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Mini Truckin General \  This post MUST be read the Big 3 are in crisis and they need your help Take action!!!

This post MUST be read the Big 3 are in crisis and they need your help Take action!!!

Mini Truckin General General Discussions
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scotto79   +1y
I was laid off from an accessory supplier for GM and Chrysler almost 2 years ago. The reason was that GM pulled their contract in order to send the work to China when the Canadian dollar went up. So GM had no problem using foreign suppliers, then cries about buying foreign vehicles. Here in Windsor, Ont quite a few of the Big 3 plants have left, either closed all together, or are owned by companies from Mexico. So I really don't have any problems with what is happening to the Big 3.
baggedbmw   +1y
Are you reading what you type. No one company wont destroy amaerica, the 3-400 smaller ones that all count on the big one just might.
dubrocker04   +1y
Originally posted by baggedbmw

Are you reading what you type. No one company wont destroy amaerica, the 3-400 smaller ones that all count on the big one just might.

might being the key word. as a smaller company, you don't go down with the ship, you sell your stuff to the successful big company.

please don't think i'm trying to argue with you, we just have different views.

i feel that if you make 4-links that sell well, and you base your company around the production of those 4-links, then you have a decline in business (for any reason) you shouldn't beg for money to carry your business, you should change your approach. if you still can't make money, it's time to pack up and do something else. this is true for all companies, no matter how big or small.
Rambo   +1y
Originally posted by stumbledin

Theres no big 3. Theres only the big two...

GM and Ford are technically the only American auto makers. Chrysler jumped ship a long time ago. Unless Diamler Benz sells Chrysler to an american company it will remain a non American company. Its weird that a non American company is building domestic vehicles.

The time has come for these companies to cut costs by reducing pay to executives first then everyone else that makes more than what they should. This includes management and even union workers. This has to happen in every industry in the United States for this to work out.

chrysler is no longer owned by Benz. It is owned by Cerberus Capital Management based in NYC.
baggedbmw   +1y
Edited: 11/17/2008 1:21:47 PM by baggedbmw

Dub I agree with most of your last comment. On the flip side with the decline in the ecconimy not that a government bailout is the best answer, To finaly hear about some positive ecconomics might help snap a larger percentage of the economy and the tax payers into a spend spree wich is very good for the ecconimy. The key to that possibly grossly braidy bunched scenerio is to keep both the public spendings off of excess and to spin any bailout the right way, also posibly locking the companys into on shore suppliers and such also helping spin the ecconomy.

Also the comments about us oil. I think the key is more resarch into refinment possibilities. No oil is clean there are lots of talks here in canada about clean versus dirty oil. Clean oil comes from war torn countries so whats clean about that dirty oil comes mostly from the usa and canada but cost more to get and is harder to refine.Technology is key.

sorry my stupid laptop wont spell check on the fly.
sadisticiron   +1y
Edited: 11/17/2008 1:41:07 PM by sadisticiron

its funny how when we as americans run into hard times we pinch pennies. we make changes with spending habits. look for another career. try to hold onto what you need and sell what you can. our tax dollars that most of us cant really give up is going to a bottomless pit. why should we as americans help companies that dont give a shit about if my family eats. its bullshit. the dems made bush to be the bad guy but its the dems and their money to give out is what started it all. we as americans bailed out AIG. paulson, reed, and pallosi made this decision for us. everything else was put on a ballot. let the american people vote to bailout a company. dont take money out of my kids mouth so CEO's can go on vacation. we as amercans cant get any kind of help unless you screw everything up credit wise. we have all been there. you need a few grand to consolidate bills and nobody would lend you a dime. so i say FUCK THEM. and 78 bucks an hour is the average worker with benefits
overkillFFF   +1y
I personally think unions do more harm than good, as an example,B.C. Ferries had 2 new ferries build in Germany, not Victoria, BC, why? Because the German companies would be under budget, done quicker and done cheaper with no risk of the unions going on strike! Unions drive up the wages, with less work expected, then when they don't get what they want, workers are expected to strike, which then drives the bloody cost up on everything because of product shortages. I don't work at a union welding shop, if I'm lazy...I get my ass fired! plain and simple. Granted unions sometimes do keep things "fair" for employees so they aren't being taken advantage of, but overall, unions are a major cause.
kaoss   +1y
I thought that Toyota, Honda, and Nissan where doing just fine
PimpinMidgets   +1y
I think that we should bail out every company ever that is on the verge of going under...that way everyone will have a job...its going to cost trillions...but fuck it..since we are giving money awway...everyone go into business...because you cant fail! my taxes ensure it!

dubrocker04   +1y
i'll stand by my opinion that we should let the shitty businesses fail, even if it were the one i worked for. if we go into a depression, it'll help America get a new perspective on REAL LIFE instead of this fictional bullshit we've all been living in the past few years.