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Mini Truckin General \  This post MUST be read the Big 3 are in crisis and they need your help Take action!!!

This post MUST be read the Big 3 are in crisis and they need your help Take action!!!

Mini Truckin General General Discussions
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ashvdbx   +1y
hey maybe if they stopped taking five hundred thousand dollar golf trips, 600.000.00 banquets they could of passed the savings along to us and we could afford to buy more... .now they feel how we feel all the time broke!!! so the only people i feel bad for is the workers the blue collar workers who are gonna get screwed. why dont they just have a huge sale sell the autos for 500 bucks over cost... layoff some of the sales men that they really need 20 walking out to ask if they can help ya. and see if they can work on the budget. go to 4 day work weeks rather than monday thru sat. for no reason. do away with all the frigin gas guzzlers. bring back the station wagon if ya need room... ditch the burbans and escalades that get 5 miles a gallon. woohooo.
ashvdbx   +1y
hey only minitruckers will scrape by we been scrapin by for years.*JK* money wont mean shit an a few months time. start hiding your gold and silver. its gonna get you further than a check book or credit card. very soooon!! think of this >>all the big shots keep saying food cost are going up ... as well. well what good is it going to do if they get high enough where they sell less. they will have to throw it away.... so where is the profit in that. they will have to drop prices on everything from tv's to tv dinners. watch the sales this xmas you will see some of the best prices on everything this xmas. they will need to do that!!! and watch the sales after xmas as well !!! the car people will have to do the same... or else.. or maybe they will get bailed out as well. thats like throwing a bandaid over a c section !!!! why waste good money after bad !! make them slash
NC TechY   +1y
was just going to say the same thing that fxdgrnd said

"Sad to say but bankruptcy would possibly be a good thing. It would force the unions to look at something other then themselves. You have line workers making 6 figure salaries. Hell they have a job bank. Where you sit on your a** all day and get paid full salary and benefits. You have people retiring 100% vested in their 50's making more then executives. Unions add over $2000 a vehicle."

Sad just sad... I get paid good money also and only work half a year but the stuff I work with is more dangerous that nitroglicerine
low mazda   +1y
Originally posted by JaydaddyzBurb

think about this: you gotta badass killer 350 in your Nissan. GM goes under. soon Edelbrock, holley etc go under. you need a new intake manifold.....but no ne makes them anymore...... guess you gotta pertty badass paper weight huh? buy american! stop giving our money to fucking COMMIES!!!!!!!

isn't the engine in the titans a 5.7 too. Isn't that what an older chevy 350 is? from the looks of the two blocks they look exactly the same, except I am sure the japanese version has alot better tolerences.
freky1   +1y
we should all be concerned for the big 3 but it isnt the governments problem to fix. show me where in the constitution or bill of rights it says dont worry if your bussiness fails the goverment will give you a hand out. this is a capitolistic sociaty that we live in survival of the fitest. maybe its time the big three trim some fat by that i mean outragous executive salries, line workers making 6 figure salries, uaw leaders getting fat wallets ect. i dont have the answers but i know when i get into finacial trouble its time to tighten the belt and cut some costs not time to look to the government for handouts
fatboysS1O   +1y
Rambo   +1y
Originally posted by S10TooDamnLow

A lot of you don't realize why unions were originally created. They have done VERY well for the working middle class and made it possible for us to live decent lives while all of the rich stay rich. All it did was slow down the process of the rich people rising up, taking control of all major aspects of our gdp, financial markets, and government. However unions got out of hand and the working middle class couldn't spend money fast enough. I do NOT feel sorry for the person making $35,000 a year who thought he/she could go out and buy a $250,000 home with next to nothing down and run out and buy the biggest baddest gas sucker they could squeeze into their garage. Should the banks be blamed? No! Just because someone tells you that it is a good idea doesn't make it so. Step back and think about what we need and can afford. People think that this SmartCar for $16000 is a great deal for a fucking box that gets around 40mpg that you cant haul shit in and gives you hemroids if you need it for a long trip. However $18000 is too much to spend on maybe a Chrysler Sebring that gets around 30 mpg which you can fit your family comfortably in and haul whatever reasonable. People now are too the point that american cars are in their peripheral vision and only the foreign cars are in front of them. They don't realize all the cars gm, ford, and dodge are building that are very much so comprable to their foreign counterparts. If you like american, buy american...if you like foreign buy foreign. But don't come back bitching when you can't find a job for a decent wage and all the foreign companies have our american dollars because we send all of it their way....then eventually we work for them and our great government that has their piggy banks tied off of all of it. Take a look at the Scion XB...the thing doesn't even get close to 30 mpg now and they still sell! Wow, and in recent news AB has been sold off to a foreign company. Business is great and I understand the world market, but when is America not going to be for sale? All of us are going to whore ourselves out to the point when own nothing at all, because everyone borrows borrows borrows. Why would I save for anything if its given to me on credit? I live in St. Louis and have watched ford go, watching AB dwindle, and my father in law is second generation UAW Chrysler worker. He has 23 years in and is caught in the middle of all of this. He is not a line worker, he has been a carpenter in the plant most of his life like his father and has worked 7 days a week for most of his career to give his family everything they have. They OWN everything and owe NOTHING, he has worked hard to save and buy what he knows he can afford. That is the very person who is being fucked the hardest by our ecenomic downfalls. Yup thats right, all of us that have always done the right thing and worked our asses off for a dollar. You can bet your asses that we have not seen the worst yet, and I personally believe people are going to start picking up their guns and making it known they are tired of it. Revolution every now and again isn't a bad thing.

Believe it or not I was in the market for an XB before I got my chrysler 300 a few years back. The XB's were holding their value that lots had a tough time taking them in on trade. They would bring one in and because it held its value so well they were selling it for just about cost and in some cases MORE then a brand new one (which I personally think is retarded).

"American" cars have never really held their values compared to the toyotas and hondas.

Primary reason is because these (toy and hon) can turn out new cars much faster then the big 3 could ever dream of and why we now structure our companies to mimic toyotas because of their sheer efficiency.
FluffyFreak   +1y
what makes everyone think that the CEOs of major corporations are goin to be in the poor house? theyre BILLIONAIRES. unless they got a huge coke or herion habit they aint goin broke anytime soon. all us peons will be standin in soup lines and whatnot while they are rollin round in theyre overpriced foriegn cars, just like they did during the great depression. need examples? Rockfeller, Carnegie, Vanderbilt. all of those families were billionaires before the great depression. all of those families are still billionaires. and im pretty aure most of them have nothign to do with the companies they started anymore. when budweiser was sold to that beliguim company, i stopped drinking it, now i drink Coors and PBR. if everyone STOPPED supporting foreign companies that dont give a shit about s little guys, we wouldnt have these goddamn problems.
35hundo   +1y
Unions are effective in other fields. The UAW has gone above and beyond just keeping quality of life and work conditions up. Theyve gotten so much from the companies thats what drives the price up and why we outsource everything. Its pretty bad if your working and spill something and your not allowed to clean it up, someone else has to because the union say if you clean in up your doing someone elses job. Soo you have to kick back (on the clock) and read a book or whatever until Billy bob over here brings a mop and bucket!!

Oh and for the CEO of GM that took home 16 million last year besides the fact that since he took over in 2000 he has basically drove the company into the ground, ya thats sh!tty!!
dawgpimp   +1y
i have worked at a union company before. the union is there to help the employees by dealing with the company in there place. that sounds like a lawyer to me. how great is a company if you have to take a lawyer to work with you??