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Mini Truckin General \  Stock Looking Suicide Doors

Stock Looking Suicide Doors

Mini Truckin General General Discussions
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str8azztaco   +1y
"stock looking" suicidedoors. HMM
McClarys   +1y
Originally posted by thacru78

The kit i speak of.....was in a magazine as a tech article. Can't remember if it was Sport or Street Trucks.


The guy i was talking has a dually like that...and the kit was supposed to fit his truck.

cool concept...
DraggersDreams   +1y
Edited: 9/28/2008 8:19:06 PM by DraggersDreams

mine are on my 67 cadilac but wasn't planned that way lol .. but u work with what u got

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maz duh   +1y
The Iha install article was in Street Trucks mag. I like the stock look suicides alot but I wonder what is does to the sealing area for the door gasket on some trucks. Probably some major re-construction needed on some vehicles to avoid wind whistles. Deff a sic mod to have though.
vinnysmini   +1y
Originally posted by TwistedMinis

I think it was Sport Truck, or Street Trucks that ran an article on how Aaron Iha did some on a dually. It was a pretty badass setup. He might make you some hinges like the ones he used on that truck. They are more involved than the standard style you see, so I wouldn't be surprised if they cost more.

Anyone know the best way to contact Aaron Iha? I think it looks a lot cleaner and street rodderish doing the doors this way. Way better than just hacking the door together with some of those other kits. Thanks for the great help everyone.

ybnrmaldually   +1y
Edited: 9/28/2008 8:37:05 PM by ybnrmalf150

how much was the kit
heres a couple of Farmers 99 tacoma but they used 89-95 jambs and door post from another cab.. looked stock as it could get and functioned well too.
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soccorjimmy   +1y
Here is his website, he is a really cool guy to talk with. I a getting ahold of him so I can get this for the ranger. JIMMY
fatboysS1O   +1y

buddy cobb's isuzu. bdydrppup on here. doing it this way looks waaaay better than having the giant hinges imo.
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idragsdaily   +1y
well just sent a email to his site and got this reply in less then 5 mins lol at 130 am

Hey Josh-
Thanks for inquiring on the suicide door hinges. The hinges are made per order and are $300 for the pair plus shipping which is approx. $30-40. The inner sheet metal panels are an add'l $100. Please let me know if you would like any add'l information.
Thank you,
Christine Iha
Chassis by Aaron Iha
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry