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Off-topic \  kinda looks like we are F'D

kinda looks like we are F'D

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granth   +1y
Originally posted by Low_SST

Originally posted by Severed701

Originally posted by Low_SST

Originally posted by Severed701

looking right now like obama bin laden will be the new president

thats not really cool to imply that because of his muslim faith he is a terrorist regardless of party affiliation.

Would you like to be called a grand imperial wizard of the kkk whitey McCracker?

Its petty and says alot about you and your feelings about others.

who said he was muslim? hes not..check your facts..and u can call me whatever the fuck u want..ive got thicker skin than that..

you are implying by his muslim name that he has ties to terrorism... ie obama bin laden or the other clowns that call him hussein obama. It goes to show how much of a simple minded person you are.

But yet calling your opponent a pig, on national television is not narrow minded at all. Riiiiight. Even if it was taken out of context, a presidential candidate STILL degraded a woman on national tv. I thought we tried to teach our kids to do the OPPOSITE of that.

I hate Obama not because he himself is a moron, but because the typical Obama "radical" is a fuckin idiot. The Showfest crowd called them locals.

Low_SST   +1y
Originally posted by 72bumpside

But yet calling your opponent a pig, on national television is not narrow minded at all. Riiiiight. Even if it was taken out of context, a presidential candidate STILL degraded a woman on national tv. I thought we tried to teach our kids to do the OPPOSITE of that.

I hate Obama not because he himself is a moron, but because the typical Obama "radical" is a fuckin idiot. The Showfest crowd called them locals.

When was I on tv calling Obama's opponenet a pig. I haven't been on tv since I got drunk last winter and was the only one walking in the snow to the bar.

My message was directed @ severed's first comment he made on this forum and nowhere else. I get sick of hearing things like that from dumb asses with simple minds.
bagtodrag   +1y
Originally posted by Severed701

looking right now like obama bin laden will be the new president

obama bin laden wow, just goes to show you what kind of country we live in. And you honestly think McCain's plans would really get this country in order? They are both full of hot air when it comes to elections but Obama is the lesser of two evils. Another republican is the last thing we need in office again, with the helm of Bush in office getting this country so far into debt because of his unnecessary spend along with a thoughtless war just to show up his old man that he could do what he couldn't do when he was in office (take out Saddam). Will Obamas four year term (if some jerk off doesn't pull a Kennedy) be all it cracks up to be who knows, we'd just have to sit back and find out.
Severed701   +1y
im not even gonna try argue with you guys cuz its pointless..but it is a FACT that obama has ties to terrorists...and i can call him whatever the hell i want...obama bin laden...osama obama...barack hussein..oh wait that one is real....that and the simple fact of the the crazy fuck that runs the church he went to for the last 20 ok yeah he denounces the guy fucking convenient....those two things alone make him a scary dude to be in the position he is....
CHOSN1   +1y
see, that ^^^ is the reason why obama was elected. Because no one wants another republican in office. So you take that along with no experience and you get a scary situation.
e10pvmt   +1y
Trev...i love ya man...but i feel i must say kepp bringin up the church deal....googel McCain and Rev. Hagee, and Rev. Falwell.....those are to VERY radical evangelicals both have ties and endorsemnet of McCain (i believe the latter is dead now).........He had no ties to the allleged terrorist who only served on a school resource board....for that matter any one in our lives could be linked to everyone else if we all used this republican tactic....its like the Kevin Bacon thing but with Obama instead......and they bring up ACORN...but look at that...John McCain was for them and supported them before he denounced them....and then the most recent....the Kaledi guy Palin brought up this last week...the guy that was a anti palestine leader......well John McCain gave him $448K in the 90' they all have ties.....Clinton didnt send the economy over the top......the deregulation of the markets is what did it...and that was republican John Graham's ideas.....hmmmmmmm...who was he....oh ya....McCain economic advisor.....remember we are all whiners...ya him......the problem with the republican party is its economic policies and its far right religous ideals....STOP PUSHING YOUR BELIEFS ON THIS COUNTRY.....we are all free to believe and say what we want....and yes you can call him what you want........we can all do the back and forth he said she said shit....but in the end it wont get us anywhere
Severed701   +1y
i get what your saying..but the church thing..TO more than just a link or ties that you could put on anyone...he attended it for 20 years...if you dont have the same type of beliefs as this wouldnt be there for that long...and that dude is not just an alleged terrorist..he IS a terrorist...hell..he still thinks he didnt do enough back then and the only reason he didnt get busted is because of some technicalities.......i really do hope he is a great president..i just dont like anything about him at this point
bagtodrag   +1y
Originally posted by Severed701

im not even gonna try argue with you guys cuz its pointless..but it is a FACT that obama has ties to terrorists...and i can call him whatever the hell i want...obama bin laden...osama obama...barack hussein..oh wait that one is real....that and the simple fact of the the crazy fuck that runs the church he went to for the last 20 ok yeah he denounces the guy fucking convenient....those two things alone make him a scary dude to be in the position he is....

I'm sorry to say but what person in office doesn't have ties with terrorists? Hell, this country used to deal with Osama and providing weapons to the middle east that shit isn't new.
Paul_Buchner   +1y
Edited: 11/6/2008 9:30:04 PM by Paul_Buchner

I have heard that by the FBI's standards Obama would not have been considered as a potential canidate for the Bureau. But yet because the majority of the country just wants to put the first black man if the White House, this is over looked. Lets get one thing straight Bush did not send this country to war with out the approval of his cabinet. You are telling me if some one came into your house and started sh!t you would let it ride, F**k no. You push we push back. This country was founded with certain believes and morals. This country has turned it's back on God, that is why the country is in the shape it is in. Abortion is Wrong. Homosexuality is wrong. Sitting on your fat f**kin a$$ and letting other people support you is wrong. McCain has his faults but I would much rather be lead by a Man with integrity and honor, than this ignorant f**k who associates himself with terriorts. You can't tell me he went to this "church" for 20 years and does not belive what they preach. Which is racism, and anti-American ideaology. You wont flip on the tv and see the Klan spewing a message of hate. But it is ok for them?And please don't get confused. I mentioned God, because this is the truth. I know I well burn in hell for the way I act and the hatred I have. I have family in the Klan and for the most part agree with them. But if the roles were reversed I would have went with Obama. My kids are the most important thing in my life. If it means a better future for them I would do whatever it took even if it meant electing a black president.
e10pvmt   +1y
Bush sent the country to war based on faulty intelligence from his "cabinet" and you say we should go get them....i agree....but we havent......Osama is still out there and it has been proven over and over again SADDAM HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH 9/11!!!!!!!!!!!!!! we havent caught the guy responsible for it....."i just wanna do what my daddy couldnt......and help my war profitering (sp) cronies with oil, weapons, security, etc"......they were lies...plain and simple....over 900 of them to...CLinton had 1...and it was a f*ckin for the church......Whos buisness of it of yours, mine or the f*ckin governments who someone wants to marry, if they want an abortion, and how we live our lives......radical christians are what is wrong with the republican party......NOT EVERYONE THINKS OR AGREES WITH WHAT YOU stop pushing your far right wing ideals on people who dont want to here are entitled to your beliefs....i will always respect that.....dont even judge me for not believing in the bible or any religion for that matter.....i think for myself and act the way i would want to be wont see me forcing others to believe what i believe........there is a seperation of church and state for a reason and our fore fathers are rollin over in there graves seeing the destruction and divisivness the christianradicals are forcing the country into......this country is a diverse melting pot of religions, races, and isnt a christian nation and was formed to escape religious enough with the "-----insert group the bible disagrees with here-------- are all going to hell"

ok i said it....i'm exhausted