Ice, I agree 100%. Don't remember when gas hit $2.00 but I want to say somewhere around Katrina. I was sooo f'n pist. I told my wife, I'm not paying $2.00 a gallon for gas Now, I'm about to pay $4.00 a gallon. It seems like someone on TV will say it's because of this and the next day someone else will say well its this. When it all comes down to it, I blame my great president. Just look at that chart again. Bush is suppose to be our leader. He failed misserably there. I don't know about yall but my next vehicle will be electric. Lucky, you said that is a bad idea but what if gas is $6.00+ dollars this time next year. Or fuck, what about by the end of this year? My solution would be to MAKE the automakers produce nothing BUT gas efficient cars or electric cars. America is in a very bad situation right now as I'm sure everyone knows. Unemployment had the biggest rise in years last month. House values are a joke (mine dropped over 15% this year). Our MPG average is around 20. If we could get GMC, Ford and Dodge to ditch the gas guzzling SUVs and produce fuel efficient cars, the MPG would jump tremendous. Overnight you would see the crude jump back down. But as for now, I will say crude prices will hit a high of 150 this coming week and after fathers day, see the price go back down. The fed meets later this month so I'm banking on them to make our dollar stronger and end this bullshit gas price. Oh and also, what about controlling our borders? More people who come into this country, the more people who use our gas, the higher the price will go. And something I forgot to add about automakers. Make the fuel efficient cars cheap to us and let the government give them tax breaks.