[quote="bdydrped"]heard some people on the radio this morning bitching about how amazing it was that they organized a national "boycott" but us real americans are too lazy to try and do the same to get back at them.....
Listen up everybody. I've got some real shocking news here:
We don't HAVE to organize! We dont HAVE to march. We don't HAVE to be a total pain in the ass to everyone around us! WE CAN VOTE!!! So get off your ass and register. MAKE YOUR VOICE HEARD!!! STAND UP FOR U.S. CITIZENS!!! STAND UP FOR YOUR RIGHTS!!! MY BROTHERS, WAKE UP AND RISE UP!!! Don't let these liberal Senators and Congressmen take away whats rightfully ours.
These illegals can make an impact in our streets, but we can make an impact in our voting booths!!! I said it once and I'll say it again. The American Government is a bunch of politically correct pussies!!! Whats that, you say? You don't like what they say or do? THEN VOTE THIER ASSES OUT OF OFFICE!!! NO TAXATION WITHOUT REPRESENTATION!!! Show these polititions that we mean business. This is OUR country! Take it back, for crying out loud.
You want to have a boycott? Stop patronizing illegal businesses. Wash your own car. Cook your own food. Stop buying food off those illegal-manned, maggot-infested lunch trucks. Got any illegals working for you? FIRE THEM!!! Americans don't do these jobs because the illegals have forced the pay scale down into the gutter so far, no self-respecting American can earn a decent living doing them.
Tell you what. Next time some shithead liberal askes who will do these jobs if the illegals don't, tell him we got a whole system of capable welfare recipients who can do the work. I'm sure not every American CITIZEN on welfare is disabled. I'm sure some of them are just down on their luck. You pay them a decent wage, I guarantee they'll be picking fruit and washing cars.
Listen to these illegals when they're protesting. What are they saying? VIVA MEXICO!!! They have no intention of assimilating and becoming productive citizens. THEY WANT A FREE RIDE!!!
Vote, Bothers. All you can do is vote. If you don't vote, keep your mouth shut.