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Mini Truckin General \  BodyDropped Ram on 26's

BodyDropped Ram on 26's

Mini Truckin General General Discussions
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PatFukenBurke   +1y
Originally posted by thacru78

....we are cutting up vehicles that drive down the road next to school buses full of kids. I think that people need to realize that endangering the lives of the people around you is not "Cool". Call me a hater if you want to....I don't care about this scene in the present....I care about it in the future. Until people start caring about were our scene is going to be 10 yrs from now.....big shows are going to dissapear and the states we live in are going to start cracking down on the laws and regulations that will keep us from building these trucks.

I think you need to realize you are a hypocrite... I mocked up the front to get it to a show ON A TRAILER. You are the one going to kill some kids on a bus when one of those bottles launches off your truck. You actually just gave a speech about being safe when you drive down the road with a strap holding not one but two bottles to your truck. Those little pieces all-thread you have holding the top will only hold if you drive safe and even then some else could cause you to crash. There is nothing stopping those bottles from launching into grannies house and killing her while she watches tv if something goes wrong. Sure I hacked up the front to dirnk some beer at a show. But you actually could kill someone..... It is illegal in every state to transport compressed gas like that. All compressed gas bottles must be trasported in a vertical position. Federal, state and DOT laws state that HAZMAT signs must be visible from all 4 sides of your vehicle... You're a joke...
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ahab   +1y
You dont need hazmat sign with compressed air. You are a douche bag.
So let me see if I got this right. I tried to follow but damn hooked on phonics and grade school English did not work out well for you.

If you want people to be intelligent how about you do as well. Spell check your own post before ripping on others.

If this is indeed a TEMP setup as you have typed. Then get over it and bust out the final product.

What is the hazmat number for carrying compressed air?

rooster52478   +1y
Edited: 8/29/2008 5:18:06 PM by rooster52478

humanmachinehead   +1y
Edited: 8/29/2008 5:22:38 PM by humanmachine

Edited: 8/29/2008 5:22:12 PM by humanmachine

this thread is a joke, i feel like I can airbrush better than alot of people that "paint" (besides lost cause :LOL: ) but i don't go around like i got something to prove with a "AARON FUKEN CARSWELL" sticker on my truck. i've never heard of you, so your so name doesn't mean anything to me. You wanna prove people wrong and that you arent a hack, don't make stupid videos and MSpaint abunch of shit thats just gonna cause more heat...

pugz   +1y

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low f350   +1y
Its HEIM joints and if they went out in the 80s, then I guess Max Fish, Aaron Iha and a shit load of other people that we all actually respect and have heard of, never got the memo.
killerc10   +1y
Edited: 8/29/2008 6:22:57 PM by KILLERC10

Originally posted by PatFukenBurke

Originally posted by thacru78

Edited: 8/29/2008 2:42:20 PM by thacru78

I guess you must of made a bunch of claims about your truck that weren't true....then got called on them and felt like you needed to leave the scene. I think this scene is going down hill cause people post up hack work and suck the nuts of the guy who built it because it's different and innovative. I think this scene is going down hill because there is so much hack work on the streets and nobody will man up and address the problem. They just sit back and laugh at the guy instead of telling him or lending a hand to fix the problem. I think this scene is going down hill cause everybody wants to build the best and the badest yet don't take the time to pick up a suspension book or take time to learn how to properly weld. I think this scene is going down hill because people sit back and laugh at the people that tear up show grounds and fuck up hotel rooms. I think this scene is going down hill because people thank it is fun to get together in large groups and drag on heavily populated highways. I think people to realize that we're not in 1st grade playing with matchbox cars....we are cutting up vehicles that drive down the road next to school buses full of kids. I think that people need to realize that endangering the lives of the people around you is not "Cool". Call me a hater if you want to....I don't care about this scene in the present....I care about it in the future. Until people start caring about were our scene is going to be 10 yrs from now.....big shows are going to dissapear and the states we live in are going to start cracking down on the laws and regulations that will keep us from building these trucks. I'm done with this shit....i've got a truck to finish.


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unusualfabrication   +1y
I still use heim joints....huh, crazy.......
low f350   +1y
Edited: 8/29/2008 6:07:46 PM by low f350

Damn Chris, didnt You even get the memo? Everyone that uses heims must be a hack too....