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Mini Truckin General \  This post MUST be read the Big 3 are in crisis and they need your help Take action!!!

This post MUST be read the Big 3 are in crisis and they need your help Take action!!!

Mini Truckin General General Discussions
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replies 139
following 95
Masi2003   +1y
I think that a lot of people are missing one very important fact here; u guys are saying "YAY! I hope GM and FORD fail and go under" but what about the workers what about the people who have retired?
i am from Youngstown Ohio, the home town of Kelly "the Ghost" Pavlik. "Boom Boom" Mancini, and Ed O'Neal (Al Bundy). To name a few. You may have seen the Specials on TV about our dieing area. GM is one of our main employers. along with Delphi.
I don't believe in bailing the company out. Would u give an addicted poker player who lost his whole life
Masi2003   +1y
I say BAIL the workers out, if the company goes under don't leave them in the gutter. It
Masi2003   +1y
sorry for all the edits and stuff, im retarded at posting things.
Paul_Buchner   +1y
Originally posted by KAOSS

I thought that Toyota, Honda, and Nissan where doing just fine

Fuck the Unions, and the greedy auto makers, and the whiney fucking cry baby sitting on his fat ass, with his a/c factory jobs making 25+ watching cars roll down an assembly line. Bitching because he wants another 5 buck an hour do do less work. While the ones making the fucking wheels get laid off because of the cunts on strike. Then they back charge us for having them shut down like we were the ones who told them to go one strike. Then when the strike is over they go back to work WHILE I'M FUCKIN UNEMPLOYED. AND THEN SOME PRICK EMAILS ME A VIRUS AND SCREWS UP MY FUCKIN LAPTOP, BECAUSE I BAD MOUTHED HIS PRECIOUS UNION.I feel better. You dig yourself a whole lay in it, and think about all the people your greed has affected. See you in hell.

Paul_Buchner   +1y
The country needs the bottom to fall out, for things to get back in perspective, and level out. It is going to get worse, I fear. That is why I've been buing cattle and chickens. Sounds stupid but if things get bad I know where my next meal is coming from. Bailey our cow. HA HA HA
PimpinMidgets   +1y
I just want to put something into would take one person almost 33 years to spend 1 trillion dollars..spending 1000 dollars a second...
rock26s   +1y
ill tell you what so f***** up is Obama made the dick over freddie mae housing his financial advisor when they fucking went bankrupt with billions now how in the hell can someone who cant even run a good company help a country that is so screwed up fuck gm and ford they should have thought bout those 50000 dollar trucks and get the same gas mileage the did 10 years ago fuckem lol
ShakinPlates   +1y
This is simple guys... There is no such thing as "fair" when business is involved. It is a gamble that sometimes leads in complete failure. This subject is a failure and in life bailouts only get you so far until you fall back on your ass again.....
low mazda   +1y
Edited: 11/17/2008 5:58:10 PM by low mazda

Originally posted by iamagearheadru

I thought this may have been a thread about , and


ME TOO, THAT'S THE ONLY REASON I OPENED IT..But I will continue driving my 04 duramax and my wife will continue driving her 02 silverado until they give out on us. and if and when that time comes, I will buy another duramax and another crew cab for her and if CHEVY or GM ain't making them, then I will but DIESEL TOYOTAs. If american companies fall, it's there own faults for being soooo damn greedy and pricing their shit way too high.
FluffyFreak   +1y
think about this: you gotta badass killer 350 in your Nissan. GM goes under. soon Edelbrock, holley etc go under. you need a new intake manifold.....but no ne makes them anymore...... guess you gotta pertty badass paper weight huh? buy american! stop giving our money to fucking COMMIES!!!!!!!