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Mini Truckin General \  AIM/Chassis Tech Discussion - Get Help

AIM/Chassis Tech Discussion - Get Help

Mini Truckin General General Discussions
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roadracer   +1y
I just did tonight. One other thing, while I was out covering up my truck, is customer tech help on the weekends. I tried calling when I did my top, but there was no one around over the weekend to answer my questions. The other was that there was only a 900 number to call for help. Like most people, I am only capable of working on my ride over the weekends, and being able to call for help when needed would be a great addition!
AON-4PumpedCL   +1y

A great way to show the minitruckin' community you care would be to be a vendor at a show and sit face to face with you clients.

If you're interested, I am the man behind the "bring the noize" car show thrown in Glendale, AZ every year. It's the biggest minitruck inspired show in AZ. Ask around to anyone who attends shows to see if they agree with me.

Great to see you making such a huge effort to make things right! And...sorry for my shameless plug
zadaddy   +1y

First off I never chimed in on any of the negative threads, even though the emails that were posted almost caused me to do so. But in my eyes trash talking is ignorance. Nothing gets accomplished out of it.

I personally have only used AIM one time and it was years ago for some spindles and blocks for a S-10. I ended up not using the spindles and sold them to a friend. He had no problems whatsoever.

I did purchase a s-10 that was already bagged with a bolton stuff from you. The only problems I had were replacing the valves that were on the manifold, but that was the previous owner's fault because water got into them.

I commend you for taking a head-on approach to this and trying to resolve any and every issue your customers have. It's nice to see a positive thread instead of a hate thread for a change. As long as this keeps up and people don't have any problems anymore with the quality of your products, I would not hesitate to order from you for my next project.

Good luck and I hope that everything works out! You have obviously done something right to be this successful and stay in the business for this long!
Balzout Sparkin   +1y
I guess the bottom line is that there is an effort to right some wrongs. At the end of the day that's all anyone can ask for!I do respect the way you have stepped in front of the firing squad here Joe. That took somes balls.

Good Luck with the turn around efforts.
joemorrow   +1y
Originally posted by Balzout Sparkin

"(that he lifted off of our website)"

Am I the only one that caught this?????I'm pretty sure the AIM ad I seen in the new street trucks this month had a bunch of pics "lifted" from the suicide doors site!

I would love to see a change for the positive in all this, because I'm having a hard time finding drop spindles for a 91 Isuzu pup. So far AIM is all I'm seeing and right now I'm just not on board to go that route.

Sorry, but I'm not one to jump on a bandwagon good or bad! This is just how I feel and I'm not being negative or hurting this site!

Brad,I want to thank you for your comments. Yes, I did do that, but not to steal images,but to exercise frustration in the community as a whole. There is not a single part that they advertised that we do not have. somebody copied most of them from us at one time or another, that is how it works. I purposely did that and I will own up to it. We need to all respect one another, stop calling us Shaim Industries and we can move to the POSITIVE side. The ad you mention runs in January Truckin, and after that it will be gone.... I hope that a new era is about to unfold. Please help me be part of that. I am fed up with being mindlessly bashed, perhaps not by you, but the overall community. Lets go the POSITIVE route. Please assist me in doing so.Do you really look like your picture? lets just get along...Come'on Brad, If you really care, give me an email, and lets move the ball forward... OK? Thank you for your posting, Joe Morrow
jgarris11   +1y
Well guys I went ahead and made a deal with joe to order a 4 link. I will leave feedback and comments once the item is in. I wanted to see if this thread is helping anything.
joemorrow   +1y
Originally posted by roadracer

I just did tonight. One other thing, while I was out covering up my truck, is customer tech help on the weekends. I tried calling when I did my top, but there was no one around over the weekend to answer my questions. The other was that there was only a 900 number to call for help. Like most people, I am only capable of working on my ride over the weekends, and being able to call for help when needed would be a great addition!

No Tech help on the weekends unless the single (only 1 person) has that particular knowledge. We NEVER had a 900 number ever. You have us confused with someone else perhaps.. Mon thru Friday, sorry our staff puts in their 50hrs a week and takes the weekend off. But you can email me after hours, but just know that I might not know the answer, but I will try..

Regards, Joe Morrow
joemorrow   +1y
Originally posted by AON-4PumpedCL


A great way to show the minitruckin' community you care would be to be a vendor at a show and sit face to face with you clients.

If you're interested, I am the man behind the "bring the noize" car show thrown in Glendale, AZ every year. It's the biggest minitruck inspired show in AZ. Ask around to anyone who attends shows to see if they agree with me.

Great to see you making such a huge effort to make things right! And...sorry for my shameless plug

OK Aaron,I will make myself available to personally meet you and convince you to be our representative. Just give me the chance... Email me when you want to meet and it SHALL BE DONE. thank you, Joe Morrow
joemorrow   +1y
Originally posted by Balzout Sparkin

I guess the bottom line is that there is an effort to right some wrongs. At the end of the day that's all anyone can ask for!I do respect the way you have stepped in front of the firing squad here Joe. That took somes balls.

Good Luck with the turn around efforts. Hopefully I will be in the group hug... but again, I have to get past your picture.. Oh well, if you can get past mine, I suppose I can get past yours. Lets go Positive and give Kris the credit he deserves for creating the opportunity to communicate.

Thanks Brad.... Joe
Balzout Sparkin   +1y
"Do you really look like your picture?"

LOL, no that is the late hip hop artist Ol' Dirty Bastard (RIP).