i have 4 2400 kinetiks in my blazer and it sits months at a time and always starts , my s10 has 2 1400s in it under the bed and i drive it at least 2 times a week , my burban has 2 2400s in it sits 11 months out of the year and my tacoma has a 1400 in the factory spot and a 600 cap in the extra cab , its driven daily all have compressors and huge stereos (blazer has 500+amps of draw at full volume , sat at drop zone ,sitting pretti at full voluime for 2 hours and the batterys didnt even hesisate to start in the past 2 years ive killed 20+ opitma batterys due to them being bought out 3 years ago and the new company replacing the inside plates with recycled metal and killing there life
so i will NEVER own a diff battery then KINETIK