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Mini Truckin General \  One of many reasons the scene is dying..

One of many reasons the scene is dying..

Mini Truckin General General Discussions
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snugglesfon   +1y
Whoever started callin minitruckin a "scene" needs a roundhouse kick to the face courtesy of Chuck Norris. I started gettin into minitrucks in my teens and I never even heard of a "scene". I got into it because a laid out minitruck is a beautifull site. I didnt really know anyone with minitrucks I just knew I wanted a minitruck I could drive as low as possible and feel free. Just my 2 cents
FreelandKustomz   +1y
I think alot of people missed the point of this thread. Most of you got it, most of you didnt. The point is awareness. There are always two sides to the story but anyone on the west coast knows its deffinitly not what it use to be.

I agree with you jim 100 percent. I say scene. I dont mean it in the direct context of scene but more like "every person who owns a mini truck or slammed ride" I remember if you saw a lowered truck you would run to find out who he was so you guys could roll to shows or share ideas and be pals. its just not like that anymore. You guys are in denial if you really think the mini truck community(is that better)? is still strong as it was. its sputtering out.

The internet sucks for one reason. one guy has an oppinion or view point, 100 other guys do not have the same oppinion and feel the need to post their negativity while the others satisfied with what they read do not post. So all we see is a flood of the negative.

The economy is deffinitly killin us. and so is having a family and bills.

Sorry to anyone who is sick of the word scene, or people talking about the scene. I think we all fantasize about a better time. A time we all stuck together. i dont see any harm in that. If there is shame on me and shame on anyone else who has ever wished it could be better.
bigjon   +1y
From personal experience i would say its not dying, I just think people are moving on into hotroding or building bikes. People just get tired of no respect from outside the community, you spend fifty sixty g's and sell it for 5 or 6 grand. do the same with a classic you may actually see a return on you investment.
XLchester   +1y
let the "scene" die if it gets rid of the dumbfucks that come to shows and destroys the hotel or try to be an assclown for one of the many dvds out there...i agree it would be nice for everyone to be more of a "family" but its not going to happen...I remember back in the they day when i was introduced to minitruckin things seemed alot better but just like anything in life it changes...make yourself happy and fuck the haters....and fester ill roll to shows with ya anytime...later
pisswasser   +1y
someone seems to be trying way to hard to make a statement about minitrucks, if you have to get on a forum every other day to say why the scene is dying, guess what its already dead. you dont see street rodders or even rat rodders trying to fix every problem thats going on. i have a mini truck and i could care less about someones scene, the scene i enjoy is a caravan of minis driving to a show, not the bros wearing black shorts and black shoes with their famous stars and straps shirts thinking there hot shit at a run or something. every other post here talks about sticking together, and then the next one is of someone talking shit about someones ride, so which one is it? are people going to treat each other with respect and dignity or do we need to break out the brass knucks? either way shit or get off the pot already
marcus760   +1y
Originally posted by TwistedMinis

Originally posted by grip

Originally posted by jhoz

hey Form, post pics of your galaxie 500!

The only pictures I have are on a floppy disk and they don't make computers with floppy anymore.

I have two extra floppy drives from the stone age. You can have them if it will get some pictures.

i will pay for shipping
DontWatchMeWatchTV   +1y
Originally posted by bigjon

From personal experience i would say its not dying, I just think people are moving on into hotroding or building bikes. People just get tired of no respect from outside the community, you spend fifty sixty g's and sell it for 5 or 6 grand. do the same with a classic you may actually see a return on you investment.

DropEmWear   +1y
MT isn't dying has started a rebirth of new people. How do I know this? We have noticed a huge trend in selling older shirts. This tells me there are new people getting involved in building killer trucks. We have seen this trend happen within the last 2 years. While one guy moves on in life another steps in his place. There will always be old schoolers like myself hanging around. Once again each hobby/scene/lifestyle has its fair share of complainers and idiots. lol.

The biggest KILLER in the last few years is the economy! There has only been a few shows this year that can say their numbers were up and the rest took a hit in attendance. WHY? GAS PRICES. Does lack of attendance mean its dying? NO it just means people have priorities. So when attendance is down at a show we and every other vendor has less opportunity for sales. So some people look at loss of revenue at shows = minitrucking is dying...we don't think so in the least! why? Although sales may be slightly down at some shows, more and more people are ordering over the phone and over the internet. Our phone and internet sales are the best we have ever had in the 15 years we have been doing this! So this trend leaves us to believe MINITRUCKING HAS NO ISSUES....THE COUNTRY DOES! People can't get to the shows they want but they still want product. This is the positive side of this issue.

Please ask your self these questions...if gas prices were the same as they were in 2004 would I attend more shows this year? Would have more money in my pocket? and if attendance was up at the shows and the shows you loved were still around, would you even have the thought of minitrucking being dead on your mind?

People acting a fool at shows is a drop in the bucket to what the gas prices have done to the show scene.

Sorry for the long post , just thought I would shed some positive feedback and the positive trends we have noticed. Nobody attends more shows than we do, so we have a good gauge on what goes on in the mintrucking show scene.

John Beebe
President, Drop Em wear clothing co
greenranger 23   +1y
Originally posted by DropEmWear

MT isn't dying has started a rebirth of new people. How do I know this? We have noticed a huge trend in selling older shirts. This tells me there are new people getting involved in building killer trucks. We have seen this trend happen within the last 2 years. While one guy moves on in life another steps in his place. There will always be old schoolers like myself hanging around. Once again each hobby/scene/lifestyle has its fair share of complainers and idiots. lol.

The biggest KILLER in the last few years is the economy! There has only been a few shows this year that can say their numbers were up and the rest took a hit in attendance. WHY? GAS PRICES. Does lack of attendance mean its dying? NO it just means people have priorities. So when attendance is down at a show we and every other vendor has less opportunity for sales. So some people look at loss of revenue at shows = minitrucking is dying...we don't think so in the least! why? Although sales may be slightly down at some shows, more and more people are ordering over the phone and over the internet. Our phone and internet sales are the best we have ever had in the 15 years we have been doing this! So this trend leaves us to believe MINITRUCKING HAS NO ISSUES....THE COUNTRY DOES! People can't get to the shows they want but they still want product. This is the positive side of this issue.

Please ask your self these questions...if gas prices were the same as they were in 2004 would I attend more shows this year? Would have more money in my pocket? and if attendance was up at the shows and the shows you loved were still around, would you even have the thought of minitrucking being dead on your mind?

People acting a fool at shows is a drop in the bucket to what the gas prices have done to the show scene.

Sorry for the long post , just thought I would shed some positive feedback and the positive trends we have notic

i agree 100%
hitncry   +1y
Edited: 9/6/2008 5:40:26 AM by hitncry

Why do people hate the word Scene. it's a noun.
