gas price. Oh and also, what about controlling our borders? More people who come into this country, the more people who use our gas, the higher the price will go. And something I forgot to add about automakers. Make the fuel efficient cars cheap to us and let the government give them tax breaks.
corey0814   +1y
Edited: 6/7/2008 12:13:54 PM by corey0814

$4.26 for the cheap crap in tacoma, wa!

filled the dually yeasterday (1/2 tank...$68 ) & promised myself not to drive it till the lowdown show since it'll most likely be $4.75 in 3 weeks...

that's why my daily is a 2002 corolla...i know i look like a 16 year old girl or some fag, but 35 mpg?!? the dually has a 454 & it's about 8mpg & the toyota is still under construction

one thing i can be thankful for now is that i burn a 50/50 mix of diesel & used motor oil in my shop heater & i remember bitching like crazy last time i filled my 2 55 gallon drums & paid like $2.80 or so, but now that it's $4.91 for diesel...

mazda2low   +1y
yeah i seen $4.46 for reg her in wa...and i seen $5.10 for diesel

its becoming stupid i got a motorcycle that gets 60 mpg but i got it a year ago...coming in great use lol

but i am seeing tons of motorcycles on the road even in the worst of weather
LndRanger86   +1y
McClarys   +1y
this article almost tells us where we are now... especially the last paragraph ..

____-----_____-----Email | Print Type Size - +The politics of oil shaleFortune talks to Sens. Orrin Hatch and Wayne Allard about the roadblocks to oil shale production.By Jon Birger, senior writer

gas_pump_3.ce.03.jpgWith gas at $4 a gallon, development of oil shale in the United States is bogged down in politics.Special Reportfull coverageGAS CRUNCHCrude oil: 6 culprits taking the heatOil surges $11 to record $138Gas prices just shy of recordSix fixes for pricey gasolineIssue #1

* Wal-Mart doing well by doing good * There's no TGIF at the job center * Unemployment spike stirs stimulus talk * Nation's economic pain deepens * Oil surges $11 to record $138

Issue #1 on CNN
wsitywim   +1y
this is bullshit. i wish gas was as cheap in corona as some other places. $3.49-$4.29. right now in corona the cheap gas station (thrifty's) is $4.61 for regular.