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Mini Truckin General \  One of many reasons the scene is dying..

One of many reasons the scene is dying..

Mini Truckin General General Discussions
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FreelandKustomz   +1y
I posted this on myspace but i thought id spread the word here as well

Mini Truckers hating other mini truckers.

Now this could go on for paragraphs but I'm going to sum it up in the most simplistic way I can possibly do this. Mini Truckers are dying, we are the blue footed booby of the auto enthusiast. The majority of mini truckers are quick to talk shit, or not give someone the time of day because their truck isn't cool enough, or because they are not in your club. Maybe their work isn't up to your standards. Because someone has a hacked truck your not gonna talk to the guy and spread the brotherhood that is being a mini trucker? SPREAD THE KNOWLEDGE THEN! if you have a better idea on how something is done SPEAK UP!!!!!!! not to your buddies to laugh and snicker, but to the poor guy with the truck that thinks its badass. I am known to say things about some scary stuff. But im always willing to give some advice. And I always welcome criticism on my own work. In no way will unsatisfying fabrication skills discourage me from talking to someone or not letting them caravan with us to a show.

We need to stick together. This is the tail end of the scene its going away. It by no means is getting bigger. We need to band together and be friends. Help each other out. SPEAK YOUR MIND! We are all gonna be 60 years old talking about how cool it was to go to shows and build mini trucks instead of actually doing. All because everyone couldn't be as good as you.

Poppa   +1y
Amen Brother!
bmini94   +1y
the scene is dying b/c ppl post threads on street source saying it is dying..why do pl feel the need to post this inspirational shit thinking its gonna make a difference. Every car scene has shit talkers, we arent a family, this isnt a lifestyle. Its a hobby that we all have fun with and should continue to enjoy as long as u want to stay n the scene.
grip   +1y
Haahaa,I think people post more "dying scene" threads than you have post count.Seriously I don't see anything dying,in fact its about the same as it was in the ninties.You should be more concerned with the economy.
sebass   +1y
Originally posted by grip

""SCENE""Haahaa,I think people post more "dying scene" threads than you have post count.Seriously I don't see anything dying,in fact its about the same as it was in the ninties.You should be more concerned with the economy.

LndRanger86   +1y
I agree with BCLASSBD. The scene is dying b/c of all the wanna-be's and smart ass's everywhere. Everybody has the right to there opinion's but sometime's need to keep them to thereselve's. I'm on this site and a few others 24/7 and the last few year's have gotten worse.I by no means have a cover truck, but I put everything i have into my vehicle's and get exactly what BCLASS said; shit from everybody. I've never gotten alot of respect form other's for my rides, but screw em. i'm gonna go to show's and rep the scene in the best way possible.All of the show's are dying do in part to all of these internet gangster's trying to go to show's and show everybody there cool by acting a damn fool and trashing everything.All the hater's need to go to sleep or something and let the people who want to do the right thing do just that, and quit making such a bad name for all of us by their childish ways.
jsondrops   +1y
Yeah i am more worried about gas prices and paying bills than i am with this "SCENE"!

On the other hand i agree with you,we do need to be more like bros and not so much like whiny ass hoes!

....i have whined before..

dssur   +1y
I agree with grip, the only thing going away is the belief that there is such a thing as a minitruck scene. I have a job, a family and a minitruck. I work so I can play with my truck, my family rides in my truck, but other than that they are all mutually exclusive.

the hardcore guys who scream about minitruck lifestyle and scene remind me of the guys who go to hot rod shows in their piles of parts and use motor oil in their hair for the greaser look, and spend half the show complaining that some guy who works harder than they do at their day job managed to buy a finished and gorgeous hot rod and tow it to the show instead of banging axle for 1400 miles at 4800 rpm.

in fact, i am so inspired that the next time i go to a show and see someone acting like a fool or destroying property like its his birth right as a minitrucker, i may just throw him through the windshield of his own truck. Of couse I am exaggerating, but I really saw that happen in Lawton once and it was awesome, nothing says 'dont misbehave with the strippers" like a full body hammer throw to the windshield.

cliffs: minitruck dvds show .01% of all truck shows, the drunken groping and miles of dragging, the other 99.99% is friends hanging out and checking out rides. I dont have any tattoos, no piercings to speak of, and I dress business casual 80% of the time. If there is a lifestyle or scene, I missed it the last 18 years of being a minitrucker. What I didnt miss was the good times with friends, the show weekends with friends, the online hangout SSM with friends, and maybe just a smattering of actual minitrucks.
impulse   +1y
Have you never been around the old 'hot rod' guys... they talk more shit than any of us... hmmm their 'scene' is still kickin.

this 'scene' isn't going anywhere, I find these threads comical really.

There is a lot of hack shit out there, put an end to that and people will be less likely to 'hate' on eachother.
aon-teach   +1y
As my students would say, this "scene" you speak of is pretty EMO. I build rides because I enjoy it. Sometimes I share that joy with others at shows or hanging out. Let's get some more build threads and less of these, " I wanna cut my wrists cause everyone is bringing down the scene" threads.

Preach Russ-D!