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Mini Truckin General \  One of many reasons the scene is dying..

One of many reasons the scene is dying..

Mini Truckin General General Discussions
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lucky_brew   +1y
Originally posted by twistedsdime

Originally posted by lucky_brew

if anything is killing the "scene" its the fukin internet...

Well correct me if I'm wrong but SSM in part of the internet. And you have over 2300 post in about 10 months. Hmmmmmmmm......

Not talking shit to you lucky cause I respect anybody who has been in the scene as long as you have but I don't think the "internet" is hurting the "scene".

its cool bro. no offense taken. we gotta do something in our spare time right?

i guess i should rephrase - its all the haters and shit talkers on the internet!

twistedsdime   +1y
Edited: 9/6/2008 10:51:49 AM by twistedsdime

Originally posted by lucky_brew

Originally posted by twistedsdime

Originally posted by lucky_brew

if anything is killing the "scene" its the fukin internet...

Well correct me if I'm wrong but SSM in part of the internet. And you have over 2300 post in about 10 months. Hmmmmmmmm......

Not talking shit to you lucky cause I respect anybody who has been in the scene as long as you have but I don't think the "internet" is hurting the "scene".

its cool bro. no offense taken. we gotta do something in our spare time right?

i guess i should rephrase - its all the haters and shit talkers on the internet!

That's better! :ROTFLMAO:
FreelandKustomz   +1y
Edited: 9/6/2008 11:21:32 AM by BclassBD

So because the economy is in the crapper there are less shows? the magazines are getting thinner and full of ads? tailgate is gone..........because of the economy? doubt it. Hot rodders who dont even OWN a hot rod but buy magazines. Gas prices. dont tell me you guys are bitching about 25 miles to the gallon? And telling me your going to hot rods. If your going from mini trucks to hot rods, sounds like the economy isnt that bad eh? I see alot of pointing fingers. Im not out to say the scene is dying. im not pointing fingers. i have a series of these posts. I guess everyone is so literal about the wording you use these days. its shrinking. Dying is such a strong word. The community is SHITTIER. everyone has always talked shit but just seems worse these days. Someone comes on a forum and says "hey guys likes be aware of whats been going on and dont let people talking shit effect the scene, have open arms for any fellow mini truckers" and most of you are just being negative. THIS IS WHY THE COMMUNITY IS GETTING SHITTIER and its shrinking. Im done defending my self here. But fuck me, atleast im trying to make a positive out of a negative.
granth   +1y
Edited: 9/6/2008 11:21:09 AM by 72bumpside

25-35 mpg? hell my TOYOTA got 15 and a fuggin half going to scrapin. luckily the show is only an hour away. IF a buddy of mine were to come here, for the weekend, it would be 300 in gas alone. hotel....2-300. casinos......900 food/gas HERE/fun shit, probably 200. I spent 200 at scrapin and i live an hour away. that 200 was in my pocket when i walked in the show, and gone when i walked out.

People dont just go to shows and sit, they buy things, cruise, buy more, cruise more, buy more gas, cruise more.

So yes...attendance is down a LOT in part of gas. I have a feeling all of us are getting BUSIER by the day as well. Family's, and work and all. A lot of the people I know are picking up either more hours or a part time job to help for things. It's not just gas that costs more!

I hope I can drie something next year getting 25 mpg. I'd probably drive out of state for a couple shows.

A lot of people tow as well, a lot of the quality stuff you want to see comes in on trailers. Most of those trucks don't get bu like 12mpg at best lol.
HotRodDime   +1y
Originally posted by DropEmWear

MT isn't dying has started a rebirth of new people. How do I know this? We have noticed a huge trend in selling older shirts. This tells me there are new people getting involved in building killer trucks. We have seen this trend happen within the last 2 years. While one guy moves on in life another steps in his place. There will always be old schoolers like myself hanging around. Once again each hobby/scene/lifestyle has its fair share of complainers and idiots. lol.

The biggest KILLER in the last few years is the economy! There has only been a few shows this year that can say their numbers were up and the rest took a hit in attendance. WHY? GAS PRICES. Does lack of attendance mean its dying? NO it just means people have priorities. So when attendance is down at a show we and every other vendor has less opportunity for sales. So some people look at loss of revenue at shows = minitrucking is dying...we don't think so in the least! why? Although sales may be slightly down at some shows, more and more people are ordering over the phone and over the internet. Our phone and internet sales are the best we have ever had in the 15 years we have been doing this! So this trend leaves us to believe MINITRUCKING HAS NO ISSUES....THE COUNTRY DOES! People can't get to the shows they want but they still want product. This is the positive side of this issue.

Please ask your self these questions...if gas prices were the same as they were in 2004 would I attend more shows this year? Would have more money in my pocket? and if attendance was up at the shows and the shows you loved were still around, would you even have the thought of minitrucking being dead on your mind?

People acting a fool at shows is a drop in the bucket to what the gas prices have done to the show scene.

Sorry for the long post , just thought I would shed some positive feedback and the positive trends we have noticed. Nobody attends more shows than we do, so we have a good gauge on what goes on in the mintrucking show scene.

John BeebePresident, Drop Em wear clothing co


KEEF   +1y
Originally posted by disfiguredS10

The "scene" is fine, every time I take my 4yr. old son to preschool in my truck every little boy in that place has his face smashed against the window pointing at it.....I was that I am a "minitrucker".My son took an airbag to show and tell for the letter A yesterday, he's spreading the word so don't worry.

That is badass Randall way to spread the word homie.....

As Jim, Terry, John, Brandt and a few others have stated the "scene" is not dying, our shop is busier than ever and we are in po-dunk MS.....
granth   +1y
haha thats great. an air bag for show-n-tell. what is he going to take for B?
Deluxe_D100   +1y
Let's kill this thread and focus on the Red Diamond Tea thread!
DropEmWear   +1y
One thing the internet has done is make things available for us faster. It has made the world a smaller place. Remember when you only could see the latest and greatest by way of magazine and print pics? lol. I just thumbed through some old pics and I will be posting them up soon. circa 1994-98. lol.
SSM-Webmaster   +1y
Edited: 9/6/2008 1:28:08 PM by SSM-WebMaster

honestly, about the only thing that could KILL the minitruck scene is if they do a movie about it.. lol Look what "fast and the furious" did to the import scene. That movie made tuner cars a joke... Let's just pray they never make a movie about us.. lol