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Mini Truckin General \  One of many reasons the scene is dying..

One of many reasons the scene is dying..

Mini Truckin General General Discussions
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grip   +1y
I don't even think you can call it minitruckin anymore.In 2000 I built a bodydropped galaxie 500 and people thought I lost my freakin mind.The comment I heard the most was(Why didn't you build a truck).
Now it seems like the cool thing to do,cadillacs,suv's,ratrods,sleds,bodydropped schools buses and stepvans.Ive seen all these at our shows and I think its blending together a little.I also think the one thing that binds us together is a common love for the lowrider(as much as some of you might hate that word).
That seems to be the only consistency in our hobby.
CHOSN1   +1y
So what is being said here is we should recognize that everyone has diferent reasons for being here and that each and every one of us should respect that. But as far as hating on others, obviously that needs to stop but will it.. No, there will always be haters out there. It's motivation for some people though when you think about it. Just like when you were a kid and your mom said don't do it and you went ahead and did it anyway. Sorta like that. As much as I hate seeing donks, I respect them for having there own style. I mean who really gives a shit about what we think.
jhoz   +1y
hey Form, post pics of your galaxie 500!
medicus   +1y
i did not become a minitrucker because of the "scene" for all intensive purposes fuck the "scene" i became a minitrucker because its what i love and if its dead in ten years i those of us who love it wont care
gob   +1y
why does this bullshit keep getting brought up. the scene is not dying at all, go to a show for gods sake theres trucks everywhere. pick up a magazine do you see BLANK pages?

every 'clique' has shit talkers. the best example of that would be any type of church regardless of the religion.

just how long have churches been around? i don't see them 'dying' any time soon.
grip   +1y
Originally posted by jhoz

hey Form, post pics of your galaxie 500!

The only pictures I have are on a floppy disk and they don't make computers with floppy anymore.
jsondrops   +1y
I just like seeing trucks and cars on the fkn ground!
This "scene" is not gonna die anytime soon,because we all like seeing cars and trucks on the ground!I don't givva fuk if you use juice or air,if its layin its badass to most(if not all)of us.

Shit talking and not being able to give a dude props on his work (because it is better or worst) is what is killin anything!But those guys are gonna keep welding in spite of your words on here.

I am not a "minitrucker" for life! Like russ said,i wear nice clothes and work in the a/c all fkn day,my truck is not my LIFE!!!
TwistedMinis   +1y
Originally posted by grip

Originally posted by jhoz

hey Form, post pics of your galaxie 500!

The only pictures I have are on a floppy disk and they don't make computers with floppy anymore.

I have two extra floppy drives from the stone age. You can have them if it will get some pictures.
hitncry   +1y
Originally posted by bmini94

the scene is dying b/c ppl post threads on street source saying it is dying..

I kind of agree. If I was new to this and I was checking out ssm, i might get a bit turned off when I really shouldn't be.

Locally out here in AZ I don't see too much negative stuff at all. I think most people around here would be more than willing to ask anyone else in the custom scene for help in the hobby and most would be just as willing to offer that helping hand. I love it out here!
sleepingsi69   +1y
I love custom vehicles, doesnt matter if its a car, truck, bike, boat, hell even lil red wagons. Just go and build somthin and no scene, sport, hobby, lifestyle will never die and always thrive.