---------------------------------------------Originally posted by kfirchow---------------------------------------------Originally posted by joemorrow---------------------------------------------Originally posted by joemorrow---------------------------------------------Originally posted by kfirchowJoe I have tried many times to email your company to try and get some product info, and have not yet received a reply. I don't know why this is, but i would really like to know a little more about your product other than what the description listed on your website.---------------------------------------------Kevin..You can be absolutely sure that I view every single email that goes thru one of these two
joe@chassistech.com " target="_blank" rel="nofollow">
joe@chassistech.com " target="_blank" rel="nofollow">addresses:
joe@chassistech.com " target="_blank" rel="nofollow">
joe@chassistech.com or
sales@airbagit.com " target="_blank" rel="nofollow">
sales@airbagit.com Unanswered emails are NOT allowed in my company. Try using one of the preceding address please. tx Joe---------------------------------------------Kevin, pls email me at
joe@chassistech.com " target="_blank" rel="nofollow">
joe@chassistech.com on the Dakota 3" arms. tx---------------------------------------------I dont know whats going on, maybe there is somethin wrong on my end, im not recieving any information.--------------------------------------------- Kevin, I have only ever received one email from you and I answered it within the hour. Send an email to me at
joe@chassistech.com and copy
sales@airbagit.com I should get both of them. Thank you, Joe