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Mini Truckin General \  return of the rad rod s-10

return of the rad rod s-10

Mini Truckin General General Discussions
views 1972
replies 88
following 55
waynehammer   +1y
Originally posted by johnz

better yet ill let some chrome rims rust and put a pinto front end in my dime and leave all th my weld rusty......that will look super cool...ohhh and some fake ass patina

haha nice hood on ur s10..
jsondrops   +1y
dude that is work,not an APC sticker on a honda!
and bring all of those first gen s10s out of the junkyard,lets see em!
johnz   +1y
lol great i get to use all my posts this month...lets see im glad you looked at my pics the hood is actually for sale thought i might need it for a motor swap...ehhh dont hey maybe you can but it....
johnz   +1y
you honestly think a ford front end and tandem axle is a cool thing
on a overly chopped 80s s10...dont get me wrong the s10s look great done right...but this shit is sacriligious
granth   +1y

are you using this thing tonite, or just having a bad one?
post photo
sotex   +1y
Originally posted by johnz

you honestly think a ford front end and tandem axle is a cool thingon a overly chopped 80s s10...dont get me wrong the s10s look great done right...but this shit is sacriligious

Jesus Christ, you're a moron. If you're going to ruin the forum with your bullshit, please do us the favor of using proper grammar. It took me a few minutes to decipher your post. Also, you think your S-10 is cool? Every other bagged truck is an S-10.
johnz   +1y
no i have seen this thing on here a hundred times and finally decided to make a post...ill say what everyone else is thinking...does anyone honestly think if this thing was ever finished it would look like something halfway decent
johnz   +1y
wow i was talking about trucks i didnt realize i was speaking to an english major excuse me for not using spell and grammer check,,i only graduated high school...this isnt a hate thread or any of that bull shit i was simply expressing my opinion didnt mean to get push your tampon up too far ..pardon me..did i say my truck was cool??? shit i must need to run a virus scan or something..someone is typing shit for me..thank you soo much dragnframe your a true friend
bagged92   +1y
just like streetsource, guys says he wants opinions, good or bad. a guy gives his opinion, he doesnt like it, and everybody throws pity attempts at him to insult him. im with him, i dont like it, it looked awesome the first time, just looks dumb to me the new way. thats my opinion
waynehammer   +1y
Originally posted by johnz

no i have seen this thing on here a hundred times and finally decided to make a post...ill say what everyone else is thinking...does anyone honestly think if this thing was ever finished it would look like something halfway decent

its not my style personaly but i wont bash it. ill wait and see what it looks like when its done to say what i think. it might turn out to be the coolest ride ever... only time will tell..