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Mini Truckin General \  HELP SUPPORT OUR SCENE! Here are a few ideas....

HELP SUPPORT OUR SCENE! Here are a few ideas....

Mini Truckin General General Discussions
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SSM-Webmaster   +1y

---------------------------------------------Originally posted by iamagearheadruIt's bad for everyone out there right now.... Yall also don't forget about the show promoters, it's especially hard on us right now too, because we run off sponsorships, vendors, the public and minitrukers, and the mags. So if there are no Mags, there would be no show's if there would be no show's there would be no one building for shows or mags, it's the circle of life.... and without all of those things there would be no vendors and no public to come out and see what ya got. I know is taking a hit because our sponsors are down, and we are paying out of pocket which means there is less money to donate to "RELAY FOR LIFE". Everyone thinks that show promoters make huge bucks and it doesn't cost anything to put on a show, think again.... it cost a lot of time money and effort, and that goes for anything. So they are all right, if you support everyone and try and make it out to stuff, buy stuff, sponsor stuff, vend at stuff, it helps everyone.... Were all scratching each others backs for one common goal..... JUST MY TWO .. Thanks, Rach Later Gators!!!!! ---------------------------------------------ditto Actually, this is 90% of the reason we have an ad in minitruckin right now.. I noticed that the mag was getting thin on advertisers and wanted to do my part to help keep my favorite magazine going. How i am going to pay the bill for that ad is a hard one without membership upgrades so slow right now. It is all a big circle.. Just like he said.. So right now, upgrading your SSM membership actually helps Minitruckin magazine, etc
post photo
Kronicles   +1y

Aaron, Wow dude, I make it a point to keep up on things as much as I can and this is on it. It's the little things as a whole that make this world continue to go round! We have to support each other in every aspect and continue to pay those small fees four our visual enjoyment. The passion that we build when we come into this scene is something that I don't think is comparable to anything else! Those multiple all nighters, those long road trips to get that show you've heard so much about, etc!! It's all in how we come together that's gonna keep us on top and being able to continue to do what we do!  Bad a$$ message for all to pay attention to, I know I'll be getting my 1 yr subscription here soon and following those links for those subscriptions too!!
relaxednoma   +1y
---------------------------------------------Originally posted by Layumon22sminitruckin for $13 a year here sport truck $9 a year here street trucks for $10 a year here thats $32 for 3 magazine subscriptions and a huge way to help support and save your wallet --------------------------------------------- Thanks for taking the time to put these links together. Just did all 3!
SSM-Webmaster   +1y
Edited: 4/9/2009 2:42:48 PM by SSM-WebMaster

i was thinking aout this in the shower (don't ask). Pick one thing in our scene you like. Lets say it is Minitruckin Magazine. You help them by supprting there advertisers and by being a subscriber. You help the advertisers and they help the scene in alot of other ways.  Lets say you love trucks but don't own one and want to help out. Go to a show, pay to get in. If the show doesn't charge you, then make sure you buy something from the venders that are there, even if it is just a hamburger from the food stand. Buy some of the shows raffle tickets. Whatever you can.. What people don't realize is, it is the little things that actually make a big difference. Show your support for the industry as a whole by spending as much money within the industry as you can. Hell, i know a $5.95 SSM membership helps.. so i know even buying a keychain from FBI helps. So lets get out there and go to shows, and buy stuff from the companies in our scene.
98lows10   +1y
I just upgraded my account for a two year gold subscription with the shirt.
OhioFreak   +1y

So I was at Layd out at the Park last weekend, and saw something that bothered me!!!!  I went to the show not only to support my SCENE but also to buy some much needed parts for my ALMOST completed mini, BUT the vendors at the show brought like NO parts with them.  I can understand that the scene is kinda weak right now, but when I hit a BIG show I wanna see vendors with the newest and BEST parts that are on the market right now!!  I feel the vendors are TRULY starting to WIMP out on the show goers lately!!!  I want the vendors to step up to the plate and give the show guys something to look at and give us the stuff we want to buy!!  ALSO, this week I tried to call my FAVORITE vendor(suicidedoors) and it seems when times started getting tough they now are drop shipping everything and not carrying anything IN STOCK anymore!!  What the hell?  I or we as truckers can no longer barter and haggle for good prices on parts!!!  I think THAT SUCKS!!!!  I know there are spelling errors in this post but got no time to fix!!!  Hit me with your comments!!!  I AM TRULY CONCERNED!!!!!!
SSM-Webmaster   +1y

Thanks tom for upgrading! Big help man! And thanks to everyone that bought subscriptions to the magazines,etc because of this thread. We all need to spread this "support the scene financially" message and get everyone involved in it. If we do this then hopefully when the economy pulls out of this mess we will still have all the mags/companies that we love around.
SSM-Webmaster   +1y

sorry to keep posting on this thread but i really stand behind this. In my opinion, the magazines drive the scene. Hell, if there was no minitruckin' magazine i would not be here, and never would have started SSM. And i'd like to think that SSM has been a driving force in the scene as well.. So get out there and go to shows, and subscribe to all the magazines. Buy from the companies that are in our scene anytime you can. If you are buying business cards, get them thru the guys that sell them here on SSM. Anything/everything helps..
AON-4PumpedCL   +1y

I made my SSM contribution today by being the first paying Lifetime member...  who else is going to step up?
tre5   +1y

I just upgraded my account, and I haven't had a real job in 4 months!