Originally posted by vandycoot
I ordered almost all parts from chassis tech when we where doing more trucks. and for my own van. I ran the Pheonix bags and your valves on my van for 4 years with no problems. If there was ever a problem with something i ordered. I called Ed and he fixxed it. He even had a grill made for my van that was not in production. And it turned out great.I havnt done anything in a while now ( to broke) but my 14 year old daughter has decided she wants a bagged blazer and I know where the parts will come from. I have no reason not to buy from Joe. On another note. I think offering someone a credit is a fine way to make up a wrong. If you have a 100 credit and dont want to spend more money. just order something for under 100 bucks. Its like getting something for free because of your trouble.Sorry for the book. Just thought I would add some good in .Vandy Atkins
Vandy,One thing I have noticed on postings, the bad news comes fast and is to a great extent magnified and distorted by 3rd, 4th, 5th parties and so on... But the good news keeps coming every day, but slower because it comes from the 1st party and is more accurate by not containing "musical chair" remarks that get amplified by those that do not have first hand experience. I will CONTINUE to take care of any real problems out there. Anyone can email me at:
joe@chassistech.com and get any problem resolved, no matter if it is purchased from me or any competitor.
Thank you VERY MUCH for your kind posting Thank you for your posting and I