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Mini Truckin General \  something to think about....

something to think about....

Mini Truckin General General Discussions
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thacru78   +1y
I'll bet my life saving that more people die every year due to Ranchhand Bumpers and Brush Gaurds than by SFBD trucks. You ever seen a compact car get rearended by a 1 ton with a 1000 bumper on the front of it, brutal. I understand everyones thought process on the the deal, but just about every aftermarket modification jeopardizes(sp) the engineering of a vehicle. Rather it is a drop, lift, large sub enclosure, etc.
phatedscustoms   +1y
that is a very true point the rachhand bumper also affects the way the vehicle absorbs energy for both vehicles no just the one on the business end of the big bumper
okcderek   +1y
Originally posted by gorillagarage

i have always have had a fear of getting a billet steering wheel to the forehead

...I just fear getting in my dually and my billet wheel not burning my hands.
Severed701   +1y
oh yeah..lifted stuff and trucks with big aftermarket bumpers are the same way..i guess i just didnt include that stuff in my first really applies to anything of that nature thats custom
gorillagarage   +1y
Originally posted by Big Dee

Originally posted by gorillagarage

i have always have had a fear of getting a billet steering wheel to the forehead

...I just fear getting in my dually and my billet wheel not burning my hands.

thats why you gotta keep 2 rags or a t shirt in there at all times here in chicago in the winter time you gotta drive with some gloves on too
unusualfabrication   +1y
If your aftermarket steering system is design properly it will collaspe away from you in a collison. I believe that there is a good diagram on how to properly set one up on Ididit's website. I know its in their catalog because I am looking at it, lol.
granth   +1y
Originally posted by madmax95

all this is true, but how many shows u go to and see people getting drunk out of their mind... and how many times u go to a bar and see what goes down.... thats what u gotta worry about is some drunk dumb arse crashing into you... i lost someone in my life to a drunk... i swear if i lose another close person cause of someone drunk driving, im gonna lose it all and shot him/her in the face( sorry for the rant) all in all, we gotta show some love at the shows, talk to the person about his ride, go or bad, just dont point and take pics.....we are all in it together no matter how u look at it, i thought minitrucking was a big family... but its like high school the way i see it sometimes..... later

sorry for your loss. drunk drivers are fuckin morons, no ifs ands or buts about it. as far as drinkin at shows, i would hope to god minitruckers would have the common courtesy to not drive their hard earned money into someone elses. i get drunk at shows and have a blast, would i ever even think of getting in any of my rides with more than a beer or two in me......hell no. hell if i have a rum and coke wiht my buddies, my keys are in the drawer til i sober up.

us minitruckers for the most part respect every other minitrucker out there. we have our bouts and shit with others, but were all a family in the end. ive met a few guys here lately that have changed my view of the scene 180 degrees. they know who they are, so it goes unsaid. if i were to lose any of them i dont know where id look for inspiration and plain ol' shootin the shit when were bored workin or when i should be listenin to my teacher spout off about politics i could care less about.

the scene is still alive, and kicking, and moving in a positive direction. you will always have the idiots, but there are guys out there who are still in it for the right reasons. i know a few pesonally.
Master Fabber   +1y
Off subject does anyone maybe have the contact info for the guy that owns that white honda at the top of this thread? I want some of that sick work done to my ride. I love living on the edge!
e10pvmt   +1y
As someone who cuts people out of cars for a living i will chime in here.....i have seen some mangled ass rides completly obliterated and cut the driver out with only minor injuries...this is due to the engineering....i have also popped the door on a minor rollover only to drag a lifeless body out of the car....the older big body cars of the 40's-70's would kill people because there body absorbed the impacts so there internals were all fucked up and torn because of yes engineering is there but its all in how you drive, using your seatbelt, and probably fate or whatever you may believe for how it applies to minis i am not sure....yes we over engineer shit but we also tend to remove a toyota for example...i cut out the aprons to clear the 19's and redid some classic trailer fenders.....i am certain if i was in an accident they would have crumpled no doubt....steering was stock so it was built to collapse....but i agree with a statement made earlier that i fear more for my family with the hack jobs on the road than an over engineered SFBD frame.....reputable shops are there for a reason....and if you want to do it yourself then invest some time and effort into learnin what the hell your dosent take much to learn how to weld or study up on some suspension design and theory....i myself sold the taco 4 years ago and have spent the last 4 studying and debating my frame setup on the 4runner.....once i got what i was going to do figured out i drew it all up on paper to make sure it would work...then tweaked it as needed as i learned more important facts and forces applied in a suspension (thanks Max)....all it takes is patience and a little bit of knowledge and you can build a safe working suspension setup...just my 2 pennies
skip1100   +1y
I think the bigger concern here is the huge ass lifted trucks that would run over a standard size car. I think that is the bigger issue. I think cops should crack down on big lifted trucks more than
BD ones. because if i hit someone in my BD im more than likely going to end up on the bad side of things, but if the guy in the lifted truck hits someone, he is going to walk away fine but the car he hit will be in very bad shape!