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Off-topic \  where were you on 9/11/01 ???

where were you on 9/11/01 ???

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poontang2005   +1y
I was assigned to Davis-Monthan AFB in Tucson AZ. I was at PT in the morning, our first SGT came driving up really fast. He talked to our commander and all the top NCO's really quiet for a few minutes. We were then told to go back to our shop and start making preperations for condition Alpha in our pt gear, we usually get to go home for an hour and clean up. We got to the shop, watched the second plane hit, we watched tv for another 20 minutes just gazing dazed. Then it all clicked in our heads and we got to work doing all the stuff we had practiced, and talked about. Setting up a security checkpoint for the building, roping off the parking lot to move vehicles back 200 feet, securing all the doors. They told us to go home and change then come back to work, it took 3 hours to get onto base with the lockdown and all the inspections going on. 2 weeks later we were in Al Udeid Air Base in Qatar with all our SATCOMM equipment, I made it home about4 months later, changed my mind about reupping and got out of the Air Force in July 2002. I'm still glad I got out when I did, I just barely missed the stop-loss on my job grade

JPeventsxx   +1y
Working at Dell and the whole sales floor went silent when someone yelled a second plane hit the second tower. I remember trying to hit and it was obliterated with traffic.

A year later I was at Veteran Stadium on the night before the anniversary watching a baseball game and some dude was walking around the whole stadium with a flag on his shoulder. The crowd would get up when the guy got to their seats. It was a like a continuous wave.

God bless those families that lost someone and to those that have fought for us since then.

Below is something that is very interesting....make your own conclusion.
bbrownderville   +1y
Originally posted by SoloSpecialties

Edited: 9/6/2008 10:45:37 PM by SoloSpecialties

***8th grade science class,got an announcement over the intercom and didn't work for the frest of the day.

Same here. 8th grade Earth Science for me. Ended up watching the news pretty much the rest of the day in all the classes.
RangerOn18Cobras   +1y
i was working @ a local motorcycle dealership, and we were taking an inventory list because the store was broken into the night of September 10th...the sales manager came in and called everyone up to watch the tv, and a few minutes later we saw the 2nd plane hit...after we saw that, the owner told us all to go home and be with our families...

and to those who say it was an inside job... you make it sound like its not worth talking about because the gov is screwed up....hundreds of innocent people lost their lives..i dont really care who was behind it, whoever it was needs to be shot in the head...but for the people who never came home, and the rescuers that didn't make it out, and for the soldiers who've lost their lives fighting in the war (wether you are for or against the war) deserve our respect!
zombieDatsun   +1y
I was buying a millermatic 250x in Bowling Green,KY. Strange. The guys in the welding shop were watching the tube and told us that two planes had just crashed into the world trade centers. We said "What the hell?"

Fuck Bush,fuck the Gov't. My opinion.

1. You need to realize there is NOTHING that can stop a terrorist attack in a "free" nation. Think about it. Welcome to reality.
2. The U.S. gov't does NOT act on probable cause. Only after the fact. Only when capitalism is threatened. Cash talks. Think about it. Welcome to reality.
3. In THIS year's election, who are your CHOICES??? Think about it. Welcome to capitalism.

Jance Customs   +1y
I was working for a lawn care company. I was mowing grass when it happend.
MagicMikey   +1y
i had got of of my 10 hr 3rd shift job and was baggin my s10 when i heard it on the radio and then went inside to turn on the tv
offthewall   +1y
7th grade geography. the power had gone out in our school (for whatever reason... we didnt know) the same time the first plane had hit... so we were all pretty spooked by that. then i remember getting home and turning on the tv and watching the first building crumble. pretty sickening.
offthewall   +1y
and for those who havent seen it yet... look up zeitgeist. its worth the 2 hours.
Drag2blaze   +1y
I at the doctors office watching the ultrasound of my first son. We walked outside to listen to the radio that's when everything happened! Then back to the house to watch the second plane hit the buildings. Stayed glued to the TV for the rest of the time till work that night!