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Off-topic \  where were you on 9/11/01 ???

where were you on 9/11/01 ???

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yourbabysdaddy   +1y
I was in New york (Jamaica,Queens) working for the long island rail road. it was THE scariest events I have ever been involved in. All railroad activities came to a halt fearing terrorists were using the commuter rail cars to explode under the city in the tunnels. All the rail road radio channels were jambed with emergency procedures for employees to follow to get customers to safety and all.after finding out what was going on I was able to see the smoke from the towers in the distance and later the towers fall on tv in the headquarters. I didnt loose anyone in the event but I know plenty of people who did.
How many people have been able to make it down to ground zero since that day? i was there just days after the public was allowed to go back after all the rescue crews were gone. it was an erie place. in a busy city, the silence in that area was deafening.
JohnBoy99   +1y
I was aboard the USS John C Stennis. We were underway off the coast of California so some pilots could get some time in landing and taking off the carrier. Real easy ass couple of weeks. So we thought.
Hopped out of the shower and was walking back in the berthing, one of the guys was watching with a toothbrush just hanging out of his mouth. Asked him what was up. Told me a plane crashed, I told him that was odd because planes don't fly in that area. Then by the time I got my uniform on and up to the radio room, the second plane hit. My easy ass two week went to a hectic scramble to get Comms up. We stayed out to sea for awhile, pulled us in early, then basically said, "Get ready, your shipping out!!!" Good times. Fuckers!
granth   +1y
I'm thinking I was a sophomore or junior, I was taking Biology. I grad'd in 05 if someone wants to figure it out.

We got a message over the announcements saying to turn on the tv a great tragedy had happened. I think that's the first time I knew what it felt to have my heart, hit my nuts, and just realize today could be the last for any of us.
lucky_brew   +1y
Edited: 9/6/2008 10:48:34 PM by lucky_brew

luckys son, logan

I was in kindergarten at the time and lived in Florida. But, all I remember was. I got at school,and the teacher turned on the tv, and I was so confused because i was so little . Then a whole bunch of parents surrounded the front door and the principle was checking ids then my dad got me and my step mom (at the time) was at a airport in TN(because she was at a wedding)and she couldn't fly back to Florida and my dad was so scared and worried!
sebass   +1y
sebass   +1y
idragsdaily   +1y
i was living on andrews air force base maryland my dad wuz in the army wrkin on the afb as a flight enginear( probley spelt wrong) i woke up that morning and heard sum rustleing around in my mom and dads room which wuz starnge cuz they both go to work b4 6 am and it wuz bout lunch time i said wht u still doin here dad? he said go turn on ur tv i gotta go-- ok for those dont know andrews afb is were the presidents planes are keep- my dad flew all the important ppl for the army and all we lived probley and hour or so from the pentagon u could see the smoke from my house - some of my dads freinds that worked there died, my dad had to go a way for a week and could not tell us were or when he got back it cuz crazy! for those of u who have never been on a base security is usually a guard at a gate , on sept 11 there were concret pilons u have to drive like a real tight s threw and get search every time and there were snipers in the grass point there guns at u it was real crazy we were on lock down for like a month ....sorry for the long post but thats were i wuz
down2earthdawg   +1y
I was in the army working in the company supply room listing to the radio and heard bout a plane hitting the trade center which my dad worked in
and was supposed to be there on 9/11 for a meeting
got called in to the ready room with the rest of the battallon after watching the second plane hit
the base went on total lock down no cell phones cars where searched and then moved 200 yards away from any building no body alowed of post or in with out proper identifications I did find out that my dad didnt go to the trade center that day till the 15th
even though I was injuried and waiting to get out i wanted to get deployed.

remember the true heros of 9/11!
boooghar   +1y
I had a daily routine of eating a bowl cereal before work and watching tv for about 30 minutes (i worked so close to work that i actually walked everyday since it only took me 5 minutes to do so) and i remember the minute i turned the tv one they were showing the second plane crash into the 2nd tower. we watched all day at work since there were only 4 employees at a sheet metal fab shop
Texmextukin   +1y
Edited: 9/6/2008 11:11:46 PM by Texmextukin

I was in 6th grade, all i remember is teachers freaking out and getting sent home early. i didnt find out what was going on until i got home and my mom was home watching the news. it was pretty intense, hard to believe it has already been this long.