Originally posted by e10pvmt
Bush sent the country to war based on faulty intelligence from his "cabinet" and you say we should go get them....i agree....but we havent......Osama is still out there and it has been proven over and over again SADDAM HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH 9/11!!!!!!!!!!!!!!......so we havent caught the guy responsible for it....."i just wanna do what my daddy couldnt......and help my war profitering (sp) cronies with oil, weapons, security, etc"......they were lies...plain and simple....over 900 of them to...CLinton had 1...and it was a f*ckin BLOWJOB..........as for the church......Whos buisness of it of yours, mine or the f*ckin governments who someone wants to marry, if they want an abortion, and how we live our lives......radical christians are what is wrong with the republican party......NOT EVERYONE THINKS OR AGREES WITH WHAT YOU DO.....so stop pushing your far right wing ideals on people who dont want to here them....you are entitled to your beliefs....i will always respect that.....dont even judge me for not believing in the bible or any religion for that matter.....i think for myself and act the way i would want to be treated....you wont see me forcing others to believe what i believe........there is a seperation of church and state for a reason and our fore fathers are rollin over in there graves seeing the destruction and divisivness the christianradicals are forcing the country into......this country is a diverse melting pot of religions, races, and nationalties.....it isnt a christian nation and was formed to escape religious persecution......so enough with the "-----insert group the bible disagrees with here-------- are all going to hell"
ok i said it....i'm exhaustedx2 tony
I am the maker of my own destiny. I know right and wrong. I know that the people who tell me that I need god in my life are the same people that will turn around and be racist or demeaning to their fellow people.