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Mini Truckin General \  HELP SUPPORT OUR SCENE! Here are a few ideas....

HELP SUPPORT OUR SCENE! Here are a few ideas....

Mini Truckin General General Discussions
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22below   +1y
1. I dont know about everyone else, but I make a point to make a comment on most peoples rides on this site. Just to support that guy or girl that is making their truck or car their own. I have seen a huge dropoff in comments on peoples rides, in the past people would get a ton of comments if their truck made the top 5, now there are 1 or 2 comments. How can someone stay motivated when noone gives them some props at times. 2. I got my Minitruckin reloaded for the year, and now will start getting Streettrucks also for the next 2 years. But it pisses me off that I kept getting the "best deal" letters in the mail and then come to find a better deal online. I have been a subscriber for maybe 5 years, and a loyal subsciber gets a worse deal than a first time subsciber. That made me mad but I still love the magazine. 3. I am really thinking about a lifetime membership to this site. Why? Because its awesome. But man, thats a steep price. That is a 8 year or so subsciption if paid yearly, I have been around for longer than when I first made an account. So I figure I have visited this site daily for the past 7 years, and now turning 27 this month. Will I get my moneys worth and be on here when I am 35???? I just might go for it to support this site.......
JohnBoy99   +1y

Just ordered Minitruckin' and StreetTrucks...was tired of Walmart not carrying them every friggin' month anyways!  Thanks guys.
kaoss   +1y
I think that if there are minitruck related web sites that you visit frequently, you should add those links to your signature. That would help exposure.
2tonesdime5   +1y
My membership ran out a few months ago..  I would renew but honestly times are hard for me right now for myself.   The way I see it is how many times do you go out to eat and leave a $5 tip?  What exactly did that person do for you that they was not ALREADY on the payroll for?  Now the guys that bring you sites you frequent, etc put all of their hard work into something (which takes more talent than filling a glass of coke)..  These guys never ASK for anything..  Its an option to donate and support, and a good one IMO. ohh and my child needs diapers so buy a shirt at: thanks///wink
SSM-Webmaster   +1y

yes, support all your print mags. Especially Minitruckin' Also guys, support SSM.. Memberships are only $5.95 now.. no reason not to have a gold bulb.. 
SSM-Webmaster   +1y
---------------------------------------------Originally posted by B rad rangeron22z1. I dont know about everyone else, but I make a point to make a comment on most peoples rides on this site. Just to support that guy or girl that is making their truck or car their own. I have seen a huge dropoff in comments on peoples rides, in the past people would get a ton of comments if their truck made the top 5, now there are 1 or 2 comments. How can someone stay motivated when noone gives them some props at times. 2. I got my Minitruckin reloaded for the year, and now will start getting Streettrucks also for the next 2 years. But it pisses me off that I kept getting the "best deal" letters in the mail and then come to find a better deal online. I have been a subscriber for maybe 5 years, and a loyal subsciber gets a worse deal than a first time subsciber. That made me mad but I still love the magazine. 3. I am really thinking about a lifetime membership to this site. Why? Because its awesome. But man, thats a steep price. That is a 8 year or so subsciption if paid yearly, I have been around for longer than when I first made an account. So I figure I have visited this site daily for the past 7 years, and now turning 27 this month. Will I get my moneys worth and be on here when I am 35???? I just might go for it to support this site....... ---------------------------------------------I'm gonna talk to bob right now. I am gonna see if i can't get the lifetime membership to SSM down lower for at least a little while. It's hard right now. But we are releasing the first Issue of the new revamped SSM Magazine here soon (with johnny O at the helm) and a bunch of other stuff. So any of you that think that SSM is slipping, you are WAY wrong. In the next 6 months you are gonna see SSM do some really scene altering stuff!
isdeleon   +1y

just renewed my ssm account for two years plus shirt, and it's worth every penny of it! joined the site so that i could show pics of my c10 and get compliments, even thought it's not finished, i enjoyed getting complemented on it and exposing the build. plus the help and support i get here doesn't hurt either...
98lows10   +1y

Great ideas guys, it is important to support these companies especially the way the economy is going so that they are around for years to come.  I am current on my MT subscription and look out for bigger and better LRD ads coming up in MiniTruckin. I just realized that I have to renew my subscription here as well. 
SSM-Webmaster   +1y
AON-4PumpedCL (Aaron) just upgraded to lifetime membership. We apreciate it man!
iamagearheadru   +1y
It's bad for everyone out there right now.... Yall also don't forget about the show promoters, it's especially hard on us right now too, because we run off sponsorships, vendors, the public and minitrukers, and the mags. So if there are no Mags, there would be no show's if there would be no show's there would be no one building for shows or mags, it's the circle of life.... and without all of those things there would be no vendors and no public to come out and see what ya got. I know is taking a hit because our sponsors are down, and we are paying out of pocket which means there is less money to donate to "RELAY FOR LIFE". Everyone thinks that show promoters make huge bucks and it doesn't cost anything to put on a show, think again.... it cost a lot of time money and effort, and that goes for anything. So they are all right, if you support everyone and try and make it out to stuff, buy stuff, sponsor stuff, vend at stuff, it helps everyone.... Were all scratching each others backs for one common goal..... JUST MY TWO ..

Thanks,RachLater Gators!!!!!