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Off-topic \  kinda looks like we are F'D

kinda looks like we are F'D

Off-topic General Discussions
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Low_SST   +1y
Originally posted by e10pvmt

Bush sent the country to war based on faulty intelligence from his "cabinet" and you say we should go get them....i agree....but we havent......Osama is still out there and it has been proven over and over again SADDAM HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH 9/11!!!!!!!!!!!!!! we havent caught the guy responsible for it....."i just wanna do what my daddy couldnt......and help my war profitering (sp) cronies with oil, weapons, security, etc"......they were lies...plain and simple....over 900 of them to...CLinton had 1...and it was a f*ckin for the church......Whos buisness of it of yours, mine or the f*ckin governments who someone wants to marry, if they want an abortion, and how we live our lives......radical christians are what is wrong with the republican party......NOT EVERYONE THINKS OR AGREES WITH WHAT YOU stop pushing your far right wing ideals on people who dont want to here are entitled to your beliefs....i will always respect that.....dont even judge me for not believing in the bible or any religion for that matter.....i think for myself and act the way i would want to be wont see me forcing others to believe what i believe........there is a seperation of church and state for a reason and our fore fathers are rollin over in there graves seeing the destruction and divisivness the christianradicals are forcing the country into......this country is a diverse melting pot of religions, races, and isnt a christian nation and was formed to escape religious enough with the "-----insert group the bible disagrees with here-------- are all going to hell"

ok i said it....i'm exhaustedx2 tony

I am the maker of my own destiny. I know right and wrong. I know that the people who tell me that I need god in my life are the same people that will turn around and be racist or demeaning to their fellow people.
e10pvmt   +1y
Edited: 11/7/2008 12:30:25 AM by e10pvmt

they claim the bible preaches all this love thy neighbor shit but they are the first to come out against a group of people because they dont believe what they do......who gives a f*ck if two dudes or two chicks wanna get married....butt the f*ck out and mind your own damn business....the problem with "traditional" marrige is NOT gay people.....its heterosexual affairs....accept it stop blaming a peaceful group.

And if a woman wants to chose to abort a fetus then thats her fuckin decision...its not like she said "hey its friday and i wanna see a movie....oh and on the way lemme get rid of this fetus".....its a difficult decision for anyone and if you havent been faced with it STFU....I have(thankfully i chose the right path for me based on what i felt was right...not a damn "book")......In the end she is the one that has to live with it......Republicans are against it and would rather force you to have a child and then they are against any assistance or education to help young mothers......get over the abstinance education and teach real sex are gonna DO them how to be responsible and safe......F*CK!!!!!!!!!OH MY GOD...her i go expressing my opinions......damn hypocrites......everyone just mind your own damn business.....keep your religious views to yourself unless someone asks

97hrdbdy   +1y
tony-did i read correctly that you said he has no ties to Ayers besides the board they served on together?
what about the fact that obama's political career started in Ayers' living room with his co-terrorist wife???

Paul_Buchner   +1y
Hey Tony how is work going, little stressed. You don't have any build up frustrations youo need to get out do you. I have read my post again and don't really see where I was tring to push anything on anyone. If I did I am sorry. "Kids are gonna DO IT" Kids? Are you serious? Kids have no business knowing anything about it. We are forcing them to grow up, and face things they should not have to. Who says abortion is the only option for a woman not wanting her child. What about adoption. What bothers me the most about Obama's view on abortion is the fact he thinks it is ok to induce labor, deliver the baby, set it aside and let it starve to death. How is this right, or ok. by anyones standards the baby is given a birth certificate and a death certificate. In other words the child was murdered. That has nothing to do with religon, it has everything to do with morals and character. Watch the video and tell you agree with this
e10pvmt   +1y
Edited: 11/10/2008 6:29:53 PM by e10pvmt

Edited: 11/10/2008 6:29:00 PM by e10pvmt

Originally posted by Kmanuel

tony-did i read correctly that you said he has no ties to Ayers besides the board they served on together?what about the fact that obama's political career started in Ayers' living room with his co-terrorist wife???

this has been proven to be play on words......he attended a party for a congesswomen(who he eventully succeded) which yes hapened to be at his house.....she introduced him that was all.....but he has reputiated everyhting he stood for since the crimes he commited were when barack was 8 years old....he has no aassociations with him now nor has h ever taken any advice or policy from was said previously.....if we play the "association"game we can link anyone to anyone else.....McCain has ties, Obama had ties, Bush had the most (Bin Laden Family)

Sorry paul...i didnt mean it to sound like a personal did say this country was founded on beliefs and values...and that we have turned our back on me yes in one way you are saying we should as a country worship god....i disagree.....this country was founded on the pricinples of freedom.....for all escape religous say we are a christian country is wrong....we are a melting say because i dont believe what you do or support the views you do somehow makes me unpatriotic or a bad person (and i dont mean YOU personally....i mean most christians as a whole) is false....i know the difference between right and wrong...and that has nothing to do with seems most right wingers are republicans and are for smaller government but want the government to tell you how you should live......this is rediculous and hypocritical......government should butt the hell out....this includes homosexualtiy and abortion....its none of there damn business....period.....if a man wants to marry a man go for it...marriage of any kind isnt the governments business and there hsould be no wording otherwise in the constitution....marriage is a secular prctice...civil unions are state matter.......if a woman chooses to abort her fetus then she has to live with her decision (although i am opposed to late term abortions except for health reasons)....but there needs to be more education on prevention and practicing safe sex for our kids.....and to address the kids, to think i was talking baout 6 year olds is clarify i was reffering to pre teens and teens....abstinece education hasnt worked....they are gonna do it and PARENTS (not the government) must play a role.....right wngers are quick to say the government should regulate this and that but noting can replace a parents role.....spongebob cant be your babysitter to your children......its just funny to see conservatives wanting to force people to have babys but are against anypublic health care or education for the mothers......public programs are in place to help this country as a whole....what ever happened to doing things to benefit the greater good.....oh and i didnt watch your video because citing a you tube video is like getting you american history from wikepedia or rush i apologize if i came off work isnt i am not on here tryint o change anyones mind just pointing out where i stand.....

i guess i am just over all the racist remarks i here all the really makes us look ignorant when we do it...there is a difference between n*ggers and african american or black people (whichever is PC fo ru).....After this campaign i feel the republicans have succeeded in dividing this country calling those that dont gree ith them or lie in small towns unamerican.....thats why they lost.....this is not what we as a whole need.....i would just like to see the constructive criticism......i dont agree with him 100%....dont think anyone could agree with anyone else 100%....but regardless of your vote we should all give him a chance......he has a lot of proving to do and a lot of fixin on his sholders.....IF we are worse in 4 years....2012 wont be republican or democrat....the independant parties are gonna clean house.....we should have more than 2 real choices anyways.........shit political views asside i am sure most of us wold have a blast just chillin together
livnthelowlife   +1y
i made this the other day .feel free to whore it around the web!

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