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Mini Truckin General \  HELP SUPPORT OUR SCENE! Here are a few ideas....

HELP SUPPORT OUR SCENE! Here are a few ideas....

Mini Truckin General General Discussions
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Jance Customs   +1y

---------------------------------------------Originally posted by AON-4PumpedCL  2.  ONLINE SITES - Buy their shirts...hats...stickers.  Help them advertise.  Many of these sites are not money makers, so anything you can do to help will aid in keeping them online.  After a show, think of all the sites that have many of those sites are free to view?  ALL OF THEM!  Now, who pays?  NOONE?  So how do they make money...the answer is advertising, merchandise, etc.  So please support them.  SSM is a little different...stop being a leach and pay the small subscription cost and help this site out.  How many hours of enjoyment, entertainment, and inspiration do you get off this site?  Don't you feel that paying the yearly subscription cost is worth every penny??

 --------------------------------------------- I like number 2!!!!!! I do what I can to help support shows by doing show coverage! Like you said, everyone views it for free and we don't get paid for our time! Great post!

---------------------------------------------Originally posted by AON-4PumpedCL  This post goes out to everyone who has maintained a job through hard times.  Sales are down for all aspects of the minitruckin' community...this is not new news.  Some companies are hanging in there by a few thin threads and they need our support.  The way I look at it, there are 4 key elements that highly motivate people to keep building their rides: MagazinesOnline Websites

Innovative Businesses

Car Shows


1.  GET A SUBSCRIPTION TO MINITRUCKIN', TRUCKIN', STREET TRUCKS, ETC -  For example, Minitruckin' is $18.00 a year...that is $1.50 per issue.  I've never owned a mini truck, but love the fabrication and style of the trucks.  Out of every magazine, I ABSOLUTELY feel that I get my $1.50 value out of it.  Keep in mind, by getting a subscription you are helping their numbers which encourage business' to advertise, stimulate more tech articles, generate more jobs, etc.  $18.00???  THAT IS POCKET CHANGE!


2.  ONLINE SITES - Buy their shirts...hats...stickers.  Help them advertise.  Many of these sites are not money makers, so anything you can do to help will aid in keeping them online.  After a show, think of all the sites that have many of those sites are free to view?  ALL OF THEM!  Now, who pays?  NOONE?  So how do they make money...the answer is advertising, merchandise, etc.  So please support them.  SSM is a little different...stop being a leach and pay the small subscription cost and help this site out.  How many hours of enjoyment, entertainment, and inspiration do you get off this site?  Don't you feel that paying the yearly subscription cost is worth every penny??


3.  SUPPORT BUSINESSES IN OUR SCENE -  When you want to buy brackets, go to someone in our scene.  When you buy wheels, go to someone in our scene.  You get the clue...  In order to get out of our recession, America has to stop being afraid to spend money again.


4.  SUPPORT SHOWS - Buy their t-shirts, chip in as a sponsor or vendor.  Pay their admission fees and show your vehicle.  These shows keep people motivated and give businesses an opportunity to show their new products to a large audience.  I encourage clubs to don't throw shows to think about stepping up to the plate.  Organize a cruise, picnic, anything...


Anyhow, those are my thoughts of the day.  How about in this post we post NOTHING except what we've done lately to support our scene.


-I just paid for a one year subscription to MiniTruckin' and Truckin' magazine..already get Street Trucks.  May not seem like a big deal, but hopefully this post motivates other people to do the same.

...Leading the Hydraulic Revolution.  ALL THIS COMING FROM A CANADIAN TOO! X2 for Minitruckin' (and I don't even drive a minitruck)  
ahab   +1y

Awww   Aaron your my hero.  I also agree with all of this.  If you want this stuff to stay around then buy from your own people.   It would be nice to see more people bringing there rides out to shows.  Its funny when you see a nice vehicle in the parking lot.  Got to spend money to make money people.  MAKE IT RAIN!!!!!
OutkastWagon51   +1y

I am leaving for Layd Out at the Park in the morning to support the scene, and I will defintaely be buying some gear. I will also be supporting the brewing companies a little and having a good laid back time!
HotRodDime   +1y

---------------------------------------------Originally posted by AON-OFFDAHOOK---------------------------------------------Originally posted by AON-4PumpedCL  This post goes out to everyone who has maintained a job through hard times.  Sales are down for all aspects of the minitruckin' community...this is not new news.  Some companies are hanging in there by a few thin threads and they need our support.  The way I look at it, there are 4 key elements that highly motivate people to keep building their rides: MagazinesOnline Websites

Innovative Businesses

Car Shows


1.  GET A SUBSCRIPTION TO MINITRUCKIN', TRUCKIN', STREET TRUCKS, ETC -  For example, Minitruckin' is $18.00 a year...that is $1.50 per issue.  I've never owned a mini truck, but love the fabrication and style of the trucks.  Out of every magazine, I ABSOLUTELY feel that I get my $1.50 value out of it.  Keep in mind, by getting a subscription you are helping their numbers which encourage business' to advertise, stimulate more tech articles, generate more jobs, etc.  $18.00???  THAT IS POCKET CHANGE!


2.  ONLINE SITES - Buy their shirts...hats...stickers.  Help them advertise.  Many of these sites are not money makers, so anything you can do to help will aid in keeping them online.  After a show, think of all the sites that have many of those sites are free to view?  ALL OF THEM!  Now, who pays?  NOONE?  So how do they make money...the answer is advertising, merchandise, etc.  So please support them.  SSM is a little different...stop being a leach and pay the small subscription cost and help this site out.  How many hours of enjoyment, entertainment, and inspiration do you get off this site?  Don't you feel that paying the yearly subscription cost is worth every penny??


3.  SUPPORT BUSINESSES IN OUR SCENE -  When you want to buy brackets, go to someone in our scene.  When you buy wheels, go to someone in our scene.  You get the clue...  In order to get out of our recession, America has to stop being afraid to spend money again.


4.  SUPPORT SHOWS - Buy their t-shirts, chip in as a sponsor or vendor.  Pay their admission fees and show your vehicle.  These shows keep people motivated and give businesses an opportunity to show their new products to a large audience.  I encourage clubs to don't throw shows to think about stepping up to the plate.  Organize a cruise, picnic, anything...


Anyhow, those are my thoughts of the day.  How about in this post we post NOTHING except what we've done lately to support our scene.


-I just paid for a one year subscription to MiniTruckin' and Truckin' magazine..already get Street Trucks.  May not seem like a big deal, but hopefully this post motivates other people to do the same.

...Leading the Hydraulic Revolution.  ALL THIS COMING FROM A CANADIAN TOO! X2 for Minitruckin' (and I don't even drive a minitruck)  ---------------------------------------------This is by far the most educated post i've seen in a looooooooonnnnnngggggggggg time thanks guys for the help and support through these rough times!!!
HotRodDime   +1y

for the ignorant post that got deleted, YES THE SHOOT ACTUALLY WAS FREE  Free studio time, and the models are friends who support the scene as well... that's why there have actually been less models lately because we can only use the ones that will shoot in exchange for the exposure... despite what some ignorant people may think, it takes TONS OF MONEY to try and put out a top quality mag each and every month and we need you guys now more than ever =) Thanks for the support!
msturg   +1y
you ---------------------------------------------Originally posted by HotRodDimefor the ignorant post that got deleted, YES THE SHOOT ACTUALLY WAS FREE  Free studio time, and the models are friends who support the scene as well... that's why there have actually been less models lately because we can only use the ones that will shoot in exchange for the exposure... despite what some ignorant people may think, it takes TONS OF MONEY to try and put out a top quality mag each and every month and we need you guys now more than ever =) Thanks for the support!--------------------------------------------- you have a pm friend
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layedoutcivic   +1y

Upgraded my SSM and Mini truckin   plus im talking to my bank to buy a ride from someone that needs to sell hope to have it by Camp N DRAG   
loudciv   +1y

---------------------------------------------Originally posted by layedoutcivicUpgraded my SSM and Mini truckin   plus im talking to my bank to buy a ride from someone that needs to sell hope to have it by Camp N DRAG   ---------------------------------------------

let me know if you want a bagged accord
k24 rd6   +1y
I just bought a 5 dump manifold
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