Originally posted by Slammed83Mazda
Even with you poking fun at other people, it still doesn't justify that hack job in the front of that ram.
^^^^best quote right there.
figure i'll waste my last post of the month on this. and i don't care who you are, thacru78 knows what he's talking about. and his ride is quality. i'm sure you were the greatest in your day and all. i think none of this would have started at all had you not taken it to the shows in it's progress state if you plan to finish it with great quality. hell, i went to ITB without my truck cuz my v8 swap wasn't finished. i still drank some brew with my crew and had a great time. i don't need a half-assed project to show off with. i could have thrown it together and drove it there but why? why put in all the time just to tear it all apart. i think this truck needs the title BAD PLANNING. not to hate, but c'mon, you have to expect people to express their opinions when you show up to shows with a thrown together truck. (don't sue me! wait, wrong forum...)