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Mini Truckin General \  I QUIT DRINKING... who's with me?

I QUIT DRINKING... who's with me?

Mini Truckin General General Discussions
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impounded dakota   +1y
I love how SEMA doesn't count Well good luck mike, moderation is a good thing, or so i'm told
hey bro, i just went thru detox/rehab 4 months ago for oxys, have not had a drink or drug since and attend narcotics annymous almost everyday. i can honestly say my life has changed 100% for the better!!
GraphicDisorder   +1y
I stopped heavy drinking at shows years ago. To many things happen, I cant watch people around my vehicle and other drama it brings. I like anyone love to get down and get some drinks, but I choose to do it in a responsible manner parked in a chair and only to a level where I can still control myself.

I see more people doing that these days then it used to be so things are somewhat looking up, however more people need to calm down. Getting trashed beyond control, trashing hotels, getting in fights, and bumping peoples vehicles is just uncalled for. I hope everyone grows up, shows are dropping fast.

Mike good luck on your quest. I wont offer you a beer next time I see ya haha.
lucky_brew   +1y
i think this is a step in the right direction for the entire "scene". i feel an article coming up 'bout this! again, good luck! nice to see the suport youve got!
pugz   +1y
i dont drink at shows im actually showing at. or any i drive to. i havent been really drunk at a show since meltdown last year. where if anyone saw me or Salas we were walking aroung with sippy cups full of jager and a splash of nos. ever since then i have cut back at shows. lol. im still down to take a few shots at shows. but tired of all the wasted drunk people at the shows
JPeventsxx   +1y
Originally posted by pugz

i dont drink at shows im actually showing at. or any i drive to. i havent been really drunk at a show since meltdown last year. where if anyone saw me or Salas we were walking aroung with sippy cups full of jager and a splash of nos. ever since then i have cut back at shows. lol. im still down to take a few shots at shows. but tired of all the wasted drunk people at the shows

Naahhhh!!!!....Was that meltdown or dry:off???

As a promoter it's a double edge sword. On one hand you want people to have a good time and the other is I don't want to deal with drunk kids and the liability. Have my hands full with Salas alone...

Kudos to you mike for leading the charge,,,,

In the words of Salas, "AA is for quitters"

no1lowr   +1y
good luck mike, its hard to do. if i see you i will hide my beer.
tealchevy   +1y
after the clawing that my face and throat took from you the last time I saw you....I think this is a good idea. A really good idea
SeveredTX   +1y
Bout time. Damm it seems like im the only one not drinking at shows these days. Im glad you will be sober too.
pugz   +1y
ohh ya jp.... coulda been both shows. lol. i dont remember.... thats bad