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Mini Truckin General \  This post MUST be read the Big 3 are in crisis and they need your help Take action!!!

This post MUST be read the Big 3 are in crisis and they need your help Take action!!!

Mini Truckin General General Discussions
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payrion   +1y
Originally posted by rangerrudy

Unions are one of the reasons why the automakers are in this situation to begin with. It is absurd for someone working on an assembly line in Detroit to be making $75 hr PLUS outrageous benefits. Foreign automakers here in the south pay around $40 hr which include a normal benefit package. This has been coming for along time...and as far as the bailout package; the government has already authorized $25B to give to the automaker for help producing "green" vehicles. They are simply trying to change the terms of the deal to use the funds for liquidity issues. The automakers are arguing that there will be no need for the money to make greener cars if they can
ShaveDnFlamed99   +1y
^^^finally someone on here with a with a fully functional brain
CHOSN1   +1y
what has happened to this country?? One year it looks like our economy is looking pretty good and then now it looks like the end of time is coming. Budweiser sells out, GM, Ford and Dodge are hanging by a thread. Banks are getting bailed out. Crude oil has gone from 100 to close to 150 and now it is below 50 as of today. I have never been more embarrassed to be an American.
toadfrog17   +1y
Originally posted by ShaveDnFlamed99

^^^finally someone on here with a with a fully functional brain

If you pay your employees the same amount they make you, and pay for their health care, retirement, taxes, dental, vision, vacation, etc... You have no money left to pay bills, buy equipment, and provide a safe work environment for the employees. Sounds like the employees are bleeding the company dry and the company doesn't have a choice because it's a union. Doesn't sound so smart to me.
toadfrog17   +1y
Edited: 11/20/2008 7:11:44 PM by toadfrog17

Edited: 11/20/2008 6:57:43 PM by toadfrog17

HOOSIERSTYLE - Your right the employees should get paid a fair amount and the CEO's shouldn't make as much as they do. It boils down to bad management and the employees taking advantage by forcing the employer to give more and more till there is nothing left to give. Unions in general are bad business practices today. Maybe 100 years ago they helped a lot of people out, but today kids aren't going to work in factory's, and people just won't work weekends if they don't want to. They'll find a job that doesn't require them to do so. Business's know people won't work in those conditions and their gonna have a hard time finding people to fill those positions so they lower their standards. Plus keeping unions around is like saying we should keep dirt roads around because they made driving a car easier.
Ok I'll ask.
What does Budweiser being bought out by a larger company have to do with being an american? Bigger companies buy out smaller ones all the time, this one just happens to be european.
What does oil controlled by outside resources have to do with being an american?

Ford and GM do well outside of America. #1 import vehicle in china is a buick. They should probably look at pooling all their arms at this point. As Ford does excellent in Europe. Chrysler has always had issues and if it makes it through always will. But Job banks and other decisions hinder their recovery.

BTW it hits all car companies. Honda Toyota and Benz are leasing over twice, some three times, as much space at the port of Los Angeles from slow sales. Honda is cutting back production at their us plants.

But to say you are not proud to be an american? We do not have massive amounts of people living in tent cities. We have running water. We have electricity. You have the fn internet. You have food. So the markets tanked. That doesn't make your country a joke.

PimpinMidgets   +1y
The original Budweiser Bier or Budweiser B
PimpinMidgets   +1y
just an fyi ....americans didnt create
McClarys   +1y
this was an interesting article that sums up alot...


* Business
* Automotive industry

How Detroit took the wrong road

* Ben Quinn
*, Friday November 21 2008 00.01 GMT
* The Guardian, Friday November 21 2008
* Article history

The once mighty US car industry had been in decline long before the financial crisis led to the evaporation of car loans which had enabled customers to purchase new vehicles.

Over the years, US manufacturers had been losing headway to Japanese rivals as motorists' tastes shifted from pickup trucks and sports utility vehicles to smaller, more fuel-efficient cars.

Since 2006, the Big Three Detroit-based manufacturers - General Motors, Ford and Chrysler - have cut more than 100,000 jobs.

As well as failing to keep up with what their customers want and the economic downturn, the car companies have been footing the bill for the pensions and healthcare costs of many former workers on top of paying the salaries of existing employees.

Analysts charge the companies with being slow to respond to the invasion of Japanese, Korean and other Asian carmakers who have been offering US motorists more sophisticated vehicles since the 1980s.

The US firms responded by often rolling out heavier cars and pickup trucks in a strategy that would leave them exposed in the long-term as sales of more environmentally friendly vehicles took off."

theres more in the news on the net ...
so seems to me , this is not just a problem that just happened... they been declining for years... but have not keep up with what people really want or predict what would be needed in the future....
i hear Japan has whole line of electric cars that will be coming out next year or so....

to me sounds like it all boils down to bad management on there part...
ShaveDnFlamed99   +1y
kids today in china, india, korea and all those other fucked up countrys that we're competing with do have kids in factorys performing unsafe work. I had video sent to me from my dad who is a tool and die maker for chrysler of a stamping shop in a korean auto stamping plant where a you could see as the press was coming down there were 4 young guys no older than 18 standing inside the press holding the sheet down in place for it to be hit. one didn't get inside his little pocket cut out in the press and was crushed like a fucking grape. they scooped him up and grabbed another kid and he took his spot. shit like that happens daily over there because there are no Unions fighting for safe work environments not to mention the people in that plant probobly make in a month what you or I make in a day for doing a shit job like that. If the US autos were to do that here how big of nationwide uproar do think there would be?