Jance Customs
---------------------------------------------Originally posted by OhioFreakSo I was at Layd out at the Park last weekend, and saw something that bothered me!!!! I went to the show not only to support my SCENE but also to buy some much needed parts for my ALMOST completed mini, BUT the vendors at the show brought like NO parts with them. I can understand that the scene is kinda weak right now, but when I hit a BIG show I wanna see vendors with the newest and BEST parts that are on the market right now!! I feel the vendors are TRULY starting to WIMP out on the show goers lately!!! I want the vendors to step up to the plate and give the show guys something to look at and give us the stuff we want to buy!! ALSO, this week I tried to call my FAVORITE vendor(suicidedoors) and it seems when times started getting tough they now are drop shipping everything and not carrying anything IN STOCK anymore!! What the hell? I or we as truckers can no longer barter and haggle for good prices on parts!!! I think THAT SUCKS!!!! I know there are spelling errors in this post but got no time to fix!!! Hit me with your comments!!! I AM TRULY CONCERNED!!!!!!---------------------------------------------Well one thing you need to understand is that is when times get bad you have to cut back. Everyone is the same (to a point) we all have our own lives and families to take care of so if you have to make sacrifics to keep what you have, cutting back on products is just something that comes with the ownership of a business. No one likes to "wimp" out but sometimes if you don't cut back, you will never bounce back.I just upgraded my SSM account to gold!