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Mini Truckin General \  This post MUST be read the Big 3 are in crisis and they need your help Take action!!!

This post MUST be read the Big 3 are in crisis and they need your help Take action!!!

Mini Truckin General General Discussions
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never2lowchevy   +1y
damn....and I ordered a 2010 Camaro...
sadexcuse4s10   +1y
I'll defenitely stand by my Chevrolet's til the day i die.

I'm a contractor, and there aren't too many companies that offer a truck where you can get 5 or 6 different engines, 3 or 4 frame combinations, 3 or 4 cab combos, and everything from base model wtih rubber floor to carpet, leather, and navigation systems.

also, everybody bitches about mileage. Shit my colorado is 4000 lbs. with my toolbox and tools and my fat ass and i don't think it's too bad if you can take a 4,000 lb. truck 24 miles on a single gallon of gas with 4 cylinders and ice cold AC blowing in your face.
sadexcuse4s10   +1y
I don't see these foreign compaines even attempting to produce the types of trucks the domestic guys are making.

You can get everything from your standard mid size regular cab truck all the way up to a dual wheel flatbed with hydraulic dump, diesel and crew cab at the same dealership.
maz duh   +1y
That some food for thought right there pa pa dragger. I'm going to look into some of those companies to learn more about their products.
Pa Pa Dragger   +1y
Edited: 11/16/2008 10:16:05 PM by Pa Pa Dragger

Edited: 11/16/2008 10:03:04 PM by Pa Pa Dragger

I don't think Ford or GM will file chapter 7 and liquidate their assets but I do think it's very likely they file chapter 11 and re-structure themselves. This could be a great thing for the companies themselves to survive after chapter 11 but only if they can work out the pension issues with the UAW. This would not be good for either the share holders of the common stock (which will be worthless) or the present employees. They have to get these labor & benifit costs in line with what Toyota and others pay their employees here in the states.

GM right now pays out more in benifits to retiries that they do on present labor costs. I believe we will still have Ford & GM making vehicles in this country including trucks but in 5 years, neither Company will resemble what they are today. this would be only one of many steps these two companies will have to climb to get out of this mess.

In defense of these guy's I will say, they were making the vehicles everyone wanted. Escalades, Hummers & Excursion( high profit margin vehicles) while the buyers were refinancing their over valued homes to pay for them. Then gas prices go to $4.00, the housing market has hit rock bottom and now they want a hybrid. You can't re-think & re-tool a large Corporation in 2 years let alone 6 months. I know everyone can't use a Hybrid but most can. That would drastically cut down on or eliminate our need for foregn oil.
e10pvmt   +1y
Edited: 11/16/2008 11:39:19 PM by e10pvmt

those few of you blaming unions need to redirect your anger or dissapointment....unions arent the cause of inflated prices....greed obviously arent members of a union and dont see the benefits of a union....i am an active member of an AFL-CIO union and wouldnt have it any other way.....i need the ability to negotiate my wage and for safety enhancments in my equipment and workplace...the auto industry as well as the iron and steel industries would not be where they are in terms of safety, employment, or product if it wasnt for those unions....let alone the fire service.....this is a case of the big 3 not adapting to changes markets....why are toyota, honda, and nissan (the real big 3 since they are built in the US) faring better......they have been making fuel efficient and affordable autos......GM scrapped there electric vehicle programs in favorof purchasing reape what you they are paying the real price and i have no sympathy....i do feel for those employees out of work but have nothing for those CEO's at the top who failed to direct these coporations toward the future instead decided to profit for the short term.....and tha goes for the other wall street bailout as fail....period.....funny thing is the CEO's of those companies are still livin the high life...while the rest of us struggle to get to work and put food ont he F*CK them......greed gets you no where
gorillagarage   +1y
Originally posted by sadexcuse4s10

I don't see these foreign compaines even attempting to produce the types of trucks the domestic guys are making.

You can get everything from your standard mid size regular cab truck all the way up to a dual wheel flatbed with hydraulic dump, diesel and crew cab at the same dealership.

actually toyota will be coming out with a dually tundra i also believe diesel will be an option. as far as im concerned the keep crying for a bailout but i havent seen car prices drop in the last few months. if they are in such a financial crisis that they clame to be shouldnt the customer be getting a great deal???
powang   +1y
Ill be glad to help them out....just tell me where i can get MY colorado for a dollar...hell ill take 2
sadisticiron   +1y
i would be all for helping the big 3 with a bail out if they built all their cars and trucks in the United States, im not feeding a mexican family in mexico when we are struggeling here. the democrat ran unions is what screwed that up for them. once again the dems want to bail someone out except the ones that spend the money. FUCK UM, with the big 3 out toyota, honda, and other jap american made cars will thrive. helping me. the bail out for the big 3 will only pay the salaries for a few months then back to square one. the average big 3 auto worker makes 78 bucks an hour. you do the math it wont work. YOU CAN BAILOUT THE BIG 3 WITH 700 BILLION DOLLARS, IF BANKS ARENT LENDING MONEY IT WONT MATTER!!!!!!
maniacalmini   +1y
a main issue i see with any corporation that is hurting is the focus on stockholders not their employees. if their accounting departments remembered money management 101 and had an 'emergency fund', which is the most important thing a business can have to be prepared for lean times. i think with any bailout(i dont agree with them either, but whats done is done), there should be regulations that restrict the money specifically to bare essentials to keep the doors open including employee salaries with no extras like bonuses or commissions. when any company puts shareholders(people that usually dont work nor have any real interest in the company other than profit) ahead of the people who put the company in the position its in, is FUBAR. they can kiss my ass and i hope they all fail so the smaller guys can step up, but will only be a matter of time b4 they do the same so, whatever, it doesnt really matter what i think.