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AIM/Chassis Tech Discussion - Get Help

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joemorrow   +1y
--------------------------------------------- Originally posted by low mazda --------------------------------------------- Originally posted by joemorrow --------------------------------------------- Originally posted by joemorrow --------------------------------------------- Originally posted by low mazda well all four of my bags are 2600 pound bags. if you tested all your 2600 pound bags, how come only two of them have had fittings installed.   And you are wrong, I am one of the easiest people to please. Whick is why I was going to try you guys even after all the dis-belief.   I am not going to ship them back, because they work, but when I buy something from a company I just don't expect to recieve a product that looks used. I am not and never did say they were used, I have no clue what was done with them befor I took possesion of them, however I stated that they look that way. But I will solve all this by ordering from somewhere else from here on out.   But thanks for trying to help me. I do appreciate that.` --------------------------------------------- Low Mazda... Then why don't I just ship you 2 more bags no charge to show you that we are straight shooters.  You can take advantage of me by getting free stuff.  We DO NOT ship used bags and if you really believed they were used, then you would have taken a picture and posted it.  Now lets see if you want FREE bags..  Give them to your friends, do whatever you want, but please give me credit for responding to your every complaint, founded or unfounded.  In fact, I will post a picture of your original order on the forum for everyone to see and judge for themselves.  Just give me the NAME/ADDRESS/PHONE you ordered under and we will put this to rest... Fact is, I do not believe you received, nor ordered 4 #2600 bags.  If I am wrong, please accept my apology in advance, but I simply do not believe you are being honest here..  Free bags, all you have to do is give me the name/address/phone.   Travis, (in shipping)  please do a search on bags shipped on a Mazda for the past 30 days, and give me the picture to post on the forum.  I do not believe this guy, but we will post the picture no matter who is right or wrong...  C'mon low Mazda, everyone is waiting for the results of my challenge.   Sincerely, Joe Morrow --------------------------------------------- Low Mazda... My name is Joe Morrow and you can contact me at  If you have nothing to hide, then the world is waiting for you to tell me who you are... I will post a picture of your order online for all to see and make up their own minds whether you are just yanking my chain, or you have a honest gripe.  And of course, I will send you two new bags, and you can keep them all.  Show me your name...  everyone is waiting --------------------------------------------- My name is Brandon Wesley Blitch. My phone numbers are 478-256-8198 and 478-225-6459. My address is 400 Grand Avenue Bonaire, GA 31005..   I have nothing to hide. You can do all the searching you want for someone that has ordered 4 2600 pounders for a mazda and your not going to find anything. Just because that's my name on here, don't mean that's what I am building. You see unlike yourself, I have been a member of this site for going on 8 years, and have been a moderator for the last 2 years, so everyone here knows me. That was what my name was almost 8 years ago, because that's what I had. I currently have another fullsize chevy. 1988 to be exact. I have been through about 4 different bagged trucks that I built through the help of folks on this site.   As far as the pics of the bags, it would be useless to show you pics of them now, because I put them in my truck, so now they are used. SO your right, I have no proof that they looked that way. And here you claiming I said they were, when all I said was that they LOOK to be, never said they were. As I stated, I have no clue what heppened with them befor I took possesion of them. If you feel sending me two more is the right thing, then do so. I am not asking for that, I was just making some statements that I felt was compelling to this thread.   Thanks for your time, Brandon Blitch --------------------------------------------- Thank you Brandon, and your email explains a lot.  You are off the mark here.  It is I that has the picture.  We take a picture of everything we send, so I expect to find the picture of your bags and post it for everyone to see, GOOD or BAD.   I never asked you to take a picture. Secondly,  explaining to me that you are a moderator should not go down well with the members overall.  As a moderator, you are expected to be objective, and not subject your members to unsubstantiated assumptions.  You clearly have taken the low road and assumed the bags were used, when I know they absolutely are not used whatsoever.  I have never had any doubt that Moderators have a share of contempt for our company and your postings as a Moderator show that you are quick to "judge" when an opportunity to malign our company exists.   You are in a position of influence as a moderator and it is my opinion that your influence should be used for the good of the truckin community, not to tear down a relationship that I am trying to build for the good of the entire community, not just ourselves.  Brandon, you of all people, a Moderator, should read this entire thread which CLEARLY shows that I am here to resolve any issues, real or imagined, and allowed me that opportunity.  Instead, you chose to jump to a conclusion that is wrong.  Any reader of this thread knows that you as a Professional Builder and Moderator, would have REFUSED to put a used bag on his project.  You would also have leaped at the opportunity to post a picture of this "used" bag on the site.  It is untrue and you and I both know it.  Both bags were tested, even though only two had teflon tape as a result of the test.  We went to a pneumatic thread sealer to test them which seals without teflon for testing purposes.  The factory tests them for leakage in this manner, so why can't we?  I would rather have a fragment of teflon tape on a bag that take a chance of any possible leak.  So far, we have found 3 leaks in 1000 bags, and for me, that is not acceptable.  Do your really think that Slam, Airlift (who buys from same China Company, has never had a leak??   PLEASE back off of me unless you can prove your claims.  I am here to listen and act on constructive criticisms, and your posting draws wrongful conclusions... again, why would you as a Moderator of this site, install a pair of used bags.  Why would we even have a pair of "used bags" that did not work for another customer, but, as you admit above, work for you?  Give me a break and lets get back to taking care of real problems for your members.     I expect to post a picture of your shipment along with your invoice on the site

garagebuilt   +1y

hey joe going back to my posts... i think you were gettin what i said confused with what someone else said. i havent had trouble with anything yet. the bags are installed and have had about 700 miles on them. the bags look fine until the car is layed out. then you can see really small shallow cracks. im not that worried about a blow out, was just making sure i could get just the bag if anything happens, since its a custom set up and Aim is the only place i could get a replacement. also wanted to know a price(taken care of). thanks joe yall were the only people i could find at the time that could get me what i needed.

GraphicDisorder   +1y
Wait Joe let me get this right...   It was ok for you to assume Brandon drove a Mazda truck, but NOT ok for him to assume that bags he bought from you, that had rust in the threads and teflon tape in them were used.   Do you see the flaw in your thought process there?  You get to make all the assumptions but your customer can't?  Thats fairly epic I might say.   I dont see any reason why anyone would assume any different when getting what Brandon claims to have got.   I agree Brandon should have took a picture pre-install, and maybe even not installed them all together and just posted about it right away or contacted you right away, whats done is done.  What might help Joe is that you tell people on your site and maybe a sheet in each box with the bags that they may be pre-leak tested prior to shipping.  That would have solved this whole issue.  What do I know though right.   Brandon's personal experience with your company has nothing to do with being a moderator.  I believe he was just trying to prove he has been here long enough to know people, in fact a lot of people have user names that do not go with their current projects.  So lets keep that in that context. 

joemorrow   +1y
--------------------------------------------- Originally posted by garagebuilt hey joe going back to my posts... i think you were gettin what i said confused with what someone else said. i havent had trouble with anything yet. the bags are installed and have had about 700 miles on them. the bags look fine until the car is layed out. then you can see really small shallow cracks. im not that worried about a blow out, was just making sure i could get just the bag if anything happens, since its a custom set up and Aim is the only place i could get a replacement. also wanted to know a price(taken care of). thanks joe yall were the only people i could find at the time that could get me what i needed. --------------------------------------------- Yes, I did get the two posting ran together.  Thanks for noting this

jeffrodamis   +1y

brandt really means to say Happy Birthday

joemorrow   +1y
Here is the picture and the Sales Order number for Brandon Blitch's 4 #2600 bags.  As you know, Brandon claims we sent him 2 used bags.  Please take not that these bags have the Original manufacturing sticker adhered to the top of the bags.  This clearly challenges your Moderator as to misleading the members.  This is Wrong...Note that the 4th bag is at an angle so the tag is not visible.  Also, the number shown is the Sales Order.  The invoice number is 30502.    Brandon, we need to put and end to this.  I am still sending you two bags today, FREE as I stated, You and I both know the truth and I hope you are able to own up to it. I have to lose a little respect for Brandt if he allows this distortion to continue.  In a few minutes, I will post a picture of the bags I am sending him no charge today.  Please note that they are different bags for Brandon to view, since there is NOTHING wrong with the first bags whatsoever. 

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draggincaddy   +1y
Edited: 3/11/2009 10:08:46 AM by fiveinchbodydrop

---------------------------------------------Originally posted by joemorrow---------------------------------------------Originally posted by fiveinchbodydropive read on here countless times you've sold "x" number of bags without a single issue...i find that hard to believe. especially when you just said a customer called in complaining about leaks (ie why you say your leak testing bags now). im sure you didnt change your shippin procedure over a "possible" leak... second, ive replaced at least 4 bags that came from aim on customer's rides that had leaks where the stud was weld to the plate. call me a liar or make up some story, facts are facts these trucks had very basic bag setups, nothing over 150 psi and 3/8 valves... they simply cracked at the weld and started leaking,period. ---------------------------------------------I certainly did not mean to imply we NEVER had a problem.  But I am implying that out of 6,000 bags a month, we do not have issues.  If we did, we could not be in business.  YES, we had a problem in the past with the stud breaking and leaking at that point.  That is why we evolved to the female insert, and if you notice, Firestone followed our example.  If you still have the bags, I will replace them.  If you do not have the bags, I will replace them with DeNominators, our newest bag for a token $100 for the set, and if you do not like them, I will bay the freight BOTH ways.  There is not a bag manufacturer out there that has not had an issue, including Slams. Either #2500-II, or #2600II---------------------------------------------since i did not purchase these bags, i cant in good faith send them backfor an exchange...i'll pass this info to the original purchasers and let them know your offer.  i would like to ad, you seem bi-polar or maybe 2 different people post under your name....i dunno. you can seem really honest and helpful one minute and then become very bitter and defensive the next.your posts concerning blitch seemed fine at first but now your on a tangent and callin everyone out.he has clearly stated a couple times, they appeared used... furthermore, what does your picture of 4 bags prove? you have four bags on a table??? how does anyone know those are "his" bags? do you not think its possible someone sent you a set back (ive seen you ask for several things returned to you) and they appeared fine and someone simply placed them on a shelf, is that not possible at all? surely you can see something like that happening...
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GraphicDisorder   +1y
--------------------------------------------- Originally posted by joemorrow Here is the picture and the Sales Order number for Brandon Blitch's 4 #2600 bags.  As you know, Brandon claims we sent him 2 used bags.  Please take not that these bags have the Original manufacturing sticker adhered to the top of the bags.  This clearly challenges your Moderator as to misleading the members.  This is Wrong...Note that the 4th bag is at an angle so the tag is not visible.  Also, the number shown is the Sales Order.  The invoice number is 30502.    Brandon, we need to put and end to this.  I am still sending you two bags today, FREE as I stated, You and I both know the truth and I hope you are able to own up to it. I have to lose a little respect for Brandt if he allows this distortion to continue.  In a few minutes, I will post a picture of the bags I am sending him no charge today.  Please note that they are different bags for Brandon to view, since there is NOTHING wrong with the first bags whatsoever.  --------------------------------------------- Where is the picture of the threads Joe?  The threads where what looked used, the threads he claims were rusty, the threads had tape in them.  I find this picture does nothing to negate what he may have received from your company.  So I have to say I lost some respect for you with all this talk of these pictures coming and they show nothing. Secondly, if you have lost some respect for me, so be it, I am not on a mission to earn respect from you.  I feel Brandon brought you an issue and you can choose to be honest with the customer or not.  YOU are not honest up front that a customer could end up with a set of bags that may show some rust, that may show some teflon, etc.  Had you put a disclaimer out in the begining I bet this topic would not be an issue.  Brandons issue with your company has nothign to do with im being a moderator.  So please get over that already, your wasting your time. Given your past Joe, I will always side with the members on this site when its a grey area.

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joemorrow   +1y
--------------------------------------------- Originally posted by joemorrow Here is the picture and the Sales Order number for Brandon Blitch's 4 #2600 bags.  As you know, Brandon claims we sent him 2 used bags.  Please take not that these bags have the Original manufacturing sticker adhered to the top of the bags.  This clearly challenges your Moderator as to misleading the members.  This is Wrong...Note that the 4th bag is at an angle so the tag is not visible.  Also, the number shown is the Sales Order.  The invoice number is 30502.    Brandon, we need to put and end to this.  I am still sending you two bags today, FREE as I stated, You and I both know the truth and I hope you are able to own up to it. I have to lose a little respect for Brandt if he allows this distortion to continue.  In a few minutes, I will post a picture of the bags I am sending him no charge today.  Please note that they are different bags for Brandon to view, since there is NOTHING wrong with the first bags whatsoever.  --------------------------------------------- You don't know my past.  I am the same guy willing to assist anyone, or resolve any issue that I can.  The picture above is an ACTUAL file dated picture of Brandon's order.  I surely expected someone to accuse me of staging the pictures.  This is nonsense.  Brandt, you have always been biased towards me and I have done nothing to you to earn this.  You yourself admit that members embellish.  Nevertheless, I am sending Brandon 2 bags and spring pocket eliminators for his review.  If any rust formed on the threads, as I am sure it did, I apologize.  The threads should have been lubricated to prevent this from happening.  For that, I am sorry, but how can I correct it if I am not noticed?  They are NOT used bags and that is what the accusation is.   Isn't part of this forum's intentions to improve the experience?  Please help me do that. Why will you not allow something better to come of this and stop taking snipes at me?

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GraphicDisorder   +1y
--------------------------------------------- Originally posted by joemorrow --------------------------------------------- Originally posted by joemorrow Here is the picture and the Sales Order number for Brandon Blitch's 4 #2600 bags.  As you know, Brandon claims we sent him 2 used bags.  Please take not that these bags have the Original manufacturing sticker adhered to the top of the bags.  This clearly challenges your Moderator as to misleading the members.  This is Wrong...Note that the 4th bag is at an angle so the tag is not visible.  Also, the number shown is the Sales Order.  The invoice number is 30502.    Brandon, we need to put and end to this.  I am still sending you two bags today, FREE as I stated, You and I both know the truth and I hope you are able to own up to it. I have to lose a little respect for Brandt if he allows this distortion to continue.  In a few minutes, I will post a picture of the bags I am sending him no charge today.  Please note that they are different bags for Brandon to view, since there is NOTHING wrong with the first bags whatsoever.  --------------------------------------------- You don't know my past.  I am the same guy willing to assist anyone, or resolve any issue that I can.  The picture above is an ACTUAL file dated picture of Brandon's order.  I surely expected someone to accuse me of staging the pictures.  This is nonsense.  Brandt, you have always been biased towards me and I have done nothing to you to earn this.  You yourself admit that members embellish.  Nevertheless, I am sending Brandon 2 bags and spring pocket eliminators for his review.  If any rust formed on the threads, as I am sure it did, I apologize.  The threads should have been lubricated to prevent this from happening.  For that, I am sorry, but how can I correct it if I am not noticed?  They are NOT used bags and that is what the accusation is.   Isn't part of this forum's intentions to improve the experience?  Please help me do that. Why will you not allow something better to come of this and stop taking snipes at me? --------------------------------------------- Joe, I didn't accuse you of staging pictures, show me where I did or I suggest you appolgize for such a comment.  You need to go back and re-read it. I said your pictures do not show the areas he is complaining about so I find them USELESS, POINTLESS to this subject.  I think you have a reading and comprension problem to be honest, with the way you quote one post and answer another its epic.    I said some people emblish, that does not mean all people the quicker you understand that the better.   My point to you was and you still seem to miss it.  You should probably NOTE in the box with the bags and on your site that items that a customer may recieve may have been tested for leaks, therefor could have rusted threads, or teflon on the threads.  Try reading it this time, I made a suggestion that woudl help you keep this from happening again, however you ignore it and try to change the context of my post.   Yes I will always side on members sides when its a grey area, and you sir present such a area often.  Do I know you?  No, but  your negative ads in truck magazines gave me enough to form my own opinions on you.  Some of your attacks on "retards", and "young people" here have re-enforced it as well.  So that is all the past I need to know about you.  Have I been clear enough for you this time?

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