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Mini Truckin General \  BodyDropped Ram on 26's

BodyDropped Ram on 26's

Mini Truckin General General Discussions
views 7031
replies 216
following 127
SixInchWat   +1y
just annoying that everytime i get on streetsource now its just a bunch of people talking shit about one thing or another.
im not calling anyone out in general... so sorry to mention your name.
but seriously...
its just like a hole bunch of dudes sittin around and having a whos-dick-is-bigger contest.
if you all enjoy it so be it.

im gonna buy me a Lotus.

that joker dodge is sick by the way.
LoLoCrazed   +1y
hahaha, he sounds like such a douche in the video. not only are you a hack, but you are a straight up hick.
but seriously, if sema lets you in with that front set-up, they will lose all credibility! if you re-do the front then maybe. i think all you need to do is do the front end correctly, and all the hating will stop. everyone is hating on your work because of the brutal work that was done to the front end. also, can you post pics of how the suspension set-up was at havoc? i didnt see your truck in any of the show coverage from the show!
Slammed83Mazda   +1y
Edited: 8/29/2008 3:38:47 PM by Slammed83Mazda

Originally posted by PatFukenBurke

Originally posted by Slammed83Mazda

Even with you poking fun at other people, it still doesn't justify that hack job in the front of that ram.

Where were you "Captain Save a Hack" when it was my pics.... Oh! you must be another hater..... That's ok cupcake I enjoy your flattery!!!

Lol, you can't seem to get ahead in this thread. Why half ass something instead of doing it right the first time. It looked like you had good intentions then it took a nasty turn.Don't get pissed because someone called you out on all this fake hype your putting out....Those 26s are no were near the lug nuts. Fuck if thats the case, I'll go put my 18s on 2 2x4s also so I can tuck almost all of the lugs.

To the guy who said this is a dick swingin contest, I don't see how it is.

Review the situation. No one is talking shit, those pics speak for thereself you can't sugarcoat a hack.

mindlissmetalfab   +1y
Someone's on the fast track to making friends in the truck world.
PatFukenBurke   +1y
Originally posted by thacru78

Edited: 8/29/2008 2:42:20 PM by thacru78

I guess you must of made a bunch of claims about your truck that weren't true....then got called on them and felt like you needed to leave the scene. I think this scene is going down hill cause people post up hack work and suck the nuts of the guy who built it because it's different and innovative. I think this scene is going down hill because there is so much hack work on the streets and nobody will man up and address the problem. They just sit back and laugh at the guy instead of telling him or lending a hand to fix the problem. I think this scene is going down hill cause everybody wants to build the best and the badest yet don't take the time to pick up a suspension book or take time to learn how to properly weld. I think this scene is going down hill because people sit back and laugh at the people that tear up show grounds and fuck up hotel rooms. I think this scene is going down hill because people thank it is fun to get together in large groups and drag on heavily populated highways. I think people to realize that we're not in 1st grade playing with matchbox cars....we are cutting up vehicles that drive down the road next to school buses full of kids. I think that people need to realize that endangering the lives of the people around you is not "Cool". Call me a hater if you want to....I don't care about this scene in the present....I care about it in the future. Until people start caring about were our scene is going to be 10 yrs from now.....big shows are going to dissapear and the states we live in are going to start cracking down on the laws and regulations that will keep us from building these trucks. I'm done with this shit....i've got a truck to finish.

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TwistedPhil   +1y

Can't we all just get along?!
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mindlissmetalfab   +1y
Originally posted by PatFukenBurke

Originally posted by thacru78

Edited: 8/29/2008 2:42:20 PM by thacru78

I guess you must of made a bunch of claims about your truck that weren't true....then got called on them and felt like you needed to leave the scene. I think this scene is going down hill cause people post up hack work and suck the nuts of the guy who built it because it's different and innovative. I think this scene is going down hill because there is so much hack work on the streets and nobody will man up and address the problem. They just sit back and laugh at the guy instead of telling him or lending a hand to fix the problem. I think this scene is going down hill cause everybody wants to build the best and the badest yet don't take the time to pick up a suspension book or take time to learn how to properly weld. I think this scene is going down hill because people sit back and laugh at the people that tear up show grounds and fuck up hotel rooms. I think this scene is going down hill because people thank it is fun to get together in large groups and drag on heavily populated highways. I think people to realize that we're not in 1st grade playing with matchbox cars....we are cutting up vehicles that drive down the road next to school buses full of kids. I think that people need to realize that endangering the lives of the people around you is not "Cool". Call me a hater if you want to....I don't care about this scene in the present....I care about it in the future. Until people start caring about were our scene is going to be 10 yrs from now.....big shows are going to dissapear and the states we live in are going to start cracking down on the laws and regulations that will keep us from building these trucks. I'm done with this shit....i've got a truck to finish.

With sema coming up pretty quick, you'd think you might have better things to do then actually take the time to bust out your MSpaint skills to make yourself look like even more of a dick. Give it up man, you arent making any friends and if this shit is your only contribution to this forum, then hopefully a mod sends you packing soon.
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rangerlover   +1y
Straight axle's went out in the 60's but it worked for you. some people are gonna hate but maybe you should be the bigger man and just say once only " here is a mock up of the suspension we may build"
idrgbdy   +1y
^^^^michael jackson vid is priceless. hahahahah

"And the only way you are going to drive this is mess is if you don't want to actualy stop...." you type just like the person that made your "BD DROPPED RAM ON 26'S" & "TTUKIN' 26" NUTZ" stickers. oh, and Adobe has came out with a new version of Photoshop since v.1....oh i'm surprised this thread is still open.

i just hope whosever truck this is ends up getting a badass truck in the end. i really hope it gets cleaned up and then we can start a new topic about how badass it is and where it came from......ok the end for me. good luck on the build.
urdaddy   +1y
damn i cant wait for my ssm accountto be up...haha