First off, again, I want to say my intent is not to offend anyone. The racial slurs are a bit unnecessary, for that I apologize.
Second of all, Eric, you're really not making it very hard to prove my points, man. Americans will be the minority in the near future? Are you serious? Do you really belive this? This is exactly what I was talking about when I said you claim speculation as fact. That is exactly what all the illegals are shouting at their rallys and such.
Well guess what? I'm going to start a rally, and start yelling to everyone that in ten years, we will all turn into ham sandwiches. Mabey that will be widely spread as fact, too.
You're contradicting yourself. You're trying to lead me to belive that Mexicans aren't the real prolblem. You're telling me that there are 'tons' of illegals from other races, yet you blurt out this outrageous claim that Mexicans (not American Citizens) will be the majority in "the near future".
I would also like to go on record as saying that I don't, NECESSARILY, put all the blame on the Mexican people. I blame the Americans that provide the jobs, and I also blame the pussified American Government, for not doing dick about it. We need to round up these fat-cat executives that exploit your people to make a profit. You guys just don't get it. Your working for slave wages, while some fat idiot gets rich of your sweat. It's disgusting.
That is why Americans won't do these jobs. We have more sense of self-worth. We see right through this bullcrap.
However, don't mistake that for an excuse to cross the border. We have plenty of able-bodied people on welfare that can go out and earn a paycheck for a change. THEN you employ a guest worker program. And you make it all legit and legal so these folks from Mexico can come over LEGALY and earn a decent wage, pay some taxes, and feed their family.
As far as your wife goes:
1. If YOU listen, the illegals want to step all over the faces of the Mexican citizens that are trying to come to this country legally. They want amnesty. Amnesty sends the wrong message: If you wait in line, your a sucker. If you come over illegaly, just wait it out 'cause sooner or later the American Government will cave.
2. I am hardly ignorant, nor uniformed. I think I have proven this.
3. As far as who's going to pick oranges, see: welfare recipents.
I will gladly pay the difference in the cost of my oranges, if it means lower insurance rates, cheaper health care costs, less traffic, smaller classroom sizes, lower taxes, etc., etc., etc...
4. We DO own the place!!! THIS IS AMERICAN SOIL THEY ARE INVADING!!! We have the RIGHT to keep them out if we see fit!!! HOLY SHIT!!! DOESN'T ANYONE GET IT?!?!?! But I'm the ignorant one...
5. My Great-Great Grandfather did immigrate to America. New York to be exact. In 1892. From Scotland. LEGALLY!!!
6. No, I don't have any prolblem at all with Mexicans coming here legally. Not one. I personally know a lot of great guys that have come here legally.