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Mini Truckin General \  GOOD READ ABOUT OUR "SCENE"


Mini Truckin General General Discussions
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twistedsdime   +1y

I enjoyed reading that article. It's very true what he said. It's going to take us all as a community to stop these kind of actions. If we see something like these starting in the parking lots then lets not stand there and encourage it. Either walk away or stop it in the best way possible. Thanks for posting that Jeff.
msturg   +1y
I've said it before and I'll say it again, great article Justin
theinternetkid   +1y
Edited: 4/20/2009 7:54:13 PM by theinternetkid

While I agree that behavior at shows gets way out of hand I don't think it has anything to do with the value of our trucks.  There's just no way to make a mid-ninety's pickup worth 50 grand or more. (Unless it's year 2050)
bodied b2600zx (josh)   +1y

I didnt get to go to this show but my sister did. . .   And she has a video of this guy. .   A couple videos actually. .   I was pretty ashamed. .   The guy was an idiot to begin with but those actions shouldn't be encouraged. .   I love goin to shows and havin a good time but theres gotta be a line. .  And it seems like that line is always crossed and the one idiot ruins it all for everyone else. .  That has happened like every year at the RA All Star Event in Millington. .   One year some idiot was doin doughnuts in the grass and another guy did a burnout in the entranceway. .   So they ended the drag contest. .   It sucks. .   Last year a guy was surfing on a door down the hotel stairs. .   I heard that the guy brought the door but come on. .   Thats funny as crap but is it entirely necessary? ? But Justin,  That was a great writeup man. .   I enjoyed reading it. .  -Josh
thenephilm   +1y
Thanks for all of the positive feedback guys.  I had someone on another forum make a comment that I am beating a dead horse with this subject area.  Unfortunately, it isn't working apparently and it's really starting to irritate me.  There is just too much innovation and quality in general with many of the rides being built today for our lifestyle to be defined by the actions of a few dumbasses.  Honestly, I am not really sure what the answer to stop this kind of stuff is other than for everyone to just stop and reflect before making any rash decisions and act like adults.  I am really surprised that shows like Indy Bash lasted as long as they did with all of the crazy dumb crap that would happen there every year.  If anyone has any rational, feasible ideas to help improve this situation, now would be a great time to bring them forward
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get twisted   +1y
Edited: 4/20/2009 8:26:29 PM by GET TWISTED

maybe we should beat the shit out of the dumb asses before they drink we all know who they are even if you are one of those people DONT DRINK  and don't blame it on peer pressure I've seen videos of MINITRUCKN brass fucking up a hotel room and it pisses me off every time he writes about ooo were losing shows  we have the man power to put people in there place and we should all grow some balls and do something about it if some one in you clubs a moron then put them in there place I'm not saying lets all start fighting but damn this is supposed a family DONT LET CUZIN NED DRINK THE MOON SHINE AND DRIVE HIS TRUCK use your heads to think not knock on the hotel walls sorry greenville flash back but newbies will never know how it was cause the current generation of "mini truckers" are juvenile dumb asses and are killing shows left and right for all of us  sorry ill get off my soapbox and breath not to offend anyone but this lifestyle means a lot to me and my kids and some 20something is always fucking it up
thenephilm   +1y
Well I don't condone violence lol but the man did name his son Kaimber so I give him props for that
LayinSDime   +1y
I agree guys draggin, drinkin, and partyin is part of the scene but we just gotta use common sense.  If someone is actin like an ass tell them to stop or leave. However the perception of our scene has little effect on the value of a bagged truck. Custom cars/trucks of all kinds are just hard to make money on due to the functionality and amount of personality in them. The custom vehicles that you see being sold for hundreds of thousands of dollars are usually classic(worth something in junk form) built by high-end/famous builders with endless budgets for clients who are wealthy enough that money is not an issue. It is hard these days for dealers to make money on brand new/showroom floor trucks much less older trucks with miles on them that have been cut up even if they were done right. Keep it low.
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BigWoodyStyle   +1y
Sad......i havent been to a truck show since TexMex07.......theres a reason for that........i just dont get excited about going and knowing that some jackass is going to do something stupid that could cause harm to me or my vehicle. Ive been on this site a long time......i dont get on this site anymore for pretty much the same reason......too many j@ck@sses......its" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">j@ck@sses......its sad that we except these people and even encourage them to act this way......Most of the people who act that way are just attention whores, id be willing to bet most of them drive some beat up primer POS or they saved up enough to get a backyard bagjob and some $600 rims and all of a sudden its a show truck......Its all about the attention! i cant work and save my $$ to build a bad@ss ride so im gonna be the guy who got really drunk and acted stupid so everyone will talk about me!Show promoters are just as guilty having all the dumbass contest and the hardluck awards for guy who get dragging bout bringing that guy up on stage and knockin him upside the head for being a guys can have your beer and tits and hell raising........anyone wants to hang out with me ill be at the hot rod shows with folks who know how to have a good time.........its a shame too, i really do miss seeing some of you guys........the rest of you can kiss my tailgate!  p.s. if i offended you then most likely your one of the j@ck@sses im talking about.........
snicker2938   +1y
losers like that care more about the party, than the trucks,  the true bonds and brotherhood  of the scene. We can  only hope that in time losers like that will fade out of the true scene.  And if they dont i say we beat their ass ,lol