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Mini Truckin General \  return of the rad rod s-10

return of the rad rod s-10

Mini Truckin General General Discussions
views 1987
replies 88
following 55
DeepSouthS10   +1y
not feelin the tandem. just because you can fuck the retarded girl doesn't make it right. ok....i just really wanted to say that lol. seriously though, i would love it if it werent for the exrta axel. i mean i guess hes goin for that "out there different look", i which case, congrats man, you get the gold medal! the thing looks crazy, you know what i retract my previous statement. i like it because its so damn weird. now go fuck that retarded girl!
jsondrops   +1y
keep it real niggas!
unusualfabrication   +1y
I don't like either version of the truck especially the tandem axle. But it would be cool if he made both rear axles functional and had enough power to do 4 wheel burnouts.
sectioned88   +1y
The other day I was thinking about Tubgirl. It's a shame the website is gone. But there are still pictures around.
fatboysS1O   +1y
im not defending the owner of this truck cuz he's a friend of mine but because ive seen this bs tons of times over and over again. i just so happened to decide to say this, this time.

if someone posts up a pic or whatever and asks for "opinons", by all means give them. but dont be a total dickhead. theres no need for it. u can do as some of the other folks have. say "good job man but not my style". or whatever. thats an opinion. some of you see it as a chance to be a total dick. why? yeah its the internet and blah blah blah why should i get my panties in a bunch? just as u see it fit to be a total dickhead cuz u saw the word "opinion" gives me the same right to call u a dickhead. how many folks have said "tandem axles dont do it for me"? lots. that an opinion. to sum this up, johnz is a dickhead.
lucky_brew   +1y
Originally posted by johnz would be alot cooler if he spent the time to fabricate on either a mini or a hotrod not trying to mix the 2 cause it just doesnt my opinion ofcourse...

where do you think minitrucks came from???? it was a mix of 70s shag wagons and lowriders. recently "we" have mixed hotrods in it (ie flat black, tall shifters and god knows how many 50s dash conversions) not to mention the mix of chopper styles into minis (ie, chopper mirrors, flames, skulls, animal print seat inserts) the fukin list goes on for a mixture of styles homie! i dont get your comment... he cant mix ratrod and minis? why tha fuk not? we all mix shit!

FluffyFreak   +1y
hey guys!!! pull your fucking panties out of a wad and change your fucking tampons! your fuckign bleeding all over the goddamn place. if johnz wants to hate it liet him fucking hate it this is america people not nazi fucking germany for christ sakes you fucks grow up!
fatboysS1O   +1y
yeah fuck it. who cares anymore!? nothing helps.
johnz   +1y
wow ok where do i start...if you guys would take the time to read my first post..the dude asked for opinions i gave mine..and then all the sudden like a goddamn vietnam ambush im being attacked for saying my opinion..which was blunt and to the point.i dont mix words i never have .so i defended my theses claims of me being a dickhead...these are totally ridiculous and i would like to say there are alot of people on ssm who have known me for a long time and if you were to ask them i am the furthest from a dick head...but guess whats cool...thats your OPINION its a great country we live in isnt the way..have fun with the truck..
stockfloored85   +1y
this is what makes the scene fun, CUSTOM trucks, everybody's is different in its own way, in its own way. in its own way. I would like to go for a ride in it when its done.