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Mini Truckin General \  This post MUST be read the Big 3 are in crisis and they need your help Take action!!!

This post MUST be read the Big 3 are in crisis and they need your help Take action!!!

Mini Truckin General General Discussions
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toadfrog17   +1y
Originally posted by ShaveDnFlamed99

Jeremy(Toadfrog17)kids today in china, india, korea and all those other fucked up countrys that we're competing with do have kids in factorys performing unsafe work. I had video sent to me from my dad who is a tool and die maker for chrysler of a stamping shop in a korean auto stamping plant where a you could see as the press was coming down there were 4 young guys no older than 18 standing inside the press holding the sheet down in place for it to be hit. one didn't get inside his little pocket cut out in the press and was crushed like a fucking grape. they scooped him up and grabbed another kid and he took his spot. shit like that happens daily over there because there are no Unions fighting for safe work environments not to mention the people in that plant probobly make in a month what you or I make in a day for doing a shit job like that. If the US autos were to do that here how big of nationwide uproar do think there would be?

I'm not saying that stuff doesn't happen in other countries. I'm saying it doesn't happen here in America weather your part of a union or not. People started unions to keep business's from doing what their doing in other countries like you described. Those people should rebel against the employers and the government for letting that stuff happen. The problem is those people need those jobs and aren't willing to rebel for fear of loosing their job. It's not morally right at all for the business to do that, but the people are letting it happen. Not that it makes it right, because it doesn't. I'm just being a realist. I have no dought that unions helped people at one time but now a days in the United States of America there is no use for them here, and they are actually hurting themselves more than their helping.
scrapinthecoast   +1y
Originally posted by smithchassis

GM has been a vital point to our success over the years and its time we help them out... hell they gave us a colorado for a dollar and got us on the cover of mini truckin magazine so this is the least i could do

Wheres my Colorado for a dollar?
ok i will apologize i am still pretty bitter by the presidential election. what i dont like about unions is that you guys hold out working for a pay raise earned/not earned. with no risk of getting fired. the union does some good and i do agree with emt, fire department, etc. having it because you guys are the ones that are worth the money. its the people that work for gm and other companies that are making a bunch of money/hr. holding out on working for another raise or an extra cigarette break.

Originally posted by fiveinchbodydrop

Originally posted by MIDWEST DRAGFEST

it is the united states government. it was not put together to help everyone out. it was made to govern and guide the country. so every time someone comes up with there hand out you dont have to fill it full of money. when the banks needed money that was different. that was our economy and we were going to in way worse shape long term if we didnt do the buy out with them. now with the big 3 all that is going to happen is that they will be restructerized if we dont bail out. which means everyone that is causing these companies to go bankrupt is most likely not going to be there anymore, and if so they will be losing a lot of money. i know our family business wouldnt even have a fart blown our way if we asked for a bailout for our company. as shouldnt the "big 3." i blame all the liberal tit suckers for the bailout plan for all these companies. lets take money from the people that earned it and give it to the people that dont deserve it. screw you liberal cock suckers.

wow.... soo its liberal cock suckers tryin to bail out the big three (which has rep. support btw) but its the "right" thing to do when it comes to bailing out failing banks who lent money to people who obviously couldnt make the payments, which was pushed by rep. president bush...(and libs)

cant see the forest for the trees can ya???? instead of closing your eyes and blaming who YOU want, why not place the blame where it really lies.... (here's the shocker) the u.s. government!

you do find rep that are pretty liberal. john mccain is a good example. he was actually a dangerous candidate for the republican party, and by him picking sarah palin as a vice president candidate he really leveled out. if he didnt have her on his side that would have been even more of a lopsided victory then what it already was. there were a lot of republicans not wanting to vote for mccain because of his so liberal status.

with us bailing the banks out, that saved our economy in the long run in retro spec. if we werent to do that our country would have been really screwed for the next quarter century. by bailing out the big 3 just isnt right in my opinion. they shouldnt help them out, because it isnt the taxpayers fault that they couldnt help buying a jet, or vacations and such.
tuckin eh   +1y
Originally posted by rangerrudy

Unions are one of the reasons why the automakers are in this situation to begin with. It is absurd for someone working on an assembly line in Detroit to be making $75 hr PLUS outrageous benefits. Foreign automakers here in the south pay around $40 hr which include a normal benefit package. This has been coming for along time...and as far as the bailout package; the government has already authorized $25B to give to the automaker for help producing "green" vehicles. They are simply trying to change the terms of the deal to use the funds for liquidity issues. The automakers are arguing that there will be no need for the money to make greener cars if they can
tuckin eh   +1y
Edited: 11/27/2008 6:12:56 PM by Tuckin Eh

also I am a proud union member my self UA local 552 here in windsor ontario. i'm a pipefitter. I must be a lazy shelterd overpaid incompetant person. wait.... no I just don't like filling the pockets of my emplorer and expect to be paid less than I'm worth. it's a shame to see people on the street and friends of mine struggling even though they have the same education as me but they work for a scabby non union employer that charges the customer the same price my company does yet keeps his pockets more full than my employer. UNION YES. unions created the middle class, unions create fair working conditions and the right to stand up for yourselves. I agree that the UAW and CAW got a little too greedy. however to say all unions are bad is complete bullshit.
impounded dakota   +1y
Originally posted by Tuckin Eh

Originally posted by rangerrudy

Unions are one of the reasons why the automakers are in this situation to begin with. It is absurd for someone working on an assembly line in Detroit to be making $75 hr PLUS outrageous benefits. Foreign automakers here in the south pay around $40 hr which include a normal benefit package. This has been coming for along time...and as far as the bailout package; the government has already authorized $25B to give to the automaker for help producing "green" vehicles. They are simply trying to change the terms of the deal to use the funds for liquidity issues. The automakers are arguing that there will be no need for the money to make greener cars if they can
tuckin eh   +1y
thats GM I stated my father works for Ford. being in canada doesn't affect the hourly rate much. and that site says "about 75 and hour" clearly fact. I'm not doubting its high but not that high. it simply upset me that all auto workers are being generalized. some of them actually earn their money.
Being union doesn't make you lazy and overpaid.

There's this thing called the "jobs bank". It's where people sit on their rears all day long and get pay 90% of their pay and full benefits. If a job comes up they have an option to turn it down. So yes there are lazy people.

I'm sure your dad doesnt make the $75 Matt. Thats why production was getting shifted to canada because they could pay less.

I've been in a union job before. Was never happy as it restricts upward movement. The job I was at, the only people that needed the union were the lazy ****s that did nothing all day but learn the ins and outs of what they could get away with. Vendors I use at my work have some union trades. This is mainly for base wages and used as a job placement center. Sure in the past unions have helped raise safety levels in America. No doubt about it.

Moving on from that. Every non us autoplant in america has gotten some kickback tax or build wise to be where they are. The southern senators were falling all over themselves to give half a billion dollars, that would be $500,000,000.00, to those companies in tax and grants to build their plants in their states. The people fighting against this the most are the people that run those states.

Chrysler is pretty much a lost cause. Nardelli is there for Nardelli. It's not a car maker. It's a Cerebus investment. As long as they get paid first they could care less if the pentastar lives.

The other two are serious about turning around their companies as they have many new products in the pipeline and have been working to change the view of their products.

bdydrpXpoon24s   +1y
Originally posted by FXDGRND

Being union doesn't make you lazy and overpaid.

There's this thing called the "jobs bank". It's where people sit on their rears all day long and get pay 90% of their pay and full benefits. If a job comes up they have an option to turn it down. So yes there are lazy people.

I'm sure your dad doesnt make the $75 Matt. Thats why production was getting shifted to canada because they could pay less.

I've been in a union job before. Was never happy as it restricts upward movement. The job I was at, the only people that needed the union were the lazy ****s that did nothing all day but learn the ins and outs of what they could get away with. Vendors I use at my work have some union trades. This is mainly for base wages and used as a job placement center. Sure in the past unions have helped raise safety levels in America. No doubt about it.

Moving on from that. Every non us autoplant in america has gotten some kickback tax or build wise to be where they are. The southern senators were falling all over themselves to give half a billion dollars, that would be $500,000,000.00, to those companies in tax and grants to build their plants in their states. The people fighting against this the most are the people that run those states.

Chrysler is pretty much a lost cause. Nardelli is there for Nardelli. It's not a car maker. It's a Cerebus investment. As long as they get paid first they could care less if the pentastar lives.

The other two are serious about turning around their companies as they have many new products in the pipeline and have been working to change the view of their products.

you sir are a dumb azz !!! this is from a ford worker that dont get to turn down a job if im in the job bank.... turn it down and you lose your sub pay and only get unjoyment.... not sure you can understand that since your talkin out your azz about our union jobs.... not the 1 you have worked for.... FACTS KICK AZZ and asumming is just retarted....

and ford has kicked all other companies azz's in the best built cars lately... but it doesnt help when toy and hon get bigger tax breaks and when we are limited to what we can export for cars.... o yes.. my wife is a customs broker and this is a FACT also, and yes she can import you guys right hand drive trucks/cars.... but its a hella charge and a 2 year limit on it being in this country.... local 600.... and i am in detroit

last thing is the big 3 asked for a loan ,not a hand out that the banks got without a question or a plan to show how it was gonna be spent and never be paid back..... fair? i dont think so.....

Originally posted by FXDGRND

Being union doesn't make you lazy and overpaid.

There's this thing called the "jobs bank". It's where people sit on their rears all day long and get pay 90% of their pay and full benefits. If a job comes up they have an option to turn it down. So yes there are lazy people.

I'm sure your dad doesnt make the $75 Matt. Thats why production was getting shifted to canada because they could pay less.

I've been in a union job before. Was never happy as it restricts upward movement. The job I was at, the only people that needed the union were the lazy ****s that did nothing all day but learn the ins and outs of what they could get away with. Vendors I use at my work have some union trades. This is mainly for base wages and used as a job placement center. Sure in the past unions have helped raise safety levels in America. No doubt about it.

Moving on from that. Every non us autoplant in america has gotten some kickback tax or build wise to be where they are. The southern senators were falling all over themselves to give half a billion dollars, that would be $500,000,000.00, to those companies in tax and grants to build their plants in their states. The people fighting against this the most are the people that run those states.

Chrysler is pretty much a lost cause. Nardelli is there for Nardelli. It's not a car maker. It's a Cerebus investment. As long as they get paid first they could care less if the pentastar lives.

The other two are serious about turning around their companies as they have many new products in the pipeline and have been working to change the view of their products.


you sir are a dumb azz !!! this is from a ford worker that dont get to turn down a job if im in the job bank.... turn it down and you lose your sub pay and only get unjoyment.... not sure you can understand that since your talkin out your azz about our union jobs.... not the 1 you have worked for....
FACTS KICK AZZ and asumming is just retarted....

and ford has kicked all other companies azz's in the best built cars lately... but it doesnt Help when toy and hon get bigger tax breaks and when we are limited to what we can export for cars.... o yes.. my wife is a customs broker and this is a FACT also, and yes she can import you guys right hand drive trucks/cars.... but its a hella charge and a 2 year limit on it being in this country.... local 600.... and i am in detroit

last thing is the big 3 asked for a loan ,not a hand out that the banks got without a question or a plan to show how it was gonna be spent and never be paid back..... fair? i dont think so.....

Hmm I'm a dumbass. Interesting. I'm a dumbass but you have the spelling of a grade school dropout.

I've stuck up for American companies in this thread. So get some hooked on phonics. I've stuck up for American built quality. So yet again learn to read.

You're getting hostile on the wrong person turbo. I at least read up on all angles and attempt to explain them instead of acting like a schoolyard punk. I've read, heard, talked to many in the industry before and present. I knew a few guys that worked at the old camaro plant in van nuys. Watched it close. Watched them get their retirement. Watched them get informed they could go work at the Saturn plant in bfe to keep 100% benefits or stay in cali retired and get 80%. So yes I've seen it. The jobs bank does indeed exist. The jobs bank does indeed have people sitting there fulltime. The jobs bank does indeed have people getting unemployment and the auto industry pay the differential. It does indeed have people sitting there turning down jobs. That is well reported by members of the uaw.

Obviously the UAW does well for you. Look at the nice imports you have or had. But flipping out and not reading all the way just reinforces stereotypes people see.