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Air Ride Suspensions \  bags or juice

bags or juice

Air Ride Suspensions Q & A
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Lucky   +1y
Juice is for black cars and trucks....
lost cause   +1y
Edited: 9/5/2008 7:38:06 AM by lost cause

Originally posted by 72bumpside

juice it. so much more fun than bags at a stop light. bags are fun, but hoppin a little bit can't be beat. in my buddies cutless we were hoppin at a light and you wouldnt imagine how much love we got from the people around us haha. bags dont really get that!

My truck hopps just fine and it's on air
z71mazda   +1y
how about the ride on juice some say it rides great but others say its really stiff my bag over axle truck i had was ruff as hell and i hated the ride on it is juice better or worse ride
PatFukenBurke   +1y
I say juice. If installed right it will last forever and work great. You can also run it off of 12 volts with the right pump and never have to charge you batteries and you will only need 2 batteries. It will also raise and lower as fast as a competitively priced bag kit. Dollar for dollar a proper hydro install will cost way less than a proper bag set up with half the problems and maintenance. They both have their use and application. I like both but if I was on a budget and was going to drive it often I would juice it. Especially if I lived where it gets cold.
mazda2low   +1y
Edited: 9/5/2008 12:35:42 PM by mazda2low

ok this is coming from someone with a juiced minitruck, juice is the best hands down there is so much more u can do(massive lock ups...3 wheels...and the ride w/accumulators(just on the rear), is probably about 10 times softer than bags and about 5 times softer than a stock caddy)...lots of people say man i hate chargin the batteries...but its not that hard u get a regular battery charger from napa/shucks...and put it one battery over night every night on a 2 amp charge...not that hard lol...and if you do that then you wont blow ur solenoids...all u need is a simple 2 pump 4 battery (2 to each pump) and then u wont over stress the me its way cooler than bags

got any more questions ask me my club builds lowriders and minitruck so we deal with juice all day long
juicedwagon   +1y
if you go juice you will understand, juice is just a different world then air and you will not understand untill you have a juiced truck/car. my old accord wagon was juiced and i loved it, my 02 silverado i have now is bagged and i will be ripping that shit out this winter for juice. i live up by highway 270 and olive, come out on tuesday and cruise with us over to belleville for trucker tuesday and you can pick my brain about hydraulics all you want man.

and i totally agree with the buying hydraulics stuff new, used stuff is crap unless you know %100 its history, like if it was a buddys you have known the whole time he was running it and any problem he had if any.
OldSkool720   +1y
the only downfall i would think about juice would be all the batteries
Stck2UrGuns   +1y
The way I look at it is this. If you break an airline, your only loosing air...if you break a hydraulic line, your gonna spray juice all over the place and make a mess.
PatFukenBurke   +1y
Edited: 9/8/2008 10:58:45 AM by PatFukenBurke

Originally posted by Stck2UrGuns

The way I look at it is this. If you break an airline, your only loosing air...if you break a hydraulic line, your gonna spray juice all over the place and make a mess.This is true but the only way you're breaking a hydro line is if it was ran wrong or hooked up wrong. Hydro lines aren't going to break like an air line can. They will out live your car if properly installed. I do both extensively and the problems with air far out way hydraulics.

You can run a hydraulic system on 12 volts and never have to plug it in. It's just not as fast as higher voltages, but it still will lift as fast as any basic air set up. I installed hydros on the front of my 01 F350 dually the day after I bought it brand new. I installed an integrated pump and ran it off of the underhood stock battery for 3 years. Never once did I have to touch it. Not even to put oil in it or any up keep. I put it in and practically forgot about it for 3 years until I traded it in.

In my opinion hydros on 12v is indestuctable.....

The only way to make air as fast as hydros is to spend endless $$$$$Nitrogen tanks @ $20 a refill every 100 switch hits adds up. Which would be about 4 a weekend if you actually use it. Hydros will last that long on one charge(4 battery 2 pump). And only up your electric bill a few dollars.

granth   +1y
so what company to use?

pro hopper
black magic

which is it? prohopper and cce have the better deals, but what about quality?