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Mini Truckin General \  BodyDropped Ram on 26's

BodyDropped Ram on 26's

Mini Truckin General General Discussions
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PatFukenBurke   +1y
Originally posted by ahab

You dont need hazmat sign with compressed air. You are a douche bag.

Did you go to school past the 6th grade. Well if you get there one day science class has an element chart and under gas it will say C02 which is air. And here is the Fedral HAZMAT Law link. You might want someone to read it to you.

mindlissmetalfab   +1y
Edited: 8/29/2008 6:18:34 PM by iLLblazer

Its actually carbon dioxide. One of many gases that makes up 'air'. But keep digging burke. Although I'm sure your shovel is almost worn out by now.

By the way. here is AIR for you. 78.08% nitrogen, 20.95% oxygen, 0.93% argon, 0.038% carbon dioxide

C02 Barely registers. Nice try though.
ahab   +1y
those are nitrogen tanks....and yes you do look like an idiot.
jvblazn1984   +1y
damn guys give it up already.....
tre5   +1y
So questions, before comments?????

1. Can you use spell check?
2. Can you fit a tube to a tube without pinching it or butting it?
3. Can you loose the fukenpatburke attitude?
4. What is the turning radius of that contraption?
5. What is with all the uneeded tubes?
6. What is with that wishbone?
7. What kind of tape measure did you use when you built that truck?
8. What were you thinking when you cut someones truck up like that?
9. How much is he sueing you for?
tre5   +1y
10. Who told you heim joints went out?
11. When did straight axles come back in?
cruisinlowS10   +1y
Edited: 8/29/2008 6:36:06 PM by cruisinlowS10

Patfukenburke. Your signature states that "we dont know you and we dont know your style" All i can say is thank goodness. I wouldnt want to be associated with such an asshole. You plaster gaudy stickers proclaiming the worlds first blah blah blah and your name and all that. Who cares if its the worlds first if it isnt anything but a hacked up POS. Then you come out with the statement you have 20 years and covers this and titles this and act like your SHIT dont stink. Id be flat out embarassed if I acted like that on a public forum. Id be flat out embarassed to put my name on such a hack job too. You are no better than anybody else. You asked for this by rushing that hacked up front end to a show. And you say "dont hate...congratulate." What can we congratulate you for? Being a total fucking douche?

Im with whomever said they were looking toward the future of our scene. This kind of jackass attitude and behavior is exactly what brings us down. It is also why this is my 3rd post on this forum in several months now. I used to be on here daily but shit like this just drove me away. Call this what you want to. Call it me hating. Thats what you are going to take it as anyway. When the fact is Im just shooting straight from the hip here.
sicsan   +1y
it used to be fun till street source.. then all the people started talking shit to everyone. fuck if you dont like just be quiet unless it was unsafe, he said hes mocking it up to redo when he has time. theres alot more hacke shit than that. he said he wanted to rush it to hang out with some friwends at a show and show people something different. hes not driving it so hell... and he said hes driving it to sema which will be over 3000 miles there and back. so it will be redone. thats like saying know body never tacked welded something then broke it loose just to see if it worked thats what he did. give it a rest and let him build it.. no matter what the hell it turns out like there is going to be some dumbass throwing off on it somewere. hell the very first post that showed bills hummer had the pics with the bumpers off and the floor cut out above the rearend with lines and hoses ran everywere. you think it looks like that now? i bet not. hell i know before i put a sht load of time in something like front of that truck id like to see if it would work..... and obvousily if you never heard of pat burke you never had a minitruckin or went to a truck show before 2000. hes been around for along fucking time.. proably got out of it awhile because asshole crybabies (and know i dont know how to spell most the words i wrote but at least i admit it.)
HarryBalls   +1y
SubCulture S10   +1y
Wow...Everyone has their own ways of building...and mock ups...Pat, I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt, and say your final outcome will be a great piece of work.

Until then, keep the photos coming of your progress.

Far as the hating and name calling and all? Geez, give it a rest..Someone stated earlier, let's see what the final outcome is! Well said my friend to whom said it

And I think SSM is way worse than shows is now by people talking shit. Discussion and progress makes the world go round