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Mini Truckin General \  return of the rad rod s-10

return of the rad rod s-10

Mini Truckin General General Discussions
views 1975
replies 88
following 55
johnz   +1y
thats the great thing about an opinion you can express it now and if your wrong then guess what you can say well fuck i was wrong but today i say this this is over the top too damn much just like the dumbass over body dropped nissan ...
sotex   +1y
Originally posted by johnz

wow i was talking about trucks i didnt realize i was speaking to an english major excuse me for not using spell and grammer check,,i only graduated high school...this isnt a hate thread or any of that bull shit i was simply expressing my opinion didnt mean to get push your tampon up too far ..pardon me..did i say my truck was cool??? shit i must need to run a virus scan or something..someone is typing shit for me..thank you soo much dragnframe your a true friend

I'm not an English major, but you type like you couldn't even complete the GED test. By saying that his truck is uncool, you were implying that the truck that you drive is cool. You don't have to directly say it. I know that's a bit much to comprehend for someone who dropped out of high school.

Yes, he wanted opinions, but I'm sure he would appreciate constructive negative opinions. How about instead of "tht fkn truk looks like shit man i would not drive that shit piece of shit turd", you could say "I respect the work you put in to it, but it's not really my style." I think that would cause less of a stir.

jsondrops   +1y
Why you wanna hate someone for being different?You don't like what he is doing,move on to the next truck you hate.
Big fkn deal, if you like to look at 2nd gen 10s with flames on 22s,no reason to blast this dude for being origonal!
He is just different than you,but would prolly drink a beer with you and share some knowledge with you!
johnz   +1y
ok lets see how do i make this simple enough for you to understand i siad it would be alot cooler if he spent the time to fabricate on either a mini or a hotrod not trying to mix the 2 cause it just doesnt my opinion ofcourse...and if you cant take critisism on here well shit your on the wrong site...and about the out of high school thing your right i did....i never made it ...please send me money to support my familly i can barely spell we may starve.....
johnz   +1y
im not hating keep building it in my opinion it looks like a truck trying to be something its not plain and simple,,,my opinion dont like it we can talk all night about why its sooo cool ...why doesnt your truck look like it,,or have any aspects of it on it
sotex   +1y
I can't understand anything you say. If you can't seem to formulate a complete sentence, your opinion is null and void.
johnz   +1y
thank you by the way zander for seeing threw the bs ...i love you man..lmao
bagged92   +1y
no problem man, and im not taking sides, i can appreciate the work that has and will go into it. its just not my style.
johnz   +1y
i agree and like i said it just belongs on 2 seperate vehicles..inm my opinion of make everything all politically correct in here dont wanna ruffle any feathers...
jumbo   +1y
yeah, yall read every single post jon put up, at least once in every post he said "in my opinion of course", at least once. Dude's entitled to his opinion like everyone else. I did'nt agree with it, but i think he's entitled to voice it just like everyone else on here does. It kinda sucks that everyone on here is like "do something different" then when someone does, everyone jumps on and says "that looks like shit, i meant different like 22's instead of 20's" or whatever. If you post your work on the net, you're gonna have 7 shades of shit flung on it, no matter what it is or how much work you put into it. Remember the thread a while back where someone linked to another forum where people were bashing the shit out of a bodydropped truck? I bet there's hundreds of sites set up just for bashing stuff we like.

You know, you'd think i had a point. Sorry. Someone can now post the bunny with a pancake on his head in honor of me, lol. Sorry again, i'm tired as hell.

I guess the point i was trying to make is don't diss john for voicing an opinion, when he made it abundantly clear it was his opinion.