Edited: 7/10/2008 11:21:23 AM by CoolNumber9
Originally posted by LoMoFo
I just found this thread and thought that I would throw my 2 cents in. I was one of the first people to work with Jody @ the Drop Shop, before he hit the mainstream in the minitruckin world. During that one summer we Bd'd my toyota, did several hydraulic setups on some out of state vehicles, but the biggest job that we did as the toyota xcab that prick eventually bought off of (chris i think) from N.Carolina before the graphics were painted on it and it was just blue. After I had to go back to school Jody and I eventually lost touch, I am still trying to get back in touch with him, last time I saw him I bought a pair of toyota drop spindles off of him. I know that several people from Acrophobia have talked to him recently and one guy even said that Jody told him to tell me hello, but I still dont have a way to get in touch with him. If anybody knows how to reach him, please let me know. I recognize several people from this thread, Lee, Shannon, etc man I am getting old...What's up Andy! Wow man it has been years since I talked to you, this is Timmy or as Jody called me Timbo, I had the Red Mazda or Black when I worked down there, I worked with him back in 97 and 98. Man its unbelieveable how many people I had lost touch with are here.