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AIM/Chassis Tech Discussion - Get Help

Mini Truckin General General Discussions
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blazerss   +1y
Originally posted by joemorrow

YEARS AGO... If there is one thing that is in common, 90% of the posts are on issues over 5 years old. Go back and look.

TO ALL MEMBERS and HaVoC1We have NEVER, EVER had a broken 4link. Bushings replaced, YES. We sell over 300 4links a month, that is 3,600 per year and NEVER a broken 4Link

Show me one.You are creating whatif situations with your imagination. Show me the facts. You create a whatif with StreetBeat on a compressor. Whatif StreetBeat were still in business. If all our products are so bad, why are we still in business? Something does not add up here. This is a small industry, not a large industry. In fact, not an industry at all, but a community of enthusiasts at this time. Most of what you say is "hearsay" and hearsay travels fast. Is there a real issue that I can assist you with? If so, email me. I will help in any way I can.

Thank you for your Posting

your absolutely right hearsay does travel fast i work at street beat customs and i would like to inform everyone that we are open for business as usual and i do not apreciate rumors that we are closed. i remember you havoc1 when we helped you out.
joemorrow   +1y
Originally posted by blazerss

Originally posted by joemorrow

YEARS AGO... If there is one thing that is in common, 90% of the posts are on issues over 5 years old. Go back and look.

TO ALL MEMBERS and HaVoC1We have NEVER, EVER had a broken 4link. Bushings replaced, YES. We sell over 300 4links a month, that is 3,600 per year and NEVER a broken 4Link

Show me one.You are creating whatif situations with your imagination. Show me the facts. You create a whatif with StreetBeat on a compressor. Whatif StreetBeat were still in business. If all our products are so bad, why are we still in business? Something does not add up here. This is a small industry, not a large industry. In fact, not an industry at all, but a community of enthusiasts at this time. Most of what you say is "hearsay" and hearsay travels fast. Is there a real issue that I can assist you with? If so, email me. I will help in any way I can.

Thank you for your Posting

your absolutely right hearsay does travel fast i work at street beat customs and i would like to inform everyone that we are open for business as usual and i do not apreciate rumors that we are closed. i remember you havoc1 when we helped you out. I for one understood that StreetBeat was now only an Internet presence. Please enlighten me and others that were told that a couple of guys from Minnesota bought it and retained only the Internet portion. I certainly do not want to endorse a rumor. Give us the facts and clear the air.


joemorrow   +1y
And all of you should know that Rick purchased hundreds of thousands of dollars of products from us over the years, and I have always appreciated his business. Rick and I go back to the early years of 1986. So was all of his product bad as well? Rick is a good guy, let's leave it at that
quartermilecrazy   +1y
So Joe how doyou feel about Doug Dehaven doing indepedent testing on your products, he is a very well trusted and respected name in the S-10 community, and we all know how many s-10s there are in the mintruckin world
joemorrow   +1y
Lets bring on all the old business so we can get along with the new.

Let's get down to discussing parts and how they work. If I do not have the answer, the people behind AIM, my loyal employees will have the answer for you. I will tolerate "bashing" and the facsimile of it for a bit,but at the end of the game, after you have it all out there, join me in posting learning, informative, and intelligent postings for the growth of the community.

Bashers, bring it on, and let's get it out there, and let's move forward as a community to IMPROVE a rather new category of suspension.

I implore members that are hesitant to post because of fear of getting bashed, to put it out there. Get bashed if that is what it takes and lets just forge right thru the smoke screen. We are manufacturers, not resellers disguising their products. The buck stops here. Now give me some positive stuff... let's grow this segment and forget about which team/reseller you are supporting. Let's support the community with facts that can be proven... If you want independent testing, let's do that right now! Unless you cannot deal with the results. I soon will have my own forum segment, and I welcome the true enthusiasts that want to better their experience to participate without a hate agenda. Let go of the past and move forward. You will be 68 years old soon enough.. This I can promise you.

This time it is really nite/nite
This has been a real experience, but I am up to the challenge.
Thank you!
joemorrow   +1y
Originally posted by quartermilecrazy

So Joe how doyou feel about Doug Dehaven doing indepedent testing on your products, he is a very well trusted and respected name in the S-10 community, and we all know how many s-10s there are in the mintruckin world

OK,one more... I have no problem whatsoever so long as Doug has an independent agenda. Doug?

I am waiting for you will all due respect. What products do you wish to see? I encourage any objective reviews for the world to see.

Thank you, and Good Night,

cheeks Sunset SD   +1y
joe, has your company ever had a shop truck? a display vehicle showcasing your products? I don't recall ever seeing, or atleast one that was advertised, I know matt petro (sp?) is in your ads but I mean a full on show vehicle? Or what about your employees are they involved in any custom vehicle culture? just curious.
ShakinPlates   +1y
Joe I know SSM is addicting but for Gods sake!

Go to sleep sir!
blazerss   +1y
the facts are that the showroom is open as usual even though we are owned by new people. i will aknowledge that we carry your parts along with many other brands as any store does
quartermilecrazy   +1y
your Denominator IIs vs Airlifts Dominators vs slams
a few you your compressors vs some Viairs vs AZs
your valves vs airlifts vs SMCs
your airline vs SMC airline
your switch boxes vs AVS switchbox
your digital kit gauges vs AVS kits
your suicide door hinge kit vs thorbecke bros hinge kit
your S-10 control arms vs SD arms vs BLF vs BLF flatplate vs ART
your bolt on link kit vs SD bolt on link kit
your streetscraper vs ART roadgrater vs SD bolt in 5 link

just some suggestions