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Mini Truckin General \  This post MUST be read the Big 3 are in crisis and they need your help Take action!!!

This post MUST be read the Big 3 are in crisis and they need your help Take action!!!

Mini Truckin General General Discussions
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smithchassis   +1y
GM has been a vital point to our success over the years and its time we help them out... hell they gave us a colorado for a dollar and got us on the cover of mini truckin magazine so this is the least i could do

GM has launched a new website to let people know how vital that they and the other detroit automakers are to the countrys economy please go hear and read what the have to say and sign up to send a letter to congress/legislators before we have nothing left to build or no new cars to be excited about to cut up!

here is part of the first page of the website

From plants to parks. From dealerships to driveways. From gas stations to grocery stores. What happens in the automotive industry affects each and every one of us. In fact, the collapse of the U.S.-based auto industry wouldn't just impact the more than 239,000 Americans directly employed by the Big Three. One out of every 10 people in America is employed in a service that is related to the U.S. auto industry. If a plant closes, so does its suppliers, the local stores, the hot dog vendors, and the local restaurants.

The effect would be devastating in ways of which you never have thought:

* Nearly 3 million jobs would be lost in the first year alone
dubrocker04   +1y
we are not responsible for the "big 3" and their shitty accounting department.

do bad business, close your doors. how many times have we seen this on ssm?

mobilize? i'm gonna walk out to my japanese Frontier, cruise down to wal-mart, and buy a tube made in Taiwan to fix the flat on my kids' chinese bicycles.

free market, supply and demand. make what the people want at a price they can afford, and you're in business. get greedy and try to jack up prices continually? shut your business down. this economic crisis has been a long time coming, and no amount of money is going to fix it.
stumbledin   +1y
Theres no big 3. Theres only the big two...

GM and Ford are technically the only American auto makers. Chrysler jumped ship a long time ago. Unless Diamler Benz sells Chrysler to an american company it will remain a non American company. Its weird that a non American company is building domestic vehicles.

The time has come for these companies to cut costs by reducing pay to executives first then everyone else that makes more than what they should. This includes management and even union workers. This has to happen in every industry in the United States for this to work out.
doulovemins   +1y
whats done can not be undone. 90 percent of those retards who bit off more than they could chew went out and buaght brand new cars with their interest only mortgage refi money. the poo hits the fan sometime and unless all these people magically get a raise at work and pay their bills its going to be hell to pay.
doulovemins   +1y
damn you dub rocker you beat me to it
smithchassis   +1y
daimler doesnt own chrysler anymore, i dont care if you support gm or ford or not... but if you dont want to be out standing on the corner looking for food or water then you gotta help in some way even if it helps a little bit it still helps. what people dont realize is if this economy doesnt change and change fast, its 1929 alll over again but this time its alot worse because of teh population of the country
Cerebus investment bought Chrysler almost 2 years ago. They are alway a large owner of GMAC. That is how the GM/ Chrysler talk came about.

The us automakers now make alot of great products but are crippled by impressions. In the past they have had issues. They now make some of the top vehicles in the world. With some of the best fuel economy, features per price. Outside the country automakers get a pass when they make gas guzzlers or shoddy vehicles.

Look at it this way. Aim is seen as the antichrist. No matter what joe says will that change your mind? Suicide Doors can do no wrong. When they mess up do you hear about it?

Sad to say but bankruptcy would possibly be a good thing. It would force the unions to look at something other then themselves. You have line workers making 6 figure salaries. Hell they have a job bank. Where you sit on your ass all day and get paid full salary and benefits. You have people retiring 100% vested in their 50's making more then executives. Unions add over $2000 a vehicle. The US does not do tarriffs on imported vehicles as other countries do. When they did them there were so many loopholes that they were easily bypassed. Why did a subaru brat have seats in the bed? So it would be classified as a car. SUV's don't have beds so they aren't trucks.

Ford makes way better cars in Europe, hell even the lower americas. So its partially their fault for not being smart enough to get them over here sooner. Go down to San Diego or anywhere that borders mexico. You see all kinds of different cars that look like they could fill a void here instantly.

Propaganda does wonders. Is the prius the best green ride ever made? Nope. A diesel bmw in europe makes it look like a resource hog. But you won't hear that because people don't want their view of what is right changed.
1 in 10 jobs in the us are attached to the auto industry. So yes it needs to be supported. Saying let them die really impacts everyone whether you want to admit it or not.

You've got to spin to win. Some just spin the good and bad better.

dragyours2001   +1y
Even if they are bailed out then what? they go out 6months to a year from now? Unless they evolve drastically, they will not survive. It will be very bad for this country, however why give them money to blow so they can turn around and go out of business at a later date?
mista337   +1y
I don't understand why Wall Street gets $700 Billion for "shitty accounting" but the auto industry gets the cold shoulder from the Bush administration.

They want $25 Billion, just a fraction of what Wall Street is getting.

What's the point of bailing out Wall Street if they're just going to let the domestic auto industry go under?


smithchassis   +1y
Originally posted by FXDGRND

Cerebus investment bought Chrysler almost 2 years ago. They are alway a large owner of GMAC. That is how the GM/ Chrysler talk came about.

The us automakers now make alot of great products but are crippled by impressions. In the past they have had issues. They now make some of the top vehicles in the world. With some of the best fuel economy, features per price. Outside the country automakers get a pass when they make gas guzzlers or shoddy vehicles.

Look at it this way. Aim is seen as the antichrist. No matter what joe says will that change your mind? Suicide Doors can do no wrong. When they mess up do you hear about it?

Sad to say but bankruptcy would possibly be a good thing. It would force the unions to look at something other then themselves. You have line workers making 6 figure salaries. Hell they have a job bank. Where you sit on your ass all day and get paid full salary and benefits. You have people retiring 100% vested in their 50's making more then executives. Unions add over $2000 a vehicle. The US does not do tarriffs on imported vehicles as other countries do. When they did them there were so many loopholes that they were easily bypassed. Why did a subaru brat have seats in the bed? So it would be classified as a car. SUV's don't have beds so they aren't trucks.

Ford makes way better cars in Europe, hell even the lower americas. So its partially their fault for not being smart enough to get them over here sooner. Go down to San Diego or anywhere that borders mexico. You see all kinds of different cars that look like they could fill a void here instantly.

Propaganda does wonders. Is the prius the best green ride ever made? Nope. A diesel bmw in europe makes it look like a resource hog. But you won't hear that because people don't want their view of what is right changed. 1 in 10 jobs in the us are attached to the auto industry. So yes it needs to be supported. Saying let them die really impacts everyone whether you want to admit it or not.

You've got to spin to win. Some just spin the good and bad better.

very well said jim!