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Mini Truckin General \  This post MUST be read the Big 3 are in crisis and they need your help Take action!!!

This post MUST be read the Big 3 are in crisis and they need your help Take action!!!

Mini Truckin General General Discussions
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replies 139
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Buckysheezy   +1y
everyone should be put on commission pay.. that will fix that shit
maniacalmini   +1y
im a liberal tit sucker and i DO NOT agree with any private corporate bailouts. i feel you make it or you dont, thats the american way. i'm in the process of changing careers because the i cant survive working in car stereo around here anymore, i didnt hear the government chiming in to save the local economies and small business. they should 'spread' the bailout money to blanket small local business and give someelse the opportunity to take the place of these huge corps. that would be bottom-up economics and i feel would do more good longterm. that way if they do go bellyup then the exemployees have other options. most people these days need a reality check and get their feet planted firmly and get off the crdit card tit and learn patience and save for what they nedd then want. it all needs to start with people like the majority of us on here and i congradulate those who live on cash and not drown in debt.
e10pvmt   +1y
Originally posted by MIDWEST DRAGFEST

btw. the unions are complete bullshit. all it is, is a bunch of people who are scared of losing there job because they arent doing there job well. and want a free ride

So my union is i am afraid of losing my job because i dont do it huh....F*CK you with that bullshit know nothing bout a union and what its there to know nothing about my career or the situations affecting my safety in my day to day work.....the unions are there to discuss fair working conditions, address safety issues, and fair pay for employees when addressing upper managment who cares nothing about workforce and everything about bottom line....hence the situation were in.....they only cared about the money....not there long term success.......tell you what...go down to our local fire dept and tell them there union is bullshit......then call your republican congressmen and tell them to ban unions....then when your house burns down and your wondering why they didnt have the resources or equipment to save your home or a loved one in need then go bitch about how unions dont do anything
e10pvmt   +1y
Edited: 11/19/2008 12:56:13 PM by e10pvmt

Originally posted by maniacalmini

im a liberal tit sucker and i DO NOT agree with any private corporate bailouts. i feel you make it or you dont, thats the american way. i'm in the process of changing careers because the i cant survive working in car stereo around here anymore, i didnt hear the government chiming in to save the local economies and small business. they should 'spread' the bailout money to blanket small local business and give someelse the opportunity to take the place of these huge corps. that would be bottom-up economics and i feel would do more good longterm. that way if they do go bellyup then the exemployees have other options. most people these days need a reality check and get their feet planted firmly and get off the crdit card tit and learn patience and save for what they nedd then want. it all needs to start with people like the majority of us on here and i congradulate those who live on cash and not drown in debt.

X2...i owuldnt get shit if i needed a "bailout"...why should they....then the real american car companies who employ american workers (nissan, toyota, and honda) will become the new americn big 3 and quality and effiecency will be the new standards
dragrocker   +1y
gm lost 18.8 billion in the first half of this year......... so if you take 70 billion and split it 3 ways thats around 23.3 billion per company so thats what 8 months before they fold again?

no offence but i dont care about peoples jobs, i didnt make them take a factory job nor should i spend my money to help their boss keep a float. sorry for your luck but if the gov't dont want people to loose their jobs then they should save every single failing buisness out there. people find other jobs thats the bottom line.
dragrocker   +1y
and keep a note that there is no 'american ' car anymore . they are all mixed from around the world.
McClarys   +1y
i dunno , i might be wrong.... but if the "big 3" goes belly up ... wouldnt that mean the OTHER car companies would pick up the slack on new car sales, therefor, they would have to upsize there american factories (for assembly i know) and create more jobs?

i really think those companies did thereselves in... i understand , build what sells.... but dont loose focus. meaning, back in the 70's when we had the last gas crises ... we should have learned from that and kept our science on building better gas mileage rides .. its sad theres better gas mileage rides from back then, compare to now...

and last i read , it was chevy that was having the most problems... why they got to drag other companies into it too... i read where they were try'n to team up with Ford, and ford said hell no... so then chevy try'n to team up with another place..

all and all.... i say its bad management on there part... should the government help, wait, i mean should WE help since it is our tax money.
only way i see if they should help if it benefits us... like cheaper cars for us or something....

instead of all these loan money going out to banks and automakers, maybe it should go out to us. Create more jobs for people that has a future, not something thats just gonna be into trouble again ....

also , on a side note..... even if chevy goes under.... there claims of autoparts hurting , prob wont happen... cause people still gonna need parts to repair there cars, need new motors, need new panels, need new whatever... so there will still be a great if not a greater need for aftermarket/repair parts more then ever....

just my thoughts....
draggincaddy   +1y
Originally posted by MIDWEST DRAGFEST

it is the united states government. it was not put together to help everyone out. it was made to govern and guide the country. so every time someone comes up with there hand out you dont have to fill it full of money. when the banks needed money that was different. that was our economy and we were going to in way worse shape long term if we didnt do the buy out with them. now with the big 3 all that is going to happen is that they will be restructerized if we dont bail out. which means everyone that is causing these companies to go bankrupt is most likely not going to be there anymore, and if so they will be losing a lot of money. i know our family business wouldnt even have a fart blown our way if we asked for a bailout for our company. as shouldnt the "big 3." i blame all the liberal tit suckers for the bailout plan for all these companies. lets take money from the people that earned it and give it to the people that dont deserve it. screw you liberal cock suckers.

wow.... soo its liberal cock suckers tryin to bail out the big three (which has rep. support btw) but its the "right" thing to do when it comes to bailing out failing banks who lent money to people who obviously couldnt make the payments, which was pushed by rep. president bush...(and libs)

cant see the forest for the trees can ya???? instead of closing your eyes and blaming who YOU want, why not place the blame where it really lies.... (here's the shocker) the u.s. government!

Rambo   +1y
Originally posted by maniacalmini

im a liberal tit sucker and i DO NOT agree with any private corporate bailouts. i feel you make it or you dont, thats the american way. i'm in the process of changing careers because the i cant survive working in car stereo around here anymore, i didnt hear the government chiming in to save the local economies and small business. they should 'spread' the bailout money to blanket small local business and give someelse the opportunity to take the place of these huge corps. that would be bottom-up economics and i feel would do more good longterm. that way if they do go bellyup then the exemployees have other options. most people these days need a reality check and get their feet planted firmly and get off the crdit card tit and learn patience and save for what they nedd then want. it all needs to start with people like the majority of us on here and i congradulate those who live on cash and not drown in debt.


Why bailout companies that aren't doing anything to help themselves in terms of designing cars to be competitive in the world market.

Like does GM really need to be branded 18 different ways? Why not kill off some brands like GMC, HUMMER and merge them with their current lines. Same goes for Ford... Kill the lincoln brand and merge it.

gorillagarage   +1y
even if they get bailed out the econmy in general is still shitty and people are not gonna go car shopping. if the government really want to help they should give a tax credit to the consumer for buying an american car. this would get people to buy if its a decent amount and will keep people working.

i think alot of consumers would buy buy if they feel they were getting a good dealer hell maybe a tax free day. you pay what the sticker price says.