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Toyota Trucks \  I hit a curb...

I hit a curb...

Toyota Trucks Make Specific
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TwistedMinis   +1y
I will start by saying I am useless and I have no pictures. Camera is at the shop, and I'm too pissed to go back to work. And I can't get them off my camera phone.

Anyway, heres the story. I went to the driveline shop today to drop off the Datsun driveline and have the Toyota end put on it. So as I'm leaving I'm turning around in there tiny ass parking lot, Austin Powers style. So I'm backing up towards the curb, and I step on the brakes, and the pedal goes to the floor and I keep rolling. So still rolling towards the curb I jam it in 1st as fast as I can and drop the clutch. Too late, I felt a bump. So I pulled forward, rolled to a stop and got out to see the damage.

My left bed side is buckled pretty bad. It hit the roll pan on the curb and pushed it in and up, my bedside buckled over the wheel well and theres a nice low spot behind the buckle, and the bedside is pulled away from the cab about 1.5" or so.

So I popped the hood to figure out why my brakes stopped working. I had Pro Comp stainless lines on the front, and probably 6 months ago the line pulled out of the fitting on the DS. I replaced it with a stock line, but left the PS line on. My bad, because the PS line did the same thing today. The line just pulled clean out of the fitting and blew brake fluid all over.

I'm thankful that I know the guys at the driveline shop, and they let me order a brake line on their account, and use their tools and brake fluid to fix it.
cookiemonster13   +1y
damn that sucks, at least the bed wasnt finished. that is all i know.
best thing i can tell you is knocked the dents out as soon as you can. metal has a memory.

i have faith in you man, i know you can fix it. good time to finish up the bed.

fatboysS1O   +1y
damn, damn, damn, and damn some more.
TwistedMinis   +1y
I sent some pics to my body guy to see what he thinks. The more I look at it, the more I think the bed is totaled. A lot of the frame work I built is bent out of shape. I probably hit the curb doing over 5 MPH. It was a pretty good thunk.

I can't mess with it today, I'm afraid I will kick it. But I want to try to push the corner back out with my port-a-power tomorrow. The corner is obviously pushed in towards the cab, so I think that is where most of the problem lies. I think if I can push that back out I can work with the crease and the low spot, and straight the support at the front that is bent.
nryota   +1y
at least you aint hit nobody. ahah.

snugglesfon   +1y
That sucks buddy, at least you werent doin like 35 comin to a stop light and had no brakes and total the whole truck. Eh not like you've never drove around without a bed on before. lol
TwistedMinis   +1y
Thats true I can always take it off for the show. That just means I have to clean my frame. Lol.

Oh well, I'll have interior and no bed. Fair trade.
lost cause   +1y
wow that sucks bro,......

I almost rear-ended somone at slammin & jammin on the way into the show because of somthing like that,.......the peddle just went all the way to the floor, as I rolled twards a b/d ranger!!!!!

luckly I pumped the brakes real quick and stoped just before hitting the, I always double pump the brakes just in case

hope your shits not too badly damaged

TwistedMinis   +1y
I will take pictures tomorrow at work. It looks really bad to me, but my friend Pete said its fixable. I want to try to push the corner back out with a port-a-power, because I think the tailgate being pushed in is where most of the stress is at.
cookiemonster13   +1y
you may not need a port a power. the palm of your hand can do alot for a fresh dent in sheetmetal. start soft then go for the port a power just yet. last ditch effort i would say.