Uncle Fester
So these employees work for X number of years. They collect a very nice pension. Next said generation works, collects nice pension. The cost to each vehicle to pay said pension rises year over year. Add in decline in the stock markets, rise in cost to fund said pension, you now have a unsustainable model.
Lets now look at GM books. They lost I believe $60BILLION this last quarter (4 months). Figure someone offers you $25BILLION with strings to produce more fuel efficient vehicles. When you bleed what they did last quarter how can $25 billion even make a dent in a balance sheet?
Now factor in a bankruptcy, companies line up financing so when they enter bankruptcy they have funds to operate while they reorganize. The capital markets are frozen for anyone but stellar companies. A company that has lost so much is not stellar, they will not get money to see them thru bankruptcy so they will go under, assets sold off and die. Ask what that means to its employees and suppliers and make your own decisions.
It is a hard decision to make and I hope the right one is made, good luck.